英语听力精选进阶版 7551(在线收听

There have been further disturbances in parts of Britain after the unprecedented wave of rioting and looting that brought chaos to several cities on Monday night. Several hundred youths are reported to have clashed with riot police in central Manchester, where a large store has been set on fire. A short while ago, the BBC correspondent there, Arif Ansari, gave us details about the clashes.

周一晚上,前所未有的骚乱和抢劫风波为几座城市带来混乱,随后,英国部分地区又发生了进一步的骚动。据报道,几百名年轻人在曼彻斯特中部与防暴警察发生冲突,当地一座大型商场被纵火。不久之前,BBC记者Arif Ansari向我们发送了冲突的详细内容。

I'm currently at Piccadilly, which is the main street through Manchester city centre. There are running battles going on now between the police and around two dozen young men and women - youths, teenagers - under the age of 20. The police are running after them. I see one young man who is seriously injured on the floor. There's no ambulance here, but there are just police who are walking past, and he seems to be very hurt.


There have also been a number of incidents in the Birmingham area, where youths broke shop windows and set fire to cars. The police have greatly increased their presence on the streets following Monday night's trouble. The decision came after a high-level security meeting chaired by the Prime Minister David Cameron. Here's our political correspondent Norman Smith.

伯明翰也发生了几起事故,年轻人打破了商店玻璃,纵火点燃汽车。周一晚上的暴乱之后,在街上巡逻的警察的人数已经增加。该决定是在首相卡梅伦召开了高层安全会议之后做出的。下面是我们的政治通讯员Norman Smith的报道。

The option of adopting a more aggressive continental approach with the use of curfews, water cannon and even rubber bullets has for now been rejected. Instead, there will be a massive increase in police numbers with 16,000 officers on the capital's streets. There will also be a much more aggressive approach towards arresting troublemakers and a fast-track judicial process to ensure those arrested appear in court within hours.


[The official] police watchdog has said there's no evidence to suggest that Mark Duggan, the man whose death sparked the riots, fired at armed police before they shot him. It said it appeared a handgun found nearby had not been used. An inquest has opened into Mr Duggan's death. It heard that he'd been killed by a single gunshot to the chest. The BBC has been told that the police marksmen had perceived a threat to life when they tried to arrest Mr Duggan, who was a passenger in a minibus taxi. Police say the officers involved have been taken off firearms duties.

警察官方监督机构表示,没有证据表明Mark Duggan在武警将他击毙之前向警方开枪。这场暴动就是由Mark Duggan的死引发的。该监督机构表示,在附近发现的一把手枪并没有使用过。目前已经针对Duggan的死展开调查。据称他是胸部中一枪之后身亡。BBC被告知,警方射手在试图逮捕乘坐小型出租车的Duggan时意识到存在生命威胁。警方表示,相关警察已经被解除了佩枪执行任务的权利。

The United States Federal Reserve has announced that it will hold interest rates near their current level of nearly zero for at least two more years in another effort to help the domestic economy and to calm widespread fears on the markets. It's the first time the Fed has pledged to keep rates so low for a specific period. Here's Duncan Bartlett.

美联储宣布,他们将继续保持目前接近零的利率水平至少两年的时间,帮助刺激国内经济增长,平息对市场广泛的担忧。这是美联储首次明确承诺保持低利率特定的时间。Duncan Bartlett报道。

The falls in American share prices have been so sustained that the Fed felt it had to do something dramatic to change the pessimistic mood. The bank will be hoping it has more credibility with the market than government and politicians, whose messy compromise over raising America's debt ceiling was one of the main reasons behind the recent market rout. Many economists worry that America and Europe's debt problems combined could lead to another global recession.


World News from the BBC

The Libyan government has accused Nato forces of killing 85 civilians in an attack on a village in western Libya on Monday. Nato said its target was a military facility and could not confirm any civilian casualties at this stage. The BBC's Matthew Price was among the journalists who were taken to the scene by the Libyan government.

利比亚政府指控北约军队在周一袭击利比亚西部一个村庄时杀害了85名平民。北约表示,他们的袭击目标是军事设施,现阶段还不能确认是否造成平民伤亡。许多记者被利比亚政府带到现场,BBC记者Matthew Price就是其中一人。

Our government minders first took us to a remote collection of buildings south of the town of Zlitan. There has clearly been a series of air strikes. The Libyan information minister told us 85 civilians were killed here, that everything about the place was civilian. Later, we were taken to a morgue, about 30 white body bags lay inside. Those that were opened for us contained mostly the bodies of men of fighting age. We were also shown two dead children. The bodies of two women were also displayed.


Scientists say some European species of mice have developed resistance to the strongest pest control by crossbreeding with an entirely different species. Such interbreeding is usually limited because the offspring are sterile. Here's our science reporter Matt McGrath.

科学家表示,欧洲一些品种的老鼠通过与完全不同的品种杂交,对最有力的害虫防治方法产生了抵抗力。这种异种杂交是非常有限的,因为他们的后代是不育的。我们的科学记者Matt McGrath报道。

Rodents have been slowly evolving resistance to pesticides since they were first used in the 1950s. But scientists now say that German and Spanish house mice have found a rapid method of overcoming the threat by crossbreeding with desert-dwelling Algerian mice, entirely distinct species. Normally this type of interbreeding produces sterile offspring, but this time some fertile female hybrids survived, and as a result the majority of mice in Spain and a growing number in Germany now have genetic protection against poison.


The United Nations children's organisation Unicef has warned that Pakistan could become one of the world's last outposts of polio with 63 new cases reported this year. It said almost one third of the cases were detected in the southwestern province of Balochistan, where the virus is spreading to areas previously not infected.

