英语听力精选进阶版 7585(在线收听

Financial markets around the world have responded positively after five leading central banks said they are taking new steps to tackle the financial crisis. The banks will provide extra loans in US dollars to commercial banks to make sure they have enough funds to repay debts on time. More from our economics correspondent Andrew Walker.

五家主要的中央银行宣布采取新的措施应对金融危机,全球金融市场反应积极。这几家银行将向商业银行增加美元贷款,确保有足够的资金及时偿还债务。我们的经济记者Andrew Walker报道详细内容。

Shares in New York have gained for the fourth consecutive day, and earlier European markets also rose. The euro has made gains as well. A series of developments have given investors some reassurance about Europe. Leading central banks have indicated they'll supply extra dollars to the commercial banks. Investors also took some comfort earlier from the French and German leaders insisting that Greece is an integral part of the euro area. But there's still the risk of serious losses, if there were a wave of government defaults. The challenge of dealing with Europe's sovereign debt and banking crisis remains a daunting one.


Syrians campaigning against President Bashar al-Assad say they've formed a single body to represent the opposition. It was announced at a meeting in Turkey exactly six months after the start of the protests. Jonathan Head reports from Istanbul.

After several failed attempts, President Assad's opponents have finally created a single body, the Syrian National Council. Organisers say they've mapped out every relevant political group or personality, drawing up a list of 700 people from which they've selected 140 to sit on the council. Around half are expected to come from groups operating inside Syria. The council will set up committees to handle tasks like foreign relations. It will inevitably draw comparisons with the transitional council in Libya, but the challenge confronting Syrian dissidents is much greater.

The US State Department has repeated its warning to all American citizens to leave Syria immediately while it's still possible to travel out of the country. It says the Syrian government's violent suppression of peaceful protests has left the country in a state of uncertainty and volatility. The authorities are preparing for more demonstrations on Friday.

Washington has stepped up efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from applying for full membership of the United Nations at the UN General Assembly next week. The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said there was a growing recognition among the parties that [the] only real answer was negotiations. And in a BBC interview, the US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said a unilateral bid for statehood would set back prospects for real talks.

华盛顿加强努力,劝阻巴勒斯坦在下周的联合国大会上申请成为联合国正式成员国。美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿表示,各方逐渐开始认同,唯一真正的答案是进行谈判。在BBC采访中,美国驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯(Susan Rice)表示,单方面申请成为独立的国家将使进行真正的对话的前景遭到挫败。

"There's no shortcut. There's no magic wand. If there were, we would have waved it by now; we'd be there. So this is, as a practical matter, a diversion, and it's worse than a diversion; it actually is going to set back prospects for the two parties to come to the table."


The BBC's UN correspondent says Washington wants to avoid being forced to veto such a bid for fear of tarnishing relations with the Muslim world.


This is the World News from the BBC.

Denmark's first female prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has claimed victory in a general election with the centre-left taking power after a decade in opposition. Thomas Buch-Andersen reports.

丹麦首位女首相赫勒·托宁·施密特(Helle Thorning-Schmidt)在大选中宣布获胜。左翼党派在作为反对派十年时间之后再次执政。Thomas Buch-Andersen报道。

Helle Thorning-Schmidt declared victory, telling her supporters "Today we've written history." She's set to become Denmark's first woman prime minister after a closely-fought campaign dominated by the economy. The defeated Prime Minister Lokke Rasmussen was seen to have done well to steer Denmark through the financial crisis, but the country's economic rebound is considered to have been sluggish. Mrs Thorning-Schmidt campaigned on a platform of tax rises and increased public spending and a plan to make everyone work 12 minutes more per day to kick-start economic growth.

赫勒·托宁·施密特(Helle Thorning-Schmidt)宣布获胜,告诉她的支持者“今天我们书写了历史”。在经过由经济主宰的激烈的竞争之后,她成为丹麦首位女首相。落败的首相拉斯穆森被认为在领导丹麦走出金融危机中做的很好,但是全国的经济复苏非常迟缓。赫勒·托宁·施密特竞选时提出增加税收,增加公共支出,以及要求每个人每天多工作12分钟来促进经济增长的计划。

Gunmen in northern Mexico have shot dead three relatives of a police officer who's being held in connection with a deadly arson attack on a casino last month. Police believe it was an act of revenge by the Zetas drug cartel after the officer named gang members involved in the casino attack.


Researchers in Canada have discovered dinosaur feathers perfectly preserved in amber, suggesting that many species of dinosaur may have been covered in rich plumage. Researchers say the discovery will help them understand how feathers evolved into the wide variety found on modern birds. Here's Pallab Ghosh.

加拿大研究人员在琥珀中发现了保存完好的恐龙羽毛,这表明,恐龙中的许多品种可能是周身覆盖着大量羽毛的。研究人员表示,该发现将帮助他们理解恐龙羽毛怎样进化成现代鸟类丰富的羽毛的。Pallab Ghosh报道。

The popular view of meat-eating dinosaurs is that they were big, fearsome and scaly, but there's been growing fossil evidence that many of them were feathery, and now researchers have obtained actual dinosaur feathers frozen in amber. They are of dinosaurs living 70 to 85 million years ago. The feathers are incredibly well preserved. Scientists can see details of their structure even their colours. Many of the feathers seem to be small, brown and fluffy - probably for warmth rather than flight.

