英语听力精选进阶版 7565(在线收听

A new audio message has been broadcast from Colonel Gaddafi, urging Libyans to destroy the rebels as heavy fighting again broke out in parts of Tripoli. He appealed to people in Jfara, a district near Tripoli, to march on the capital and emulate the struggle for independence against the former colonial power in Libya, Italy.


"Our tribes in Jfara, march, march, keep marching towards the city of Tripoli as you marched towards Tripoli when it was attacked by the Italians in 1911. The same march is being repeated now. Confront them, confront them and purge the great city of Tripoli from these rats - the agents of colonialism."


Meanwhile, there's been fighting between rebels and forces loyal to the colonel in the Abu Salim neighbourhood of Tripoli. There have been unconfirmed claims from rebel sources that Colonel Gaddafi or his sons might be hiding in residential buildings in the area.

同时,叛军和忠于卡扎菲上校的力量在的黎波里社区Abu Salim爆发了战斗。未经证实的叛军消息来源称卡扎菲上校或他的儿子可能藏身该社区的居民建筑中。

Rebel forces are now advancing on the city of Sirte, Colonel Gaddafi's birthplace and his principal remaining stronghold. A BBC correspondent says the morale of the Libyan rebels is high. He said teenagers sitting on tanks cheered as they passed for what they hope will be the final battle of the war, but our correspondent says the Gaddafi loyalists are putting up stubborn resistance. The BBC has been shown evidence of war crimes alleged to have been committed by Colonel Gaddafi's forces just days before the fall of Tripoli. Our correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes has been taken to see the bodies of a group who appeared to have been tortured and shot.

叛军力量现在在卡扎菲上校的出生地以及主要的堡垒苏尔特不断向前推进。BBC一名记者表示,利比亚叛军的士气非常高涨。他表示,青少年坐在坦克上庆祝他们所希望的最后一场战争即将结束,但是我们的记者表示,卡扎菲的忠实者进行了顽强的抵抗。BBC收到证据表明,的黎波里被攻破几天之前,卡扎菲上校的军队犯下了战争罪。我们的记者Rupert Wingfield-Hayes看到了似乎曾经遭遇酷刑和枪击的一些遇难者的尸体。

Outside the Mitiga Hospital in eastern Tripoli, a group of men in white smocks and masks are loading the remains of 17 men onto a truck. They think that these 17 men were picked up by Gaddafi forces at checkpoints around the city and taken to a schoolhouse near here which was being used as a temporary prison. They were then tortured, and as the Gaddafi forces retreated they were executed. One of the victims looks to be about 15 years old. If they do catch Gaddafi alive, evidence from this investigation could be part of the prosecution against him in The Hague.


One of the world's most influential financiers, Warren Buffett, is investing $5bn in the Bank of America. The bank's shares have fallen by a third this month and lost more than half their value this year over investor concerns about losses in its home loans business. With the details, here's Andrew Walker.

世界上最有影响力的投资家之一巴菲特向美国银行投资50亿美元。本月,由于投资者担忧美国银行在房产贷款方面的损失,该银行股价下跌了三分之一,今年之内价值损失了超过一半。Andrew Walker报道详细内容。

There have been worries in the financial markets that Bank of America could be seriously damaged by losses in its home loans business. That has been reflected in a falling share price. Now the highly regarded investor Warren Buffett is putting in $5bn of capital from his company, the Berkshire Hathaway. That move does two things: it gives Bank of America an additional cushion to absorb any losses, and the fact that Mr Buffett's involved is seen by many in the markets as a vote of confidence in the bank, whose share price rose after the announcement.Andrew Walker reporting.

金融市场担忧美国银行由于房产贷款业务的损失将会遭遇严重挫败。这通过股价的下跌反映出来。现在,受到高度评价的股神巴菲特通过他的公司Berkshire Hathaway向美国银行投资50亿美元。此举有两个作用:使美国银行有足够的缓冲力来吸收任何损失,而且,巴菲特在金融界的地位使得此举相当于为美国银行投了信任票。该决定宣布之后,美国银行的股价开始上涨。Andrew Walker报道。

World News from the BBC

African leaders meeting in Addis Ababa have pledged more than $350m for millions of people suffering from the effects of drought and famine in the Horn of Africa. Of this, $300m came from the African Development Bank. Civil society organisations said they were disappointed that just four African heads of state attended.


Gunmen have attacked a number of police stations and banks in northeastern Nigeria, killing at least 12 people. Nigerian police blame the raids in the town of Gombi on Islamist militants, who've been linked with a wave of violence in the region. But a local official said the attackers had been armed robbers. Their victims are reported to have included several police officers.


Police in northern Austria say they are investigating a man accused of imprisoning and sexually abusing his two daughters in his home over a period of 40 years. The man, who's in his 80s, denies the allegations. Reports suggest one of the daughters had overpowered her father when he tried to rape her. A statement said the two women had been allowed limited contact with the outside world, but were intimidated into not speaking out.


Spain's top footballers have called off their strike and will be back in action on Saturday after resolving a pay dispute in marathon negotiations overnight. The row forced the postponement of the opening games in Spain's top two divisions last weekend. From Madrid, here's Sarah Rainsford.

连夜进行了马拉松式的谈判,解决了薪资纠纷之后,西班牙足球运动员取消了罢工,将从周六开始恢复运转。这次争端导致原本定于上周六举行的比赛被推迟。马德里,Sarah Rainsford报道。

Football fans here in Spain and around the world can breathe a sigh of relief. La Liga kicks back into action this weekend after the first players' strike in 27 years was called off. Talks between the players' association and the football league ran until dawn on Thursday morning before resuming later. Eventually, the two sides emerged with a deal agreeing to an emergency fund to guarantee players' wages. They also agreed that any player unpaid for three months on the run can break his contract and sign for someone else.

西班牙和全世界的球迷现在可以松一口气了。27年来球员进行的首次罢工取消之后,La Liga俱乐部重新开始运转。足球运动员协会与足球联盟之间的对话持续到周四早上,随后重新开始。最后,双方达成协议,建立紧急基金,保障队员的薪资。他们还同意三个月未拿到薪资的队员可以不遵守合同,与其他俱乐部签约。
