英语听力精选进阶版 7647(在线收听

The President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, has said he and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet in Paris on Monday to announce a joint plan to safeguard the future of Europe. Mr Sarkozy, who's giving a major speech on the economy, said France and Germany would seek a new European Union treaty to impose greater integration and financial discipline on European governments. He said the debt crisis in the eurozone had revealed major weaknesses in the European Union. Reform was needed, he said, to make the bloc better-equipped to deal with crisis.


"France and Germany are in favour of a new European treaty rethinking and overhauling the organisation of Europe. More discipline, more solidarity, a new responsibility to respond to the people through better economic governance - that is our vision of the eurozone and the reform of its treaties."


The governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, has warned that the eurozone could eventually break up. He urged British banks to build up their financial reserves to withstand the possible consequences. He said the eurozone crisis was the biggest threat to Britain's financial stability. Here's our business correspondent Jonty Bloom.

英格兰银行行长Mervyn King警告欧元区最终会瓦解,他敦促英国银行业加强金融储备,应对可能的后果。他说,欧元区危机是英国金融稳定的最大威胁。BBC商业记者Jonty Bloom报道。

Sir Mervyn King has issued a stark warning the current economic crisis caused by the eurozone's problems is extraordinarily serious and threatening. Sir Mervyn wants Britain's banks to set aside more money so that they can better withstand any coming crisis, and he wants them to find that extra capital from the money they normally pay out in dividends and bonuses. In effect, Sir Mervyn is telling Britain's banking industry to batten down the hatches ahead of what could be a massively destructive financial storm, quite possibly involving the collapse of the eurozone.

Mervyn King发出严重警告,指出欧元区问题引发的这场经济危机非常严重,威胁很大。Mervyn希望英国银行业拨出更多资金,以更好应对未来的危机,他希望银行能从通常支付红利和奖金的资金中抽取额外资金。事实上,Mervyn感到,前面或将有一场大规模破坏性强的金融风暴,欧元区很可能在这次风暴中崩溃,他希望英国银行业能堵住漏洞。

The main opposition group in Syria has struck a deal with insurgents calling themselves the Free Syrian Army to work together against the government of President Assad. The opposition Syrian National Council said the insurgents, many of them army deserters, had promised to use force only to protect civilians.


The President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, has pardoned a woman who was jailed for adultery after being raped by a male relative. Afghan officials said the woman, named as Gulnaz, had agreed to marry her attacker, but that this was not a condition of her release. Farhana Haider has this report.

阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊已宽恕一名被男性亲属强奸后犯通奸罪被监禁的妇女,阿富汗官方称这位名叫Gulnaz的妇女同意与侵害者结婚,但这并不是获释的条件。Farhana Haider报道。

Thousands of people signed a petition calling for Gulnaz to be set free. Her lawyer told the BBC her client always said before that, given a choice, she would not marry the man who raped her. Gulnaz, who is now 21, gave birth in prison to a daughter who was kept in jail with her.


She was initially sentenced to two years in jail, but when she appealed, her sentence was increased to 12 years. The most recent appeal saw it reduced to three years. Human rights groups say hundreds of women in Afghan jails are victims of rape or domestic violence. Farhana Haider.


World News from the BBC

European Union foreign ministers have agreed to tighten sanctions against Iran because of concerns about its nuclear programme. They are adding the names of about 180 more Iranian companies and individuals to a list of those targeted by sanctions. The ministers also agreed to continue working on other measures that officials say could target Iran's energy sector.


The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has met the pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a historic visit to Burma. The two women had a private dinner and will hold a more formal meeting at Ms Suu Kyi's residence in Rangoon on Friday. The United States has offered to improve diplomatic relations if Burma's military-backed government continues to press ahead with recent democratic reforms. In a video message, Ms Suu Kyi said that engaging with the government was a risk worth taking.

"I believe there are elements within the government who are genuine in their desire to bring about democratic reforms that would put our country on the path to prosperity and security." Aung San Suu Kyi

An anti-corruption watchdog has cut its ties with football's world governing body Fifa, citing frustration at how the organisation is dealing with reforms. Transparency International withdrew its help after questioning the independence of the investigation process. Alex Capstick has this report.

一个反腐观察机构已断绝与世界足球官方组织Fifa的联系,并指出该组织在改革中让人失望之处。在对调查过程的独立性表示质疑后,国际透明组织已撤回援助。Alex Capstick报道。

The rejection by the respected anti-corruption watchdog will be viewed by many as a blow to the credibility of Fifa's reform process, which has been led by the president Sepp Blatter. Transparency International withdrew its help following the appointment of a chairman to oversee major changes in the way football's world governing body is run. Mark Pieth revealed he would be paid by Fifa and he would not re-examine old scandals. Sylvia Schenk, a senior adviser with Transparency International, had insisted that panel members must be unpaid. Alex Capstick reporting.

被这个让人尊敬的反腐观察机构否定,这可看做是对Fifa改革过程可信度的打击,这次改革由主席Sepp Blatter负责。国际透明组织任命一名主席监督世界足球官方组织运作方式后,就撤走了援助。Mark Pieth透露说,Fifa将为他支付报酬,他将不再重审旧丑闻。国际透明组织资深顾问Sylvia Schenk坚持认为,不该对小组成员支付报酬。
