英语听力精选进阶版 7549(在线收听

Stock markets in Europe and the United States have fallen sharply with concern that the eurozone debt crisis could spread to Italy and Spain. The falls came despite interventions by policymakers aimed at restoring calm. The markets in London, Paris and Frankfurt were all down by more than 3%. In the United States, the Dow has closed down 4%. Caroline Hepker reports from New York.

由于担忧欧元区债务危机会扩散至西班牙和意大利,欧洲和美国的股票市场大幅下跌。尽管试图重建平稳秩序的政策制定者采取了干预措施,股市仍然下跌。伦敦,巴黎和法兰克福的股价均下跌了超过3%、在美国,道琼斯工业指数收盘时下跌4%。Caroline Hepker在纽约报道。

Disastrous was the way one trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange described the drop in US shares on Thursday. The reason for the stock market rout is a combination of fears over the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and growing concern about the US recovery. There has been a string of worrying economic data in America in recent days: economic growth slowed to a trickle this year; consumer spending fell in June, and both the manufacturing and the service sector are sluggish.


A court in France has approved an investigation into allegations that the new head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, abused her position when she was the French finance minister. The case centres on a $400m compensation payment to a businessman. From Paris, here's Christian Fraser.

有人指控IMF新任总裁拉加德在担任法国财长期间滥用职权,法国一家法庭已经批准进行调查。该案件集中在对一名商人高达4亿美元的赔偿方面。巴黎,Christian Fraser报道。

In 2008, just months into the job as the first female finance minister of France, Christine Lagarde used her powers to bring to an end a court battle that had run for years. Bernard Tapie, a wealthy businessman and controversial figure here in France, had accused the former state-owned bank Credit Lyonnais of mishandling the sale of his share in the sportswear manufacturer Adidas. Prosecutors allege she went beyond her powers, complicit, they said, in the embezzlement of public funds. Ms Lagarde has always denied any wrongdoing or any suggestion she profited personally.

2008年,刚刚成为法国首任女财长几个月,拉加德利用自己的权利终结了一宗持续了多年的法庭案件。富有的商人,法国有争议的人物Bernard Tapie指控前国有银行里昂信贷错误地抛售了他持有的运动服饰制造商阿迪达斯的股票。检控官指控她越权同谋挪用公众资金。拉加德一直否认自己做错事,否认为自己谋利。

Syrian activists say the city of Hama is suffering severe food and medical shortages after five days of being besieged by government forces. The activists say 30 people were killed on Wednesday when troops backed by tanks retook control of the city centre. Jim Muir reports from neighbouring Lebanon.

叙利亚活动积极分子表示,被政府军队围困五天之后,哈马市遭受着严重的食物和药品短缺。积极分子表示,周三,政府军队在坦克的掩护下重新控制了市中心,造成30人死亡。Jim Muir在邻国黎巴嫩报道。

Despite the army assault, Hama remains defiant with protests like this breaking out after nighttime prayers for the fasting month of Ramadan. In addition to water and electricity being cut off, the blackout on virtually all communication with Hama has meant that very little is known about the storming of the city by troops and tanks, and the number of casualties involved. In the meantime, residents speak of regime militia shooting at anything that moves in the streets, and they say they are having to bury their dead in gardens and public parks for fear of venturing to cemeteries.


The government of Libya says it now fully controls the western frontline town of Zlitan. On Wednesday, government troops announced a major offensive against rebels in the town, but foreign journalists who've been driven there by officials say there's no sign of the insurgents.


You're listening to the World News from the BBC.

The Israeli government has given final approval for more than 900 new homes in occupied East Jerusalem. The move to build houses for Jewish families in the settlement of Har Homa has been criticised by peace groups as cynical. They say it'll cut off the Palestinian town of Bethlehem from Arab areas of East Jerusalem, but the government says it'll help address Israel's housing shortage.

以色列政府最终批准在被占领的东耶路撒冷建设900多座新房屋。在哈尔霍马(Har Homa)为犹太人建设房屋的举动被和平组织批评为愤世嫉俗的。他们说,此举将会使巴勒斯坦城镇伯利恒从东耶路撒冷的阿拉伯区域切断,但是政府称此举将帮助解决以色列的房屋短缺问题。

The United Nations says it'll take at least 25 years to clear up pollution from oil operations in the Ogoniland region of Nigeria. A report by the UN Environment Programme said oil spills had contaminated land, sea and air to such an extent that it seriously threatened public health in some areas. A spokesman for the UNEP, Nick Nuttall, told the BBC about the scale of the problem.

联合国表示,清理尼日利亚奥戈尼兰地区石油泄漏造成的污染需要至少25年的时间。联合国环境规划署表示,石油泄漏严重污染了土地,海洋和空气,在某些地区甚至威胁到公众健康。环境规划署发言人Nick Nuttall向BBC讲述了问题的严重性。

"The United Nations Environment Programme over 14 months has toured the length and breadth of Ogoniland to assess the oil pollution. It is serious. It has gone much further and much deeper into the land than previously had been supposed. It's going to take at least 25 years to restore the health of Ogoniland back to pre-oil days."


Riot police in the Chilean capital Santiago have used tear gas and water cannon to break up protests by students. More than 100 people were detained as they tried to march to the city centre. Chile has endured weeks of protests by students and teachers demanding education reforms. They've called for fundamental reform and increased investment in the public education system. President Sebastian Pinera has offered extra funding.


Scientists have found what they believe may be the first evidence of flowing water on Mars. Nasa researchers say images taken by one of their spacecraft show clusters of dark lines on some slopes of the planet. These markings disappear in the winter. The scientists say their best explanation for this is the flow of salty water, possibly underground, although they say the findings don't provide direct evidence of water on Mars.

