英语听力精选进阶版 7658(在线收听

Physicists working at the Cern laboratory in Geneva say they've found signs of the hypothetical subatomic particle known as the Higgs boson. Proof of its existence is considered crucial to supporting the standard model of physics, which explains how particles interact with each other to produce the universe as we currently understand it. However, the scientists say they'll have to carry out more work over the next few months in the hope of obtaining conclusive evidence. Cern's director general Rolf-Dieter Heuer said the findings were good news for science.

日内瓦欧洲核子研究中心(Cern)的物理学家称,已发现有迹象显示,存在一种假设存在的亚原子,名为希格斯玻色子。其存在的证据被视为支撑标准物理模型的关键,解释了粒子间如何相互作用,生成我们现在所知的宇宙。然而,科学家表示,未来数月还必须继续研究,希望得到决定性证据。Cern局长Rolf-Dieter Heuer称这些发现对科学来说是好消息。

"My feeling about the achievement is excellent because I think we have achieved much more than we would have expected at the beginning of this year, and therefore, I think this was a fantastic scientific year for basic science."


The experiments were performed using the Large Hadron Collider, which smashes particles together at speeds approaching that of light.


A man has opened fire and thrown grenades from a rooftop in the Belgian city of Liege, killing three people in a busy Christmas market before killing himself. More than 120 people were injured. Matt Cole reports.

一名男子在比利时列日市一处屋顶开枪并投掷手榴弹,在杀死自己之前,他在这条热闹的圣诞市场杀死三人,至少120受伤,Matt Cole报道。

The central square in front of the Palais de Justice remains cordoned off this evening. The Christmas market is dark and empty, but it was very different this lunchtime. Scores were enjoying a festive shopping experience when the man now named as Nordine Amrani began shooting and throwing explosives. People began running, screaming, children amongst them. Whilst the 33-year-old attacker was known to the police, having previously faced drug and weapons charges, officers say they currently don't know why he carried out this terrible act.

今晚司法宫前的中心广场仍然戒备森严,圣诞市场黑漆漆的,空无一人,与午饭时的情形大相径庭。几十人正在这里享受节日购物,这时一位名叫Nordine Amrani的男子开始开枪并投掷炸药。人们开始叫着跑着,其中还有儿童。警察了解这位33岁的袭击者,他之前受过毒品和武器指控,官方称不知道他为何实施这次可怕的袭击。

A man in the Italian city of Florence has killed two Senegalese street vendors and wounded four others before turning the gun on himself. The gunman was described as a far-right militant. About 200 Senegalese street vendors protested, shouting "shame" and "racists".


The World Health Organisation says there's been progress in the fight against malaria, but much more funding is needed to achieve its target of eliminating deaths from the disease by 2015. Farhana Haider reports.

世界卫生组织称疟疾治疗方面取得进展,但为了在2015年之前消除疟疾引发的死亡这个目标,还需更多资金。Farhana Haider报道。

The WHO said just over 650,000 people died of malaria in 2010 - mostly young African children - a 5% drop compared with the year before. The WHO said this represented considerable progress, but the death rate was still disconcertingly high for a disease that was entirely preventable. Major efforts over the past few years have succeeded in getting insecticide-treated bed nets and new effective anti-malarial drugs to large numbers of families. It warned that hard-won gains may be reversed unless more funding is forthcoming.


The medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has warned that the Central African Republic is in a state of medical emergency. In its report, MSF says high mortality rates are due to epidemic diseases, conflict, an economic downturn and poor healthcare.


World News from the BBC

The US Justice Department has charged eight former executives of the German multinational company Siemens over a scheme to pay $100m in bribes to senior Argentine officials. It says Siemens, which also trades in the United States, broke American law when it paid the bribes in an attempt to retain a $1bn contract to produce passports and national identity cards in Argentina.


Reports from Yemen say the interior minister in the new national unity government has ordered the release of all prisoners arrested in connection with the past 10 months of protests against President Saleh. Sebastian Usher of our Arab desk reports.

来自也门的报道称,新国家联合政府内务部长下令,释放过去十月来因抗议总统萨利赫被捕的所有犯人。BBC驻阿拉伯记者Sebastian Usher报道。

The national unity government was finally sworn in at the weekend. Half the ministers are from opposition parties, and half from President Saleh's former ruling party. It faces huge challenges. After nearly a year of unrest, Yemen's sectarian and political fault lines are raw with violent conflict still an ever-present threat; the economy is collapsing; al-Qaeda is on the rise; and the young pro-democracy protesters who risked their lives to force President Saleh's resignation are still on the streets demanding that he faces trial.


A son of the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa says the state media should give less attention to his family. Namal Rajapaksa, a 25-year-old MP who's seen as a rising political star, said a recent television bulletin had successive items about his father and three uncles followed by sports coverage about himself and his brother. Mr Rajapaksa told parliament that Sri Lankans were more likely to believe the state media if it had a more balanced approach.

斯里兰卡总统Mahinda Rajapaksa的一位儿子表示,国家媒体不应过多地关注他的家人。25岁的议员Namal Rajapaksa被视为一颗正在升起的政治新星,他说,最近的电视新闻不断报道他父亲和三位叔叔,他自己和兄弟也上了体育新闻。Rajapaksa告诉议会,如果国家媒体能客观些的话,斯里兰卡民众会更相信它。

A court in Croatia has convicted 15 football officials and players over a match-fixing scandal in the national league. The men were found guilty of fixing eight games and attempting to rig three others, and were ordered to return more than $200,000 in illegal profits. The verdicts follow a two-year investigation prompted by a tip-off from German police.

