英语听力精选进阶版 7573(在线收听

The United Nations nuclear energy agency, the IAEA, says it's increasingly concerned that Iran is working on a nuclear weapons programme. In a report, the IAEA says it has new evidence about Iran's work with highly enriched uranium, suitable for bombs. Kerry Skyring reports from Vienna.

联合国核能机构IAEA(国际原子能机构)表示,他们越来越担忧伊朗正在制造核武器。在一份报告中,IAEA表示,他们有新的证据表明伊朗正在加工用于制造核弹的高浓缩铀。Kerry Skyring在维也纳报道。

The International Atomic Energy Agency says it continues to receive new information on activities in Iran related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile. That information, it says, has been acquired from many of its member states and through its own efforts. Iran continues to deny the allegations and says its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful. However, in the same report, the IAEA says Iran has begun installing machines for creating highly enriched uranium at an underground site near the holy city of Qom.


President Obama has scrapped proposals to tighten rules on air pollution. He ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to shelve the plans to reduce concentrations of ozone from factories and power companies - one of the main contributors to smog. From Washington, Marcus George.

奥巴马总统暂时废除了加强空气污染规则的提议。他下令环保署暂时搁置降低工厂和发电站向空气中排放的臭氧的浓度的计划。臭氧是造成雾气的主要因素之一。Marcus George在华盛顿报道。

It's an unexpected U-turn for President Obama that underscores how sensitive he is about America's economic woes. The Environmental Protection Agency had put forward the measures to help prevent thousands of premature deaths from heart and lung disease, and save billions of dollars in health costs. Industry groups and Republicans have welcomed the decision, saying the new standards would have been a further burden on the US economy, but it's been criticised by environmentalists and some Democrats, who accuse the president of caving in under Republican pressure.


The leader of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, has said the opposition leadership will move from its present seat in the city of Benghazi to the capital Tripoli next week. He was speaking at the airport in Benghazi on his return from a conference on Libya. Jon Leyne reports from Benghazi.

利比亚全国过渡委员会主席贾利勒(Mustafa Abdel Jalil)表示,反对派领导机构下周将从目前的班加西搬到首都的黎波里。他结束了关于利比亚的会议回国之后在班加西机场发表讲话。Jon Leyne在班加西报道。

For the first time after his many travels, the opposition leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil received a formal red-carpet welcome at Benghazi airport. Members of the opposition leadership, military officers and tribal leaders lined up to congratulate him on securing a commitment to continued Nato support and the unfreezing of a third of Libya's foreign assets. Mustafa Abdul Jalil then announced that he would be moving to Tripoli along with the rest of the opposition leadership sometime next week. That's the moment the opposition will probably formally declare themselves the new government - a moment of huge significance in Libyan history.


Turkey has expelled the Israeli ambassador and suspended all military agreements with Israel. The move follows the leak of a UN report which says the Israeli military used excessive force when it raided a flotilla heading for Gaza last year. Nine Turkish activists were killed. The report said that although the Israeli commandos used unreasonable force, they had acted in self-defence.


BBC News

The authorities in Colombia have arrested more than 30 people in two operations against the illegal drugs trade. The country's president said they are suspected of exporting cocaine to the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico and are wanted in the United States. The authorities confiscated 21 light aircraft, drugs money and small submarines.


A state police officer in Mexico has been arrested in connection with an arson attack last week on a casino in the northern city of Monterrey, which killed 52 people. It's thought the attack may have been linked to an extortion racket. Five suspected members of the Zetas drug cartel were arrested on Sunday. Julian Miglierini reports from Mexico City.

墨西哥一名警察因涉嫌与上周北部城市蒙特雷一座赌场的纵火案有关而被捕。火灾造成52人死亡。据称袭击是由于敲诈勒索行为。哲塔斯毒品卡特尔五名嫌疑人于周日被捕。Julian Miglierini在墨西哥城报道。

The arrest of the Nuevo Leon state police officer comes as an embarrassment for local authorities in the wake of the attack - one of the deadliest acts in Mexico's long-running security conflict. According to investigators, video surveillance footage shows officer Miguel Angel Barraza was outside the casino while the attack took place. They believe that the officer was providing cover for the criminals as they were dousing the building with fuel and setting it ablaze.

Nuevo Leon省一名警察被捕之时,袭击之后的当地警察局非常尴尬,因为这是墨西哥持续已久的安全冲突中最致命的事件之一。据调查人员所说,视频录像显示,袭击发生时,警官Miguel Angel Barraza就在赌场外。他们相信这名警官为犯罪分子提供掩护,使他们得以在这栋建筑周围浇上汽油,然后纵火。

James Murdoch, who's boss of the UK wing of the media giant News Corporation, has turned down a bonus worth around $6m in the wake of a phone-hacking scandal, which has rocked the company. In a statement, Mr Murdoch said he felt that declining the bonus was the right thing to do. Allegations that News Corporation journalists illegally hacked the phones of politicians, celebrities and even murder victims led to the closure of one of the company's leading titles, the News of the World.


Argentina has won a friendly match against Venezuela 1-0 in the Indian city of Calcutta in the first ever international football match hosted by India. The match was watched by more than 120,000 Indian spectators. The organisers hope the match will inspire more Indians to play football.

