英语听力精选进阶版 7575(在线收听

Fighters loyal to the National Transitional Council in Libya, who are surrounding the desert town of Bani Walid, say talks with pro-Gaddafi forces there have failed. Hundreds of rebel fighters in trucks mounted with heavy weapons are stationed within kilometres of the town, southeast of the capital Tripoli. The rebels' chief negotiator Abdullah Kenchil spoke to reporters about the failure of the negotiations.

正在包围沙漠小镇班尼瓦里(Bani Walid)的全国过渡委员会忠诚战士宣布亲卡扎菲的力量已经失败。乘坐卡车的全副武装的数百名叛军战士已经驻扎在首都的黎波里东南部这个小镇几千米以外。叛军首席谈判人员Abdullah Kenchil告诉记者谈判已经失败。

"I don't have anything to offer right now, and I hope those brigades in Bani Walid to leave soon."


"So it's finished, negotiations."


"From my side, yes. We hope that no bloodshed (and) especially when Gaddafi and his sons and his Kadar Admiral brigades move to these cities and keep them as hostage."

“从我们这一方来看是的。我们希望不要再发生流血牺牲的现象,尤其是卡扎菲和他的儿子以及Kadar Admiral军队来到这些城市将他们劫持的时候。”

The Libyan opposition in Benghazi say that one of Colonel Gaddafi's sons has been killed near Tripoli and has been buried near Bani Walid. Khamis Gaddafi was the commander of the 32nd Reinforced Brigade, the best trained and equipped force in the Libyan military. Jon Leyne reports from Benghazi.

利比亚班加西反对派表示,卡扎菲上校的一个儿子在的黎波里附近被击毙,被埋葬在班尼瓦里附近。哈米斯·卡扎菲是第32加强旅的指挥官,是利比亚军队中受过的训练和装备最好的部队。Jon Leyne在班加西报道。

Days after the first unconfirmed report of his death, the opposition say they can now confirm that Khamis Gaddafi was killed. They say it happened in fighting just outside Tripoli and he's been buried in the town of Bani Walid, where there's currently a standoff between Gaddafi loyalists and opposition forces. The opposition say Muhammad Senussi, the son of the feared intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi was also killed. Khamis Gaddafi was head of one of Colonel Gaddafi's elite military brigades, known as the Khamis Brigade, a unit with a notorious reputation for brutality.

第一次未经证实的报道宣称哈米斯已经死亡几天之后,反对派表示他们现在可以证实哈米斯·卡扎菲已被击毙。他们说,哈米斯在的黎波里城外的战斗中被击毙,被埋葬在小镇班尼瓦里。现在,这个小镇卡扎菲的忠实者和反对派力量之间已经陷入僵局。反对派表示,利比亚情报机构最高负责人阿卜杜拉·塞努希(Abdullah Senussi)的儿子穆罕默德·塞努希也在这次战斗中被击毙。哈米斯是卡扎菲上校精英部队哈米斯旅团的指挥官。该部队以残忍而臭名昭著。

The National Transitional Council in Benghazi says that it has now taken control of key parts of a major pipeline network south of Tripoli, known as the Great Man-Made River. It's hoped that the water supply can be restored to the capital soon. Since Tripoli fell to anti-Gaddafi forces, the city has had no running water and little electricity.


As violence continues in Syria, the head of the Arab League says that he plans to visit this week to express concern about months of bloodshed. The Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi said that the government in Damascus had agreed to his trip. Owen Bennett-Jones reports from neighbouring Lebanon.

随着叙利亚的暴力活动继续,阿拉伯联盟负责人表示,他计划本周访问叙利亚,表达对几个月来的血腥形势的担忧。秘书长阿拉比(Nabil al-Arabi)表示,大马士革政府已经同意了他的访问。Owen Bennett-Jones在邻国黎巴嫩报道。

The secretary general of the Arab League said that the Syrian government had told him it would welcome a visit. Nabil al-Arabi has said that he will be going to Damascus to listen, but he will also be carrying a critical message. The Arab League has publicly spoken of the Syrian people's legitimate aspirations for political and social reform. Together with EU and US sanctions, and critical statements from Turkey and even Iran, it means President Bashar al-Assad is increasingly isolated.


In the latest unrest, Syrian state media reported that nine people were killed in an ambush near the city of Hama. Pro-democracy activists say 12 demonstrators were killed elsewhere.


World News from the BBC

There have been more ethnic and religious killings in the central Nigerian town of Jos. Three Muslims were killed on Saturday evening, and a family of eight Christians died from gunshots early on Sunday. About 80 people have died in the town since Monday.


A Burmese news magazine has published an interview with the pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. It's the first time the authorities have permitted this inside Burma since her release from years of detention. Here's Viv Marsh.

缅甸一家新闻杂志发表了对支持民主派领袖昂山素季的采访。这是自昂山素季结束几年的软禁获释以来当局首次允许缅甸国内杂志刊登对她的采访。Viv Marsh报道。

An executive editor at the weekly magazine, the Messenger, told the BBC that the interview was conducted just after Aung San Suu Kyi was freed last November, but that the journal hadn't been authorised to publish it until now. Her release came days after elections that paved the way for a nominally civilian government in Burma after nearly half a century of military rule. The interview's subject matter is relatively uncontentious. It deals with the prospects for young people in Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi's hopes that they'll study more. But it comes two weeks after she met the country's president amid a series of initiatives by the new administration designed to show it reaching out to former foes.


Early results from a regional election in Germany suggest another setback for the Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her Christian Democrat Party appears to be more than 4% down on its previous result in a northeastern state in 2006. The Christian Democrats concede that government decisions on the eurozone debt crisis have dented their popularity.


There's been a series of attacks on historic monuments in Rome. In the first, a man was filmed on closed-circuit television cameras hitting a marble statue on a fountain in the Piazza Navona. Hours later, a man was filmed throwing a rock at the Trevi Fountain in the city centre, and a 20-year-old American student was caught scaling a wall of the Colosseum and also trying to chip away pieces of marble from the Roman amphitheatre.

