英语听力精选进阶版 7595(在线收听

BBC News with Iain Purdon

Rwanda has failed to secure the extradition from France of the former Rwandan First Lady Agathe Habyarimana. She's accused of being a chief architect of the 1994 genocide that followed the death of her husband. A French appeal court ruled that the indictment against her of genocide and crimes against humanity was too vague. Grant Ferrett reports.


Agathe Habyarimana smiled as she left the courtroom in Paris. She told reporters she'd always had faith in French justice. Mrs Habyarimana, who's lived in France for more than 15 years, was accused of involvement in planning the genocide, in which an estimated 800,000 people were murdered. Human rights organisations say she was a member of an elite Hutu group which masterminded the killings, an allegation she emphatically denies. Rwanda's justice minister told the BBC his country respected the judgment.


The International Red Cross in Somalia says it's in the final stages of preparing to distribute food aid to more than a million victims of the famine. The operation will involve 17,000 tonnes of supplies being taken by truck from the capital Mogadishu. It'll take around two weeks for the convoy to reach its destination in areas under the control of the Islamist militant group al-Shabab.


The online retailer Amazon has launched a new tablet computer, the Kindle Fire, to rival Apple's hugely successful iPad. The Kindle Fire is cheaper than the Apple iPad, but it has a smaller screen and no built-in camera. Mark Gregory has this report.

在线零售商亚马逊发布一款新型平板电脑Kindle Fire,以与苹果炙手可热的ipad竞争。Kindle Fire比苹果的ipad要便宜,但屏幕要小些,也没有内置相机。马克格雷戈里报道。

Many rivals have tried to emulate the success of the Apple iPad with look-alike tablet devices. None has come close. Amazon, though, is seen as in with a chance partly because its product is much cheaper - less than half the price of the iPad - and partly because Amazon through its online shopping has movies, e-books and other digital content to tie in with its tablet as Apple does with iTunes.

许多竞争者都想模仿苹果ipad的成功,他们推出类似的平板设备,然而没有可以与之匹敌的。然而,部分是因为其较低的价格(Kindle Fire的价格还不到ipad的一半),部分因为亚马逊的网店有电影、电子书等其他数码内容可与其平板电脑相配套(就像苹果有itunes那样),因此亚马逊这次被大众看好。

The authorities in Mexico have found five severed heads outside a school in the resort town of Acapulco. The discovery was made in full view of students and passers-by. The remains were left with a message threatening the state governor, but it's not clear if the case was linked to extortion threats against teachers. From Mexico City, Julian Miglierini reports.

墨西哥当局在休闲城阿卡普尔一所学校外面发现五颗人头,许多学生和过路行人都看到了这一场景。尸体上留有便条,上面的字是对州长的威胁,然而,尚不清楚这起案件是否意在威胁教师。Julian Miglierini在墨西哥城报道。

The heads which belonged to five still unidentified men were found in a sack inside a wooden crate near the school after an anonymous call alerted the police. Last month, the teachers, through phone calls and anonymous messages, were told to hand over half their salaries to the gangs or face violent consequences. The teachers walked out in protest and urged the government to provide more protection for them. The authorities have promised to deploy more police and install security cameras at schools, but so far the teachers have not lifted their strike.


World News from the BBC

A Saudi Arabian prisoner accused of plotting the attack on the warship, the USS Cole, is to be tried in Guantanamo and could face the death sentence if convicted. The Pentagon formally approved terrorism and murder charges against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who will face a military tribunal within the next 30 days. Seventeen US sailors were killed when suicide bombers rammed an explosive-laden boat into the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen in 2000.

一名沙特阿拉伯囚犯将在关塔那摩受审,如果证明有罪,他将面临死刑,他被指控攻击科尔号军舰。美国国防部已正式以恐怖罪和谋杀罪起诉Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri,他将在未来30天内出席军事法庭。2000年在也门海港,自杀式轰炸机撞击一艘装载炸药的船只,使之袭击科尔号,17名美国士兵遇难。

The United Nations Security Council has taken its first official step in considering the Palestinians' application for membership. It could be weeks before the issue is brought to a vote in the Security Council, where the United States has already promised to use its veto. From the UN, Barbara Plett reports.

就巴勒斯坦“入联”申请,联合国安理会已采取第一步官方程序,数周后安理会将投票表决,美国已表态使用否决权。Barbara Plett在联合国报道。

In a session that lasted barely two minutes, the Palestinian application was formally sent to the Security Council's membership committee. Despite American opposition and European unease, no one opposed the move. The committee will hold its first meeting on Friday. But diplomats say it will probably be at least a month before it reports back to the council. During that time, international mediators will redouble efforts to resume peace talks based on a timetable they proposed last week. It's expected that America will also pressure Palestinian allies on the council not to back the move, hoping to avoid the embarrassment of a veto. The Palestinians need majority support to bring their bid to a vote.


Cuba says it's allowing people to sell cars privately for the first time in 50 years. Private property has always been severely restricted in the communist-run island, and until now Cubans could only trade in cars built before the revolution in 1959. The sale of new cars will still be restricted to those holding dollars or convertible pesos. But ordinary Cubans will be able to buy post-1959 cars from foreigners and those whose jobs allowed them to import Soviet-made cars.
