英语听力精选进阶版 7580(在线收听

The Egyptian Information Minister Osama Haikal has said that Egypt is in a deep crisis and that activists who ransacked the Israeli embassy on Friday night had hurt Egypt's image abroad. Mr Haikal said that those responsible for the attack would be tried in emergency state security courts. Bethany Bell reports from Cairo.

埃及信息部长Osama Haikal表示,埃及陷入严重的危机,周五晚上洗劫以色列大使馆的活动积极分子危害了埃及在国外的形象。Haikal表示,这次袭击事件的责任人将在紧急安全法庭接受审判。Bethany Bell在开罗报道。

Egypt has promised to crack down on the protesters involved in the attack and to protect Cairo's embassies. The clashes at the Israeli mission, which went on all night, have shocked people both here and abroad. Reports on Egyptian state television said Egypt's prime minister offered to step down, but his resignation was refused by the country's military leader Field Marshal Tantawi. Under Egypt's former leader Hosni Mubarak, such violent displays of anger against Israel wouldn't have been tolerated.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel remains committed to its peace treaty with Egypt. He said Israel was working with Cairo on creating strong enough security for the return of the Israeli ambassador and other embassy staff.


The head of the Libyan National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, has flown from Benghazi to the Libyan capital Tripoli for the first time since rebels took control of the city. He was greeted by hundreds of supporters before being driven to a hotel. Mr Abdul Jalil had until now remained in Benghazi. More from Peter Biles, who watched Mr Abdul Jalil's arrival at the airport in Tripoli.

利比亚全国过渡委员会主席穆斯塔法(Mustafa Abdul-Jalil)从班加西飞往利比亚首都的黎波里,这还是叛军控制这座城市以来的首次。他在搭车前往酒店之前受到数百名支持者的热烈欢迎。此前,穆斯塔法一直在班加西。Peter Biles现场观看了穆斯塔法抵达的黎波里的场景,为我们报道更详细内容。

There were chaotic scenes when Mustafa Abdul Jalil emerged from the aircraft that had brought him from Benghazi. Crowds of people surged forward, trying to get close to him. Soldiers struggled to maintain order. Mr Jalil's arrival in Tripoli was long overdue. He'd been expected here almost as soon as the city fell nearly three weeks ago. One man at the airport said people wanted to express their gratitude to him for what he'd done for Libya since the uprising against Colonel Gaddafi began in February.Peter Biles in Tripoli.

穆斯塔法走下从班加西飞来的飞机时一片混乱的景象。人群拼命向前推挤,希望与穆斯塔法近距离接触。士兵们努力试图维持秩序。穆斯塔法抵达的黎波里已经延迟已久。大约三周前叛军控制首都时,人们就认为他应该来到的黎波里。机场一名男子表示,人们想要表达对他的感激,为他自二月份反对卡扎菲上校的抗议活动开始以来他为利比亚所作的一切。Peter Biles在的黎波里报道。

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Nabil al-Arabi, says he's agreed a series of measures with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria aimed at ending months of conflict there. At least six people are reported to have been killed in the latest anti-government demonstrations. From Beirut, Owen Bennett-Jones has this report.

阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿拉比(Nabil al-Arabi)表示,他已经就一系列措施与叙利亚总统阿萨德达成一致,目的是终止持续了几个月的冲突。据报道,共有至少6人在最新的反政府示威活动中遇难。贝鲁特,Owen Bennett-Jones报道。

Mr al-Arabi said the reform package he discussed in Damascus will now be put to the council of the Arab League on Monday. He hasn't given many details away, but before he went, there were newspaper reports suggesting that the Arab League wanted a three-year timetable for a transition to multi-party government. And speaking on his return from Damascus, Mr al-Arabi did say he'd urged the Syrian president to speed up reform plans through a timetable that will make every Syrian citizen feel he's moved onto a new stage. That was Owen Bennett-Jones reporting from Beirut.

阿拉比表示,他在大马士革讨论的改革方案将在周一提交给阿拉伯联盟理事会。他没有给出许多详细细节,但是在他离开之前,有报道称阿拉伯联盟希望制定为期三年的时间表,让叙利亚过渡到多党合作的政府。离开大马士革之后,阿拉比确实表示他敦促叙利亚总统制定之间表,加快改革计划的速度,确保叙利亚公民感觉到他已经在向新的阶段进展。Owen Bennett-Jones在贝鲁特报道。

This is the World News coming to you from the BBC in London.

The government of Tanzania's semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar says it'll set up an investigation to establish why a heavily overloaded ferry sank on Friday night with more than 800 people on board. More than 180 people drowned in the accident between the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, many of them children.


A weekend of ceremonies has begun in the United States to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. In his weekly address, President Obama said justice had finally been delivered to Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda was on the path to defeat. From New York, here's Jonny Dymond.

周末,美国开始举行纪念9.11恐怖袭击十周年的活动。在每周讲话中,奥巴马总统表示,本·拉登终于被处决,正义得到彰显,基地组织也正在走向落败的道路。纽约,Jonny Dymond报道。

In the fields of Shanksville in Pennsylvania, Vice President Joe Biden, former presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush are dedicating a national memorial for the 40 passengers and crew killed when United Flight 93 was wrested from the hands of hijackers. Earlier today, George Bush was at the Pentagon, where he laid a wreath of white lilies and roses. One hundred and eighty-nine people were killed there when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the building. Tomorrow, the focus will be here on New York, where the World Trade Center once stood. The name of every victim will be read out.


The leader of South Africa's ruling party's youth wing, Julius Malema, has given a defiant speech the day before he faces a disciplinary hearing by the African National Congress. Mr Malema, who's accused of bringing the ANC into disrepute, said he did not need permission to be in the party since it was in his blood. He had declared economic war on white South Africans.

南非执政党青年联盟领导人朱利叶斯·玛勒玛(Julius Malema)在接受非洲国民大会举行的训诫听证会一天之前发表挑衅性的讲话。玛勒玛被指控为非洲国民大会带来坏名声。他宣称他自己不需要继续留在党内的许可。他曾经宣布对南非白人发动经济战争。

The American space agency Nasa has launched its latest Moon mission after a two-day delay. The Delta 2 rocket, which took off from Cape Canaveral in Florida, is carrying two identical satellites which will survey the Moon's gravitational field in unprecedented detail. Scientists hope that the mission, known as Grail or Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, will reveal the Moon's internal structure.

经过两天的延迟之后,美国航天局开始了最新的探月任务。德尔塔Ⅱ运载火箭从佛罗里达的卡纳维拉尔角发射,搭载了两个完全相同的卫星,将以前所未有的细节勘察月球的重力场。科学家希望“重力恢复与内部实验室”(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory)任务能够披露月球的内部结构。
