英语听力精选进阶版 7599(在线收听

BBC news with Ganeor Howells.

A former senior Rwanda official who was close confidential of the current president Paul Kagame has accused the Rwanda leader of ordering the shooting down of the plane in Apiral,1994, carrying the then head of the state, Habyarimana. The former official Théogène Rudasingwa who became an ambassador to the US said Mr. Kagame has boasted to him that he was responsible of the plane destruction.

一名曾担任卢旺达现总统保罗卡加梅机密亲信的高级官员指控保罗卡加梅,声称他1994年下令击中载有当时国家领导人哈比亚利马纳的飞机,这位名叫Théogène Rudasingwa前任官员现在是驻美大使,他说卡加梅曾向自己夸口,说他对那次空难负责。

“By committing that kind of crime, Kagame had his respondibility in the crime of innocent as well, because he fully understand that an action might trigger consequences which I don’t know in our country in the region, that should produce that crime of genocide.”


President Kagame has repeated denied any involvement in the attack.


A court in Italy has overturned a conviction of 2 people who appealed their sentences for the murder the British students Meredith Kercher in Italy 4 years ago. An American student Amanda Knox and her former Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito has professed their innocent since the death of Meredith Kercher who was found with throat split after what prosecutor contended a violent drug-fueled sex game. The appeal’s judge read out the Jewish verdict.

意大利一法庭推翻对两个人的定罪,此二人因被指控4年前在意大利杀死英国学生Meredith Kercher而受刑。Meredith Kercher死时喉咙有切口,原告坚持认为这是起与毒品有关的性攻击,美国学生Amanda Knox和她的意大利前男友Raffaele Sollecito已表示自己是清白的。上诉法官宣读判决。

“Those of defendant for A, B, C and D are acquitted, becase they had not committed the crime, the request made by the parties are not accepted. Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are being freed.”

“被告因原因A,B,C和D而无罪释放,因为他们并没犯此罪,双方的请求不能接受,Amanda Knox和Raffaele Sollecito无罪获释。”

The Noble committee in Sweden says it won’t change its decision to include the Canadian Ralph Steinman among the winners of this year’s Noble prize for medicine. Despite the fact that they now know he died 3 days ago. Mr. Steinman suffered from pancreatic cancer and had used the immunology knowledge research for which he won the award to prolong his life. The committee secretary Goran Hansson says they were aware that Professor Steinman was ill, but hope to make award before his death.

“We knew that he had a cancer, but we don’t exclude anyone because of illness when we look a candidate for Nobel Prize. The last information about him was he says OK with struggling with his illness and we had hope this message would please him, but sadly, it didn’t reach him in time.”

Forces of the national transitional council in Libya have begun what a frontline commander says they finally assault towards the city of Sirte, one of Colonel Gaddafi’s last strongholds. After 2 days’ cease fire during which thousands of civilians fled the city, mortar and rockets were fired towards the city center.


You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

Residents of the small Colombia town of Fortul near the venezuela border has taken to the street, they demand the release of Nohora Munoz, a ten-year-old girl who was kidnapped on Thursday. The girl, whose father is the town’s mayor was abducted along with his mother on her way back to school. Her mother was released shortly afterwards.

委内瑞拉边界附近的哥伦比亚市小城Fortul,居民们走上街头,要求释放周二被绑架的十岁女孩Nohora Munoz。这名女孩是该市的市长的女儿,她和母亲在去学校的路上被绑架,她的母亲很快被释放。

The world most powerful radio telescope has began operating 5 km above sea level in Chili. Scientists using the telescope known as AlMA believe it will help to explain why the universe of the way it does. Pallab Ghosh has been taking a look round.

世界最强大的电波望远镜已在智利海拔5000米的地方投入使用,这架望远镜名为AIMA,科学家希望用它来帮助研究宇宙的奥秘。记者Pallab Ghosh目睹了这架望远镜。

A 28-wheel, 20-meter long transporter vehicle begin taking an giant antenna up to one of the highest places in the Atacama Desert in northern Chili. It ends up here, a plateau 5000 meters high, that’s linked among even higher Snow peak volcanoes. AlMA will be able to see the formation of the very first stars more than 30 billion years ago, a moment known as the cause dawn.


The president of Cyprus has rejected the result of independent investigation into a huge explosion at an ammunition * in July which killed 13 people and destroyed the island’s main power station. The reports said president Demetris Christofias bore heavy personal responsibility for this blast to his failure toward elementary safety measures. Mr. Demetris Christofias says the reports conclusion was not substantially by evidences.

塞浦路斯总统对7月一起弹药爆炸事件的独立调查结果表示否定,13人在这次爆炸中死亡,岛上的重要电站被毁。报道说总统Demetris Christofias对这次爆炸负有重大的个人责任,因为他在基础安全措施上做的不到位。Demetris Christofias说报告的结果没有事实根据。

British police say they broken up the sophisticated international online fraud that attempted the heart of UK banking industry. 13 East European mostly from latvia, Belarus and Ukraine have been jailed for terms up to 5 years. Police say they netted the equivalent of about 4.5 million dollars.

