英语听力精选进阶版 7669(在线收听

The French foreign minister Alain Juppé says the European Union is on track to impose an embargo on Iran's oil exports. The Iranian government gains half of its revenue from the export of crude oil. Here's James Reynolds.

法国外交部长阿兰·朱佩说欧盟准备对伊朗的石油出口实施禁运。伊朗政府一半的收入来源于原油出口。James Reynolds报道。

The EU is going after Iran where it really hurts. It's targeting Iran's oil exports. France's foreign minister Alain Juppé has told a news conference that he hopes the EU will impose an embargo on Iran's oil exports. The move is expected to be announced at an EU foreign ministers' meeting to be held in Brussels at the end of January. These potential new measures target oil which is at the heart of Iran's economy. Iran's state gets more than half of its revenues through the export of crude oil. At the moment, the EU buys around 17% of Iran's oil exports. If Europe does stopping buying, Iran will have to turn to countries in Asia and those countries will demand a discount.


The German president Christian Wulff says he won't resign despite a scandal that put him under intense pressure to do so. Mr. Wulff had already apologized for failing to disclose a loan he'd received from a businessman's wife. But the scandal then deepened. As Steve Evans reports from Berlin.

德国总统克里斯汀·伍尔夫说尽管丑闻将他置于巨大的辞职压力之下,但他不会辞职。为隐瞒自己接受一位企业家妻子的借款一事,伍尔夫总统先生已公开道歉。之后,丑闻却愈演愈烈。Steve Evans在柏林报道。

President Wulff's role is symbolic, but as the head of state he does represent a nation. The allegation was that firstly he borrowed 500,000 euros from a businessman's wife and kept it secret when asked and secondly that he threatened the newspaper that reveal the loan with what he called criminal consequences for the journalist involved. On prime time television, he said the call to the paper was a mistake, but he added, I have not violated any law, either now as president or before. When asked whether he will resign, he responded bluntly no.


The Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann has pulled out of the race to be the Republican Party candidate in this year's US presidential campaign. Mrs. Bachmann polled just 5% when republicans in Iowa voted on Tuesday for their preferred candidates. The Iowa caucus was won by the closest of margins by the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. From Iowa, Paul Adams.

明尼苏达州的女国会议员Michele Bachmann已从本年美国总统大选,共和党候选人的竞选中败下阵来。周二爱荷华州共和党选举其候选人的投票中,Bachmann夫人仅获5%的选票。在爱荷华州的共和党党团会议选举中,马萨诸塞州前州长Mitt Romney以微弱优势当选。

Michele Bachmann said she had decided to stand aside but insisted she would continue to fight against what she called the socialist agenda of President Barak Obama. For months, Michele Bachmann's fortunes have waned. The defection of her Iowa campaign chief at her dreadful showing in Tuesday's caucuses made this decision all but inevitable. Despite a brief moment as a front-runner last summer, she has never really stood the remotest chance of being nominated. Her departure removes one hardline Christian conservative from the field and leaves it more open for other candidates, including Rick Santorum who appealed to evangelical voters. But the race now moves to the northeastern state of New Hampshire where Mitt Romney, the winner here by just 8 votes stands a good chance of notching up a second early win.

几个月来,Michele Bachmann的好运已经到头。在周二共和党党团会议上,由于她糟糕的表现,爱荷华州竞选战役主席的背版使她只能做出退选决定。尽管在去年夏天的一小段时间里,她成为竞选的领跑者,却一直远离提名。她的退出使强硬派的基督教保守分子离开了竞选舞台,也使得竞选大门向其他竞选人敞开,包括Rick Santorum,他受福音派选民的欢迎。现在竞选转战东北部的新罕布什尔州,但是在这里,仅凭8票优势当选的Rick Santorum大有希望及早赢得第二次胜利。

World News from the BBC.

President Cristina Fernandez of Argentina is awake and recovering after surgery for thyroid cancer. Her spokesman said the operation was successful with no complications. Supporters gathered outside the hospital in Buenos Aires, applauded the news. Ms Fernandez is expected to remain in hospital for at least three days.

阿根廷的总统Cristina Fernandez从甲状腺癌的手术后苏醒并正在康复。她的发言人说手术非常成功,且没有并发症。总统的支持者聚集在位于布宜诺斯艾利斯的医院门口,为这个好消息鼓掌欢呼。Cristina Fernandez总统可能要留院观察至少三天。

A court in Indonesia has found a teenage boy guilty of stealing a pair of worn-out sandals in a case that caused outrage across the country. Hundreds of people piled out old sandals outside the court room in protest against the decision to prosecute the 15-year-old boy. He could face 5 years in prison for the offense but the judge instead ordered him to be sent home for counseling by his parents.


British detectives investigating the racist murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence say new information has come to light that may help them convict more suspects. On Wednesday two white men who were found guilty of the 1993 killing were sentenced for a crime which the judge said had scarred the nation. Matt Prodger reports.

调查谋杀黑人少年Stephen Lawrence的种族主义凶手的英国侦探说,新情报已经显露,将有望确认更多的嫌疑犯。本周三,被确认为1993年杀人案罪犯的两名白人男子被宣判杀人罪。法官称此案对国家造成了创伤。Matt Prodger报道。

In front of a packed and tense court room, Mr. Justice Treacy told Gary Dobson he would serve a minimum of 15 years and two months while David Norris, because he was younger at the time of murder, would spend at least 14 years and three months in prison. The judge listed a number of aggravating factors which had increased the sentences above a 12-year starting point. He said there was a degree of premeditation in the murder. It was a racist crime driven by hatred. It involved a gang of like-minded attackers who knew a lethal weapon was being carried and the victim was completely blameless.

在挤满了人的,气氛紧张的法庭里,大法官Treacy告诉罪犯Gary Dobson,他将服刑至少15年零二个月,而David Norris因为在杀人案发生时年纪尚小,将在监狱度过至少14年零三个月。法官列出一些加重因素,使得判决超过了12年这个起点期限。他说在此凶杀案件包含一定程度的预谋,是由憎恨驱使的种族犯罪。此案件牵扯了一群有类似想法的袭击者,他们知道凶手携带了令人致命的武器,并且受害者是完全无辜的。

Thousands of people who bought tickets to see synchronized swimming at the London Olympics later this year have been asked to return them in what's being described as a human data error. Ten thousand tickets were sold for seats that didn't exist but people who've bought the tickets had been offered seats at all tentative events instead.

