英语听力精选进阶版 7544(在线收听

One week after 77 people in Norway were killed in a bomb attack and a mass shooting, the first funerals and memorial services for the victims have taken place. The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said it was an attack on the heart of democracy. Police in Oslo have questioned Anders Behring Breivik, the man who's admitted carrying out the attacks, as Jon Brain reports.

挪威77人在炸弹爆炸和大规模枪击事件中遇难一周之后,国家为受害者举行首场葬礼和追悼会。首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)表示,这是民主制度的中心遭遇的袭击。奥斯陆警方已经对承认实施这次袭击的男子安德斯·布雷维克(Anders Behring Breivik)进行了审讯。Jon Brain报道。

Anders Breivik himself has been questioned by detectives today for the first time since the weekend. At a news conference, a lawyer for the police said the self-confessed gunman's demeanour hadn't changed.


"During the interview on Friday and Saturday, he was calm and he was more than willing to explain himself about the things he had done. Considering the circumstances, he's more calm and normal in that situation I would say."


This evening, Breivik is back in solitary confinement. Over the next few days, friends and relatives of his victims are facing the prospect of dozens more funerals.


President Obama has urged Americans to increase pressure on their politicians to resolve the political impasse over the country's budget deficit because he said time was fast running out. Mr Obama warned that the US risked losing its AAA credit rating.


"On Monday night, I asked the American people to make their voice heard in this debate, and the response was overwhelming. So please, to all the American people, keep it up. If you want to see a bipartisan compromise - a bill that can pass both houses of Congress and that I can sign - let your members of Congress know. Make a phone call. Send an email. Tweet. Keep the pressure on Washington, and we can get past this."


The secret testimony of the former US President Richard Nixon to a grand jury investigating the Watergate scandal is to be made public for the first time some 36 years after it was given. A federal judge ordered the transcript to be released after a historian requested access. The judge said the testimony's historical significance far outweighed arguments for continued secrecy. The Watergate scandal surrounded a break-in at Democratic Party headquarters, causing President Nixon to resign.


Tens of thousands of demonstrators filled Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital Cairo throughout the day in what appears to have been the largest protest since the fall of President Mubarak. Muslim leaders had urged their followers to attend in a show of strength. Jon Leyne was in Tahrir Square.

Once again, huge numbers packed Tahrir Square. But this time, not the young secular liberals who led the revolution against Hosni Mubarak, these were Islamists - some supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, others who support an even more radical interpretation of Islam, known as Salafists. The noise and the size of the crowd was impressive, but it's still not clear precisely how much support Islamists have in Egypt as a whole.

World News from the BBC

Turkey's military commander has resigned along with the heads of the country's navy, army and air force. The resignations follow reports of growing tension between the secularist military and the Turkish government. Correspondents say friction has been fuelled by an ongoing trial of dozens of senior military officers accused of plotting to overthrow the government.


The United Nations humanitarian agency has warned that the whole of southern Somalia is slipping into famine as the food crisis in the Horn of Africa deepens. The UN has already declared a famine in two areas of southern Somalia, where 30% of children are acutely malnourished. Somalis fleeing to neighbouring Kenya are said to be arriving in increasingly poor condition.


A combined naval force from Honduras and the United States says it's recovered 2.5 tonnes of cocaine from a submarine used by drug traffickers. Warren Bull reports.

洪都拉斯和美国联合海军力量表示,他们在贩毒分子使用的潜艇上缴获了2.5吨可卡因。Warren Bull报道。

A Honduran general, Rene Osorio, said the cocaine was packed into 100 bundles and that there could be another 2.5 tonnes of the drug left on board the submarine. The Honduran authorities say they think the submarine was coming from Colombia. Honduras is on a key route used by South American cartels trafficking illegal drugs to the United States. And Mexican cartels have increasingly transported drug consignments through Central American countries since the Mexican President Felipe Calderon launched a military campaign to defeat them over 4.5 years ago.

洪都拉斯将军Rene Osorio表示,这些可卡因被打包成100束,这意味着潜艇上有2.5吨毒品。洪都拉斯当局表示,他们认为这艘潜艇来自哥伦比亚。洪都拉斯是南美毒品组织向美国走私毒品的关键路径。自墨西哥总统卡尔德龙四年半以前发动了取缔毒品组织的军事行动之后,墨西哥毒品卡特尔越来越多地通过中美国家来运输毒品。

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the rebel-held Libyan city of Benghazi to mourn the death of the rebel military commander General Abdul Fatah Younis. He was killed on Thursday in what are still mysterious circumstances. The head of the rebel leadership council said General Younis was killed by an armed gang after he'd been recalled for questioning about suspicions that his family still had ties with Colonel Gaddafi's government. But the gang's identity and motives have not been disclosed.

在叛军控制的利比亚城市班加西,数千人走向街头悼念叛军军事指挥官尤尼斯(Abdul Fatah Younis)。他于周四遇难,具体的情形仍然未知。叛军领导委员会表示,尤尼斯因涉嫌家人与卡扎菲上校的政府仍然有联系而从前线被召回,途中遭遇武装分子枪杀。但是官方并未披露匪徒的身份和动机。
