英语听力精选进阶版 7640(在线收听

State media in Egypt are reporting that a former prime minister, Kamal Ganzouri, has provisionally agreed to form a new government after talks with the ruling military council. If he takes the job, Mr Ganzouri would still be accountable to the military council, which has rejected calls to step down immediately. Youssef Taha has this profile.

埃及国家媒体报道,在与执政军事委员会谈话后,前总理Kamal Ganzouri已暂时同意成立新政府。接受这一职务后,Ganzouri将对军事委员会负责,他曾对要求军事委员会下台的呼声表示反对。Youssef Taha报道。

Kamal Ganzouri served as Egypt's planning minister from 1982 under former President Hosni Mubarak. In 1996, he became the prime minister, a position which he held for under four years when he fell out with his boss, who accused him of mismanaging the country's economy. Mr Ganzouri's cabinet introduced some economic liberalisation measures. Many Egyptians still view him as an official who was not corrupt. He was nicknamed the "minister of the poor" because of his way of looking after the interests of people in low income.

Kamal Ganzouri自1982年担任埃及计划部长,总统是侯赛因·穆巴拉克。1996年他担任总理一职,他在这个职位上做了4年,直到后来与总统不合,总统指控他没有管理好国家经济。Ganzouri的内阁引入一些经济自由政策,许多埃及人仍把他看做不腐败的官员。他关注低收入人群的利益,被称为“穷人的总理”。

Parliamentary elections are due on Monday despite the past week's clashes between protesters and security forces.


The Arab League has given Syria 24 hours to agree to allow an observer mission into the country or face sanctions. Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo said that if Syria refused, the league's economic arm would meet on Saturday to vote on sanctions. These could include stopping flights to Syria and freezing the country's assets. However, the ministers stopped short of endorsing a call by the French foreign minister for humanitarian corridors to help aid reach civilians.


Libya's new transitional government has been sworn in at a ceremony in the capital Tripoli. Ministers promised to remain faithful to the objectives of the revolution that overthrew Colonel Gaddafi. The new Prime Minister Abdurrahim al-Keib said they were looking forward to leading the country until the elections due in a few months.

利比亚新过渡政府在首都的黎波里宣誓上台,部长们承诺忠实革命目标,该革命已推翻卡扎菲上校。新总理Abdurrahim al-Keib说,希望在数月后选举前的时间内,能领导本国。

President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen has condemned an attack today in the capital Sanaa which left at least five people dead and many wounded. He's ordered an investigation into the violence, which took place one day after Mr Saleh signed a deal to step down. Gunmen loyal to him opened fire on thousands of protesters who object to Mr Saleh being given immunity from prosecution. Under the accord, Mr Saleh hands over power to his deputy.

也门总统Ali Abdullah Saleh今天对一起袭击事件表示谴责,此次袭击发生在首都萨那,至少5人死亡,多人受伤。他已下令调查这次暴力事件,一天前,signed签署辞职协议。数千名抗议者反对Saleh获得起诉豁免权,忠于Saleh的武装人员向抗议者开枪。根据协议,Saleh将权力交给副手。

The Indian cabinet has approved its biggest economic reform in years: the opening up of the country's vast retail market to foreign supermarkets. The move paves the way for companies such as Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, to gain access to India's lucrative retail sector which is worth an estimated $450bn a year. The move had been bitterly opposed by millions of small traders who fear they'll be put out of business by the retail giants. Dharmendra Kumar is a spokesman for a lobby group which opposes foreign investment in India.

印度内阁同意数年内实施最大规模的经济改革:向外国超市开放本国广阔的零售市场。这就为诸如沃尔玛之类的世界最大零售商铺平了道路,进入印度利润丰厚的零售业,据估计每年价值4500亿美元。数百万小商人强烈反对,他们担心自己被零售巨头赶出市场。Dharmendra Kumar是一个游说组织的发言人,该组织反对外国投资进入印度。

"It's a threat to the grass roots sector which caters for poor consumers; and it's also a threat to their supply sources, to the smaller markets and smaller farmers. So it would be dangerous for the established retail sector if it's not regulated properly."


You're listening to the World News from the BBC.

The prosecution in the war crimes trial of the former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has called its first witness from the Srebrenica massacre. The witness, who can't be named, told how he and other men were taken to a school gymnasium where men opened fire on them. The witness survived and escaped with another man. Prosecutors are trying to prove that Radovan Karadzic was responsible for genocide. He denies the charges.

波斯尼亚塞前领导人Radovan Karadzic因战争罪接受审判,Srebrenica大屠杀的第一个目击者已应召出席。这名目击者的名字不能公开,他讲述他和其他男子被逮到一个学校体育馆并被射击。这名目击者和另一人幸存逃亡。检察官试图证明Radovan Karadzic对大屠杀负有责任,他否认了这项指控。

The authorities in Trinidad and Tobago have made several arrests after uncovering what they describe as a national security threat against the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. She is expected to address the nation later on Thursday. James Read of our America's desk reports.

特立尼达拉岛和多巴哥岛当局发现一起被他们称为针对总理Kamla Persad-Bissessar的“国家安全威胁”,并逮捕数人。总理周四将向全国发表讲话,BBC驻美洲记者James Read报道。

Trinidadian police have so far given few details of the threat to the prime minister, but local media are speaking of an assassination plot against Ms Persad-Bissessar and some of her ministers. Those detained are reported to include two former soldiers. Trinidad and Tobago has been under a limited state of emergency since August because of a surge of violent crime linked to drugs gangs. In 1990, more than 20 people died in the Caribbean nation when a local Islamist group tried to seize power.


The Mexican authorities have found more than 20 bodies in three abandoned vehicles in the western city of Guadalajara. Some of the bodies were gagged with their hands tied. A message purported to be from a drugs cartel was left with them. With more, here's Ignacio de los Reyes in Mexico City.

墨西哥当局在西部城市Guadalajara三辆废弃车辆中发现20多具尸体,有的尸体嘴巴被堵,双手被被绑。在他们身上发现一张便条,据说是一个毒品团伙留下的。Ignacio de losReyes在墨西哥城报道。

The bodies were recovered early in the morning by the police under the Millennium Arches, one of the most known landmarks in Guadalajara. They were abandoned in three vehicles on one of the busiest roads of the city. Although groups like the Sinaloa cartel have operated in Guadalajara for years, it is still considered one of the safest destinations in Mexico, and it hasn't been as affected by the violence of the drugs war as other large cities like Monterrey or Acapulco.

