英语听力精选进阶版 7543(在线收听

Taliban militants have carried out a major attack in southern Afghanistan, using multiple suicide bombs, rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns. More than 20 people have been killed. During the assault in Tarin Kowt, the capital of Uruzgan province, a reporter for the BBC's Pashto service, Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, was shot dead. From Kabul, Bilal Sarwary.

塔利班好战分子使用多重自杀式炸弹,火箭推进榴弹和机枪对阿富汗南部发动了重大袭击,造成20多人死亡。在鲁斯加省首府塔林科特的袭击中,BBC普什图语服务记者Ahmed Omed Khpulwak遇难。喀布尔,Bilal Sarwary报道。

In the chaos that followed, Afghan security forces fought with heavily armed insurgents. Eyewitnesses say Nato helicopter gunships were firing from the air. The gun battle spread to the local market, where some shopkeepers were forced to barricade themselves into their shops. Doctors in Tarin Kowt say more than 20 people were killed during the fighting, including 10 children. Amongst the dead was a BBC reporter who had been working nearby. Ahmed Omed Khpulwak had been working for the BBC in Uruzgan since 2008.

在随后的混乱中,阿富汗安全力量与全副武装的反叛分子发生了战斗。目击者表示,北约武装直升机在空中开火。这起枪战扩散到了当地的市场,一些店主被迫躲藏到店铺中。塔林科特的医生表示,在冲突中共有20多人死亡,包括10名儿童。死者中包括在附近工作的一名BBC记者。Ahmed Omed Khpulwak自2008年以来一直在BBC普什图语服务部门工作。

Egypt's official news agency has announced that the trial of the deposed President Hosni Mubarak on corruption charges and ordering the killing of protesters will start next week in Cairo. Here's Jon Leyne.

埃及官方新闻机构宣布,针对被推翻的总统穆巴拉克腐败和下令杀害抗议者的指控的审判将于下周在开罗开始。Jon Leyne报道。

This decision will delight protesters and relatives of those killed in the revolution earlier this year, but they will remain sceptical until they see Hosni Mubarak in the dock in a court in Cairo. The health minister has said that the former president is now fit enough to travel from his hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh to Cairo, and this is where the trial is scheduled to start next Wednesday. A large conference centre is already being prepared. Egyptian state television will be allowed access, most probably for live broadcasting, though that has not yet been confirmed.


Hours before a key vote in Congress on the American debt crisis, leaders of the country's biggest banks have called on President Obama and lawmakers to reach a deal. They say the consequences of failure could be grave. The House of Representatives is due to vote on a Republican Party plan to raise the government's borrowing limit and cut spending. The White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said most Americans understand what's at stake.

美国国会针对债务危机进行关键的投票之前几小时,美国最大的银行的领袖呼吁奥巴马总统和立法者达成协议。他们说,如果双方未达成协议,产生的后果将是非常严重的。众议院将针对共和党提出的提高政府债务限额和削减支出的计划进行投票。白宫发言人卡尼(Jay Carney)表示,大部分美国人都能理解目前形势的危急。

"If Congress does not compromise and does not act, that allowing the United States to default for the first time in its history would have severe economic consequences and would - everyone, every family that owns a home and has a mortgage would be affected. Every American who has a car and a car payment would be affected, a student loan, a credit card. And that's just the beginning, and Congress has a way of waiting until the last minute to do the right thing. We remain confident that it will."


A United States army serviceman has been arrested near Fort Hood military base in Texas after being found with bomb-making materials. Thirteen people were killed by an army psychiatrist at the base two years ago. Officials say the arrested man, Jason Abdo Naser, has admitted planning an attack. He was taken into custody after behaving suspiciously in a gun shop. Police say he'd been absent from another army base since early July.

美国陆军一名军人在得克萨斯胡德堡陆军基地附近被捕,因为他身上携带有制作炸弹的材料。两年前,该基地13人被军队一名精神科医生枪杀。官员表示,被捕男子Jason Abdo Naser已经承认计划发动袭击。他在一家枪械商店行为可疑,随后被拘留。警方表示,他来自另外一个军事基地,自6月初以来一直缺勤。

BBC News

The new President of Peru, Ollanta Humala, has been sworn in, promising the poor a greater share of the benefits of economic growth. During the ceremony, he said he would govern as a moderate, promising to keep existing free market policies. He also pledged to tackle inequality and corruption.

秘鲁新任总统奥利安塔·乌马拉(Ollanta Humala)宣誓就职,承诺穷人能够在经济增长中享有更多利益。在就职仪式中,他表示,他将以温和的方式执政,承诺保持现有的自由市场政策。他还承诺解决不平等和腐败的问题。

"The extraordinary profits of the mining companies must contribute to the national effort to reduce poverty. Contracts will be respected and business will continue, but have no doubt, this significant contribution will benefit the whole country."


The hotel maid who's accused the former chief of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, of sexually assaulting her says she's been left traumatised. At a news conference convened by her supporters in New York, Nafissatou Diallo said she'd been called many bad names.

指控前IMF总裁卡恩性侵犯的酒店女服务员称她受到了精神创伤。在她的支持者在纽约召开的新闻发布会上,Nafissatou Diallo说她得到了许多坏名声。

"These past two months, like I say I'm going through a lot. I was crying. My daughter told me people call you bad names. People tell bad things about you because they don't know you. You have to remember this guy, he's a powerful man. Everybody knows that. But for you, only the people that you work with or our neighbours know(s) you for those people say good things about you."


The New York authorities are considering dropping the case against Mr Strauss-Kahn because of concerns over Ms Diallo's credibility. He denies the charges.


Fresh allegations have emerged of phone hacking at the British newspaper, the News of the World. It now appears that the mother of a murdered schoolgirl, Sara Payne, may have had her mobile phone hacked by an investigator who worked for the paper. Following the abduction and murder 11 years ago, the News of the World campaigned vigorously on her behalf for paedophiles' addresses to be made public.

关于英国《世界新闻报》电话窃听事件出现了新的指控。被谋杀的女孩Sara Payne的母亲的电话可能也被该报纸的调查人员窃听过。11年前,世界新闻报对这起绑架和谋杀案进行了追踪报道,代表Sara Payne大肆宣扬,要求将恋童癖者的讲话公诸于众。
