英语听力精选进阶版 7600(在线收听

Bahrain's public prosecutor has ordered a retrial in a civilian court for 20 medical workers sentenced to up to 15 years in prison after helping anti-government protesters. Announcing the retrial, the public prosecutor said no doctors or medical staff should be punished for fulfilling their humanitarian duties. Caroline Hawley reports.

The sentencing of the medics prompted an international outcry. Many of the doctors and nurses say they were tortured into making confessions. Amnesty International said the charges were ludicrous. Now Bahrain has acted to try to contain the damage to its reputation. There's to be a retrial in a civilian court. The attorney general said it would allow the evidence to be re-evaluated, and he promised that the doctors and nurses would have the full opportunity to defend themselves.


The government in Afghanistan says it's foiled a plot to assassinate the president Hamid Karzai. It said the Afghan intelligence agency had arrested six people, including a member of staff at the presidential palace. Most of the others were said to be lecturers from Kabul University. Some of those detained are alleged to have links with the Haqqani militant network and al-Qaeda. In recent months, several allies of Mr Karzai have been killed, including his chief peace negotiator with the Taliban, Burhanuddin Rabbani.

阿富汗政府声称已阻止一起试图暗杀总统卡尔扎伊的阴谋,声称阿富汗情报部门已逮捕六人,包括一名在总统官邸任职的人员,其他人据说多为喀布尔大学的讲师。据说其中一些被拘留者与哈卡尼军事网络和塔利班有关联。最近数月,卡尔扎伊的几名助手被杀,包括与塔利班和平谈判的首席谈判官Burhanuddin Rabbani。

An opinion survey among combat veterans in the United States suggests that a third of them believe the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have not been worth fighting. The poll, by the Pew Research Center in Washington, found that a majority of American war veterans thought the West should focus more on domestic issues than foreign affairs.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that the world economy could be pushed to the brink by the eurozone's debt crisis. Speaking at the annual conference of his governing Conservative Party, Mr Cameron compared the current economic situation to the banking crisis of 2008. Britain, he said, would not help fund endless bailouts of its weaker European neighbours. He said governments had to cut their spending.


"The only way out of a debt crisis is to deal with your debts. That's why households are paying down their credit card and store card bills. It means banks getting their books in order, and it means governments - governments all over the world - cutting spending and living within their means."


Soldiers in Mexico have arrested a man they say is a key figure in the country's most powerful drug gang, Noel Salgueiro Nevarez. Vanessa Buschschluter reports.

墨西哥士兵逮捕一名男子,他们称此人是该国境内最强大的毒品团伙的重要人物Noel Salgueiro Nevarez,Vanessa Buschschluter报道。

Security officials say Noel Salgueiro Nevarez is behind much of the extreme violence which has plagued Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's murder capital, where more than 3,000 people were killed in drug-related violence last year. He's thought to have started his criminal career 15 years ago, producing marijuana for the powerful Sinaloa cartel. Prosecutors say his gang has been exporting up to 15 tonnes of marijuana and two tonnes of cocaine per month to the United States.

安全官员声称,Noel Salgueiro Nevarez是墨西哥的谋杀之都Ciudad Juarez市许多极端暴力事件的主事者,去年有3000多人死于毒品相关的暴力。据说此人15年前开始了犯罪生涯,为大贩毒集团纳洛阿·卡特尔制造大麻。检察官称该团伙每月向美国出口15吨大麻和两吨可卡因。

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Prosecutors have been outlining their case against two Pakistani cricketers at the start of their trial in London for involvement in a betting scam. The former Pakistani captain Salman Butt and the fast bowler Mohammad Asif both deny the charges. Gordon Farquhar reports.

检察官概述了一起在伦敦审判两名巴基斯坦板球运动员的赌球欺诈案,巴基斯坦前队长Salman Butt和快速的板球手Mohammad Asif都对指控进行否认。Gordon Farquhar报道。

Opening the case for the prosecution, Aftab Jafferjee said the jury would hear a depressing story of "rampant corruption" at the heart of international cricket. He said that in respect to the Lord's Test against England in 2010, the fixes took the form of deliberate no-balls delivered at pre-arranged times. He praised the efforts of the News of the World newspaper in exposing the alleged conspiracy, saying that without the paper's undercover methods, the activity of fixing would almost certainly have continued unabated and beyond the reach of law.


The mother of a young Syrian woman, Zainab al-Hosni, who was reportedly beheaded, has confirmed that her daughter has appeared in a television interview. The story of Ms al-Hosni's apparent murder during the anti-government uprising was condemned by human rights groups. But in the interview, Ms al-Hosni said she ran away from home to escape beatings by her brother.

一名据称已被砍头的叙利亚少女Zainab al-Hosni的母亲已确认,她的女儿出现在一家电视台采访中。有关al-Hosni在反政府起义中被谋杀的故事遭到人权组织的谴责,然而在采访中,al-Hosni说,她从家里跑出是想逃避哥哥的打骂。

Scientists in the United States say they've trained monkeys to control a virtual arm using only their brain waves. Writing in the journal Nature, the researchers say their experiment involved implanting hair-like filaments into the brain of monkeys. They say their work could one day be used to increase autonomy in quadriplegic patients. Here's our science reporter Matt McGrath.

美国科学家声称已训练猴子用脑波操纵虚拟手臂,研究者在《自然》杂志的文章中写道,在实验中,他们给猴子大脑中植入像头发那样的电线,他们说该研究将来可来帮助瘫痪病人增加自主性。科学记者Matt McGrath报道。

In these experiments, two monkeys were trained to control a virtual arm on a screen solely by the electrical activity generated in their brains. As well as moving the arm, the monkeys were able to feel differences in the textures of virtual objects. The researchers involved say that just like a normal functioning limb, they were able to do both actions at the same time, sending out signals to control the arm while simultaneously getting electrical feedback to understand the texture of the objects that were touched.

