英语听力精选进阶版 7718(在线收听

The head of the United Nations observer team for Syria have arrived there to take charge of the advance deployment. The Norwegian general, Robert Mood, and his team will have the job of monitoring a poorly observed ceasefire that's now in its third week. Jim Muir reports.

联合国赴叙利亚观察团团长已抵达叙利亚,进行深入部署的管理工作。挪威将军Robert Mood和他的小队将负责监督执行不力的停火协议,目前已是该协议执行的第三周。Jim Muir报道。

Major General Mood faces a daunting task, and he knows it. Arriving in Damascus, he said he believed the observer team he will be heading can make a difference, but he cautioned against any expectations that they alone can achieve miracles. So far there are only 30 observers now in the country. Major General Mood said that number would double in the coming days and build up rapidly to the full strength of 300. Some predictions, however, have been that it may take many weeks for that to happen as it's proving a painfully slow process.


Sudan says more than 12,000 citizens from South Sudan must leave the country within a week. The governor of White Nile state, Yousif Al-Shenbali, said their presence in Sudanese territory posed a threat to security and the environment. Sudan and South Sudan have clashed over a disputed oil-rich border area in recent weeks.

苏丹称,来自南苏丹的1.2万多名公民必须在一周内离开本国。白尼罗河州州长Yousif Al-Shenbali说,这些人停留在苏丹国境内给本国的安全和环境构成了威胁。数周以来,苏丹和南苏丹一直为争夺一处有争议的产油边境地区发生冲突。

Police in Mexico are investigating the death of a journalist in the eastern state of Veracruz.  Regina Martinez reported on drug trafficking for the weekly investigative news magazine Proceso. Will Grant has the details.

墨西哥警方正在调查东部维拉克鲁斯州一名记者死亡案。Regina Martinez为每周新闻调查杂志Proceso报道毒品走私案。Will Grant报道。

Regina Martinez's body was discovered in her home after a neighbour had alerted the police. There were signs of heavy blows to her face and body, the state attorney general's office said, and it appears she was asphyxiated . The governor of Veracruz has ordered what he called an exhaustive investigation into her death. Media watchdogs and human rights organisations consider Mexico to be one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a journalist, and Regina Martinez's murder comes just days after two journalists were among 15 people killed in a shooting in a bar in Ciudad Juarez.

一名邻居报警后,他们在Regina Martinez家里发现了她的尸体。该州检察长办公室称,她的脸上和身上有遭受重击的痕迹,很显然她是窒息而死。维拉克鲁斯州州长已下令就这位记者的死亡案进行所谓的彻底调查。媒体观察机构和人权组织认为,对记者来说,墨西哥是全世界最危险的国家之一,就在Regina Martinez谋杀案发生的几天前,包括两名记者在内的15人在Ciudad Juarez一家酒吧被开枪打死。

One of the most prominent Libyans to defect from Colonel Gaddafi's regime during the uprising last year has been found dead in Vienna. The former Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem was 69 and had been living in Europe with his family. From the Austrian capital, here's Bethany Bell.

去年利比亚起义中,叛变卡扎菲政权者中最著名的那位利比亚人现被发现在维也纳身亡。这位前石油部长Shukri Ghanem年龄69岁,一直和家人居住在欧洲。Bethany Bell在奥地利首都报道。

A police spokesman, Roman Hahslinger, told the BBC that Mr Ghanem's body was found in the Danube river in Vienna early on Sunday morning, near a popular recreation area. He said the body did not appear to have been in the water very long and showed no external signs of violence. Mr Hahslinger says the cause of death was not immediately clear and an autopsy has been ordered.

警方发言人Roman Hahslinger告诉BBC,Ghanem的尸体是周日凌晨在维也纳多瑙河里发现的,附近是一处著名的休闲区。他说,看来尸体在水中的时间不长,尸体外表上看不出暴力的痕迹。 Hahslinger说死因尚不清楚,并已下令进行尸检。

The Red Cross in Pakistan says one of its British aid workers has been killed by his captors in the southwestern province of Balochistan. Doctor Khalil Rasjed Dale was abducted from the city of Quetta in January. Police said his beheaded body was found on Sunday morning along with a note which said he was killed by the Pakistani Taliban. Balochistan province is suffering from a separatist insurgency.

巴基斯坦红十字称,其一名英国助理工人在西南俾路支省被逮捕者杀死。Khalil Rasjed Dale医生一月份在基达市被绑架走。警方称他的无头尸体是周日早晨发现的,身上还有一张便条,称他是被巴基斯坦塔利班杀害。俾路支省正遭受分裂主义叛乱中。

World News from the BBC

Gunmen in northern Nigeria's biggest city Kano have attacked a university, killing 16 people and wounding many others. Witnesses said several attackers threw explosives at a church service on Bayero University campus. They then opened fire as worshippers fled the scene. The attack is similar to others carried out by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.


The dominant party in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, says the ruling military council has agreed to reshuffle the cabinet. The state-run news agency said Islamists would be brought in. The announcement came shortly after parliament suspended work for a week in protest at the military's reluctance to sack the interim government and invite the Brotherhood to form an administration.


The English Football Association says it's approached Roy Hodgson about the national team manager's job. He's currently at West Bromwich Albion in the Premier League. The new manager will lead England to the European Championships in Ukraine and Poland. This report from Tim Franks.

英国足协称将任命罗伊·霍奇森担任国家队教练一职,霍奇森目前就职于英超西布罗姆维奇俱乐部。新教练将带领英格兰队参加乌克兰和波兰举办的欧洲锦标赛。Tim Franks报道。

This is a decision that is both in its way surprising and conservative. At 64, Roy Hodgson has enormous experience. His last tenure was a brief and unhappy six months at Liverpool, but now at West Brom with relatively meagre resources he's piloted the club to mid-table safety in the Premier League. The surprise is that ever since Fabio Capello walked from the England manager's job in February, the overwhelming favourite among the public and the pundits to take over had been the Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp.


Experts at a meeting in Bangladesh say using new technology is key to saving the critically endangered Bengal tiger. The experts from Bangladesh, India and Britain are promoting new methods, such as camera traps and collecting genetic samples from tiger excrement . They say accurate figures are crucial in understanding trends in the tiger population, but are difficult to collect through traditional methods.

