英语听力精选进阶版 7704(在线收听

Mauritanian and Libyan government officials say that Colonel Gaddafi's former intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi has been captured. The Mauritanian authorities say he was detained at the airport in the capital Nouakchott after flying in from Morocco using a fake passport. Wyre Davies reports from Tripoli.

毛里塔尼亚和利比亚政府官员称已捕获卡扎菲上校的前情报部长塞努西。毛里塔尼亚当局称,塞努西是在首都努瓦克肖特机场被捕的,当时他刚用假护照从摩洛哥抵达本国。Wyre Davies在的黎波里报道。

Abdullah Senussi was the most senior member of Colonel Gaddafi's government still on the run . He was also the most feared. As head of the state intelligence service, Abdullah Senussi was one of Muammar Gaddafi's closest and most loyal confidants . The 63-year-old has been accused of numerous human rights abuses and is wanted by the International Criminal Court. According to Libyan dissidents, Senussi would personally beat and abuse Colonel Gaddafi's opponents.


Egypt's Coptic Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria has died. Pope Shenouda was in his late 80s and had been in poor health for several years. He'd been the leader of the Middle East's largest Christian minority since 1971, but sometimes had a stormy relationship with the political elite, as Jon Leyne in Cairo reports.

埃及科普特教皇欣诺达三世去世,享年近90岁,最近几年他健康状况一直欠佳。他自1971年以来一直是中东最大的基督教少数派的领导人,但有时与政治精英的关系很差。Jon Leyne在开罗报道。

In 1981, he fell out with President Sadat and was sent into internal exile for four years before he was allowed back into public life by President Mubarak. Under his leadership, Egypt's Coptic Christians were seen as giving tacit support to the regime of Hosni Mubarak in return for a degree of protection from Islamist extremists. Whoever succeeds him now faces the task of reassuring the Coptic Christian community as the Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood look on the verge of sharing power in Egypt for the first time.


Several hundred activists have demonstrated in the Moroccan capital Rabat against the law on sexual violence, which allows a rapist to marry his victim as a way of avoiding prosecution. It follows the news spread by the Internet of the suicide a week ago of a 16-year-old girl, Amina Filali, near Tangier in northern Morocco. Her parents say their daughter was pressured by a court into marrying her rapist. She took her own life by swallowing rat poison when she was subsequently abused by her attacker and his family. Morocco updated its legal code eight years ago, but activists say there's still much more to do.

数百名活动人士在摩洛哥首都拉巴特游行抗议有关性暴力的法律,该法规定强奸者可以与受害者结婚,从而可以免受投诉。就在此前,网络盛传摩洛哥北部16岁少女Amina Filali自杀的新闻,她的父母说,法庭强迫女儿与强奸她的人结婚,后来,她被强奸者和他的家人虐待,就吞食老鼠药自杀了。摩洛哥8年前修改了法典,但活动人士称这还远远不够。

A militant Shia group in Iraq says it's released a former American soldier it kidnapped last year. The group, which is loyal to the Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, produced the man in US military uniform at a news conference in Baghdad. Rami Ruhayem reports from the Iraqi capital.

伊拉克什叶派一军事组织称已释放去年绑架的一名前美国士兵,该组织效忠于什叶派牧师穆克塔达·萨德尔,在巴格达的一次新闻发布会上,该组织令一名身着美军制服的男子亮相。Rami Ruhayem在伊拉克首都报道。

It would have been hard to believe were it not for the tall, dark-skinned man standing next to the Promised Day Brigade spokeswoman. As soon as she finished their announcement, the man stepped forward and explained in an American accent that he'd been deployed to Iraq in 2003, spent 15 months as a soldier and then moved to a civilian role. He said he was abducted on 18 June last year, and it was thought he'd be released for humanitarian reasons.


BBC News

The Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk has died in Germany at the age of 91. He was convicted last year of being an accessory to the murder of 28,000 people in the Sobibor Nazi death camp in Poland during World War II. Although sentenced to five years in prison, he was released on grounds of his age and died in an old people's home in Bavaria. Born in Ukraine, he settled in the United States after the war and was deported to Germany in 2009.


The Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has addressed parliament at the start of the new legislative period, which he described as a landmark in the country's history. It's the longest time Pakistan has had both a democratically elected president and a continuous government since independence in 1947. Mr Zardari told parliament that this showed everybody that democracy there was working.


"The world can see the march of democracy goes on. Our institutions are working. Together we are creating history. While a lot more needs to be done, a strong beginning has been made. We Pakistanis can be proud of our young democracy."


An English FA Cup football match has been abandoned after one of the players collapsed on the pitch . The Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba fell to the ground during the quarter-final tie at Tottenham Hotspur. Tim Franks has the details.

英国足协杯足球比赛因一名球员在赛场倒下而取消。博尔顿队中场球员法布里斯·姆安巴在托特纳姆热刺1/4决赛中倒下,Tim Franks报道。

Fabrice Muamba collapsed five minutes before the end of the first half. The ball was nowhere near him. Players from both teams who were close to him waved frantically at their medical staff who raced onto the pitch. The TV cameras quickly pulled away as the medics pumped his chest for several minutes. Other players stood or squatted in tears, their hands clasped. Among the spectators, the sound went from raucous to near silent. The referee Howard Webb, his face gaunt , spoke to both managers and called the players off the pitch. A few minutes later, the game was abandoned.

