英语听力精选进阶版 7597(在线收听

BBC news with Marion Marshal.

President Obama has confirmed that one of Al Qaeda's most influential figures, the American-born cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi has been killed in Yemen. He said Mr al-Aulaqi had taken a leading role in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans and US would remain vigilant against terrorist threats.


"We make no mistake. There's further prove that Al Qaeda and its affiliates would find no safe haven anywhere in the world.Working with Yemeni or other allies and partners we would be determined, we would be deliberate, we would be relentless, we would be resolute in our commitment to destroy terrorist networks that aimed to kill Americans."


US and Yemeni officials earlier said Mr. al-Aulaqi's convoy was attacked by an American drone. The latest operation is also reported to have killed three other militants. Frank Gardner reports.

早些时候,美国和也门官方表示,奥拉基的车辆被一架美国无人驾驶机击中。根据最新的报道,还有另外三名武装人员被杀。Frank Gardner报道。

It was the briefest statement by the Yemeni government this morning that announced the biggest blow to Al Qaeda since the killing of Osama Bin laden this May. Possibly the organization's most inspirational cleric and ideologue in the middle east,  Anwar al-Aulaqi has been killed in an airstrike in a joint US-Yemen operation. It follows a controvertial executive order signed by president Obama last year to hand down and kill al-Aulaqi who is a US citizen. Using the internet al-Aulaqi encourged his followers to attack western targets. He's been blamed for inspring US army major Nidal Hassan to kill his fellow soldiers in Texas.

也门政府发表简短声明,声称这是自今年五月击毙本拉登以来对基地组织的最大打击。阿拉基可以说上是中东地区该组织最励志的传教士。他已在美国-也门军队联合作战的空中打击中被击毙。之前在去年,奥巴马总统签署了一份具争议性的行政命令,即击毙作为美国公民的奥拉基。奥拉基借助网络,鼓励其追随者攻击西方目标。美国军队Nidal Hassan少校在德克萨斯州杀死属下士兵一案就与奥拉基的鼓舞有关。

The Afghan president Hamid Karzai says he's suspending efforts to talk to the Afghan Taliban and will focus instead on dialogue with Pakistan in efforts to bring security to the country. Jill McGiving reports.

阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊表示,他将暂停与阿富汗塔利班对话的努力,将重点放到与巴基斯坦的对话上来,为本国安全而努力。Jill McGiving报道。

President Karzai told religious leaders in Kabul that if Afghanistan wanted to pursue peace talks, its only dialogue partner was Pakistan. He couldn't talk to the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, he said, because he couldn’t be found and neither could the Taliban council. Therefore, he added, "we can not talk to anyone but to Pakistan". It's the clearest statement yet that the Afghan government may have abandoned its attempt to political dialogue with the Taliban. The recent murder of Afghanistan's main negotiator Burhanuddin Rabbani threw its policy into chaos.


The United Nations War Crime tribunal for Rwanda has convicted two former ministers for complicity in the 1999 genocide but it's freed two others. The two jailed ministers were each sentenced to 30 years in prison. Will Ross reports.

联合国卢旺达战争罪法庭裁决两名前部长在1999年的大屠杀中犯有共谋罪,同时释放另外两名部长。两名被监禁的部长被判处30年徒刑。Will Ross报道。

There are extradinary scenes in court that two former Rwandan ministers were sent to prison for 30 years whilst their cabinet colleagues celebrated being set free. The Health Minister in 1994 Casimir Bizimungu and the Foreign Minister Jerome-Clement Bicamumpaka are amongst the most senior officials to be acquitted of genocide. The judges ruled that Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza have been part of the government decision to remove the prefect to the city of Butarewho have opposed to the ethnically-driven killings.

法庭上这一场景很不寻常,两名卢旺达前部长被判入狱30年,而他们的内阁同僚却在庆祝自己获释。1994年的卫生部长Casimir Bizimungu和外长Jerome-Clement Bicamumpaka是大屠杀案无罪释放的最高官员。法官判定Justin Mugenzi和Prosper Mugiraneza参与政府清除一名地方长官的决定,该长官反对这起种族屠杀。

BBC news.

The oil giant Exxon Mobil says gunmen have attacked a ship supplying an oil platform off the coast of Nigeria and abducted one of its workers. In 2006, militants campainging for a great share of oil wealth began a wave of attacks against foreign oil companies, kidnapping workers and targeting pipelines.


London's leading shares index FTSE has registered its worst quarterly trading figures for 9 years. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wiped off shares in the past three months. Stocks in France and Germany have also fallen in value by more than 25% since the end of June.


Paris is launching an electric car rental scheme similar to its pioneering self-service bike-hire fleet. Two hundred and fifty vehicles will be available at stands around the city. Christian Frazor has been sampling one.

巴黎发起一项电动汽车租赁计划,这与此前发起的自行车自助车队服务相似。全市将有250辆电动车可供租赁,Christian Frazor正在体验一辆。

It's electric. It's silent. And it's available from Decemember across Paris. Autolib, a fleet of help-yourself petrol-free cars designed to introduce commuters to new green techonology. It's a public-private initiative costing Paris 214m euros. The mayer hopes it will help curb 22000 cars by 2010 from the already congested streets. Visitors who want a daily subscription will need a credit card, a driving licence, and a good deal of courage to negotiate the notorious Paris traffic.


The American hip-hop pioneer Sylvia Robinson has died aged 75. She set up the influential Sugar Hill records in 1979 and produced hip-hop's first commerically successfully single " Rapper's Delight " with the group the Sugarhill gang.

美国嘻哈音乐教母西尔维娅·罗宾逊去世,年终75岁。1979年,她创立了Sugar Hill唱片公司,并与乐队Sugarhill gang成功制作出说唱界第一首商业热门歌曲Rapper's Delight。

Robinson has co-wrote Grandmaster and Melle Mel's anti-drugs anthem White Lines. She died of heart failure in New Jersey.

Robinson参与创作了Grandmaster,以及Melle Mel的禁毒专辑White Lines。她因心脏病死于新泽西。
