英语听力精选进阶版 7683(在线收听

President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria has challenged the Islamist militant group Boko Haram to identify themselves and clearly state their demands as a basis for dialogue. He said military intervention was not the sole means of ending the conflict.


"The military confrontation is required now because you must reduce it by all means, but military confrontation alone will not eliminate terror attack. Your superior intelligence and providing enabling environment for young people to have jobs."


Mr Jonathan, who was speaking in an interview with the Reuters news agency, said there was no doubt that Boko Haram had links with other jihadist groups outside Nigeria.


The American Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has been giving details of billions of dollars in cuts in the US military over the next 10 years. He said after a decade of war and expanding defence budgets, a turning point had been reached. Outlining his department's spending plans, Mr Panetta announced the army would shrink by 80,000 soldiers from some 570,000 by 2017. Here's Paul Adams.

美国国防部长莱昂·潘内达公布了未来10年内削减数百亿美元军队支出的细节,他说经过十年的战争,国防预算也在膨胀,因此转折点已经到来。潘内达概述了国防部的开支计划,他宣布截至2017年军队将由现在的约57万人缩减为8万。Paul Adams报道。

Mr Panetta said that after a decade of war and expanding defence budgets, this was a turning point: an opportunity to develop a new defence strategy which would result in a leaner but more flexible military. As expected, he announced significant reductions in manpower in both the army and Marine Corps. The navy and air force will lose older and less relevant equipment and some major procurement programmes, like the Joint Strike Fighter, will be slowed down. The military's global focus will shift with greater emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region and the withdrawal of two brigades from Europe.


A former Guatemalan military leader Efrain Rios Montt has appeared before a court in Guatemala for a preliminary hearing that could lead to him being charged with genocide. He was in power in the early 1980s when some of the worst atrocities of Guatemala's long civil war were committed. Many indigenous Mayans were massacred as part of government efforts to defeat left-wing rebels. Mr Rios Montt denies responsibility.

前危地马拉领导人Efrain Rios Montt出席委内马拉法庭做初步听审,他或被指控以大屠杀罪。他于20世纪80年代早期在位,当时危地马拉正在经历暴行最多的多年内战。在政府着力打击左翼叛军的行动中,许多土著马扬斯人遭屠杀。Rios Montt否认应对此负责。

The Senate in Argentina has been discussing the future of the Falkland Islands. The Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has rejected an accusation by the British Prime Minister David Cameron that her government has a colonialist attitude to the islands, over which Argentina maintains its claim of sovereignty.

阿根廷议会目前在商讨福克兰岛屿的前途问题,阿根廷对该岛屿保有主权。英国首相卡梅隆曾指责阿根廷政府对该岛屿持殖民主义态度,阿根廷总统Cristina Fernandez驳回了该说法。

The Arab League is to ask the United Nations Security Council on Monday to back its plan to end the violence in Syria. On Sunday, the league called for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down and hand power to his deputy. In Syria itself, activists say there have been renewed clashes between the security forces and anti-government protesters near Damascus. Clashes were also reported in Deraa, south of the capital.

This is the World News coming to you from the BBC.

Scientists working with a species of locusts found in Asia believe they've made an important discovery about why the insects gather in such vast numbers. They say the locusts are looking for food which is high in carbohydrates similar to a junk food diet for humans. Writing in the journal Science, the researchers say that the insects find this food on land which is low in nitrogen. The lead researcher Arianne Cease from Arizona State University said this makes them vulnerable to nitrogen fertilizers that encourage the growth of protein-rich foods.

研究一种在亚洲发现的蝗虫的科学家认为,他们已得到重大发现,明白为何这种昆虫能以如此多的数量聚集在一起。科学家说,这种蝗虫在寻找一种高糖食物,相当于人类吃的垃圾食品。研究人员在《科学》杂志上发表了研究结果,称这种昆虫在含氮低的陆地上寻找这种食物。来自亚利桑那州立大学的研究负责人Arianne Cease说,这样这种蝗虫就易受氮肥的伤害,因为氮肥能促进富蛋白食物的增加。

"Our study suggests (that) sort of counter-intuitively that if we have an impending outbreak - so a large number of juveniles of this particular locust - (that) we could use nitrogen fertilizer to apply that to some of the localised outbreaks, and then that would actually suppress their numbers going into adults and would likely suppress future swarms."


The front-runner in the race to be the next president of France, the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande, says he can erase the country's public deficit and increase spending. Unveiling his manifesto , Mr Hollande said he'd increase tax on high earners but cut it for small businesses.

法国下届总统竞选的领先者社会党候选人Francois Hollande称,他宣称将消除本国的公共赤字,增加开支,并增加对高收入者的税收,减少小企业的税收。

A government office in the Irish capital Dublin has banned applicants from wearing pajamas when they attend interviews to assess their welfare payments. Andy Martin takes up this story.

爱尔兰首都都柏林一处政府办公室发出禁令,禁止申请者穿睡衣参加评估福利金的面谈,Andy Martin报道。

It may have started when people nipped out wearing their slippers to the shops, but welfare officers in north Dublin are, it appears, fed up with what has been branded "pajamafication". In a community welfare office near Blanchards town where unemployed people can make appointments to seek advances or supplements to benefits payments, an official warning has now been posted. "Please be advised," it says, "that pajamas are not regarded as appropriate attire when attending these offices."

这个习气或许最早是那些穿着拖鞋就匆匆去商店购物的人带动的,但北都柏林福利办事处显然讨厌那些被称为“睡衣主义”的行为。在Blanchards 镇一处社区福利办公室,无业人员可以在这里申请预支或增加救济金,如今这里贴上一条官方警告,上面写道,“请注意,我们认为,穿着睡衣进入此类办公室并不恰当。”
