英语听力精选进阶版 7728(在线收听

John: Hello and welcome to Leicester Square for this edition of On The Town from Learning English, I am John and with me is my colleague Lily.

Lily: 大家好! 我是杨莉,现在呢,我们来到了伦敦市中心著名的莱斯特广场 Leicester Square. I know it is one of the busiest spots in London. So what are the main attractions here John?

John: Well, Roger Cobuill has studied history and is very knowledgeable about London. Here’s his sketch of Leicester Square:


It has a considerable number of cinemas which surround the square and normally the main premieres for any film in London are held in this particular square. Leicester Square is named after the Earl of Leicester who was a minister under Queen Elizabeth the first, and that’s where the name comes from. The square itself has got a lovely garden in it. During the premiere this area is usually fenced off and the red carpet is out, so many celebrities are shown to people, and come here, very much like Cannes.

John: Now let’s look at some of the words he used: Leicester Square is named after the Earl of Leicester, to be named after somebody.

Lily: 这个短语很有用,就是根据某人来为一个地方命名。

John: A considerable number of cinemas, considerable.

Lily: 看来莱斯特广场的独到之处就是大招牌影院全都汇聚于此,considerable数量可观的;

John: film premieres.

Lily: 电影首映式,premieres. 英国的首映式 基本都在莱斯特广场举行,所以追星族和粉丝们都愿来此,一睹明星风采为快。

John: So whenever there is a premiere, the square is fenced off.

Lily: 广场举行首映式的时候, 四周全用栅栏围起来,fenced off.

John: the red carpet is out and many celebrities are shown to people.

Lily: 除了在电影首映式上使用红地毯之外,the red carpet也是迎接国家首脑的最高礼遇,so the red carpet treatment 意思是贵宾待遇. Celebrities 社会名流。

John: While the cinemas claim to be the biggest and the best, the tickets are the dearest too.

Lily: 没错,大牌影院,新片的门票至少八镑五,大约120块人民币, 太贵了,too dear!

John: But still, a lot of people love to come here for the excitement. This couple we are talking to often take their children out for a weekend treat.

Lily: Listen out for these words…

John: bright lights.

Lily: 闪烁明亮的霓虹灯

John: the glamour of the movies.

Lily: 电影的华丽

John: buzzing atmosphere.

Lily: 热烈喧嚣的气氛


All the bright lights, all the glamour of the movies and some fantastic premieres from time to time, eat ice cream, Haagen-Dazs and Starbucks as well…

We love the buzzing atmosphere around the cinemas, but we also like to come to the park to see the statues, it’s a lot quieter, so we get the best of both worlds.

Lily: 吸引他们的不仅有莱斯特广场闪烁迷离的霓虹灯,广告牌, 新片首映式,还有著名的哈根达斯冰激凌,星巴克咖啡厅,热闹过后他们还特别喜欢来这幽静的花园坐坐,看看著名的雕塑 Famous statues:

John: The one which is central to the Garden is William Shakespeare.

Lily: 花园中间是英国戏剧家和诗人莎士比亚的雕像

John: Then there are Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist;

Lily: 科学家牛顿爵士

John: Sir Joshua Reynolds, the first President of the Royal Academy;

Lily: 英国皇家学院首任院长雷诺兹爵士

John: John Hunter, a pioneer of surgery;

Lily: 现代外科之父亨特尔

John: William Hogarth, the painter.

Lily: 英国画家霍家斯

John: The most recent addition is a statue of film star and director Charlie Chaplin.

Lily: 还有最新增添的戏剧演员和导演卓别林的雕像。

John: But apart from the film mania and the solemn statues, there are always some buskers entertaining the crowds with their music.

Lily: 火爆的电影和肃穆的雕塑之外, 广场四周总有一些街头艺人即兴表演或演奏,Buskers 街头艺人; but, according to Roger, not everyone is allowed to put on a performance here.


Mentioning the buskers, many people don't realize that they have to obtain a license granted by the London authority and have to go through some audition so that their performance has to be of high standard.

John: So these buskers have to obtain a license.

Lily: 必须从伦敦有关当局拿到执照;to obtain a license.

John: to go through some audition.

Lily: 领照之前先要经过专家的视听audition, 以防滥竽充数,确保表演达到高标准,high standard. 恩,这么说, 广场上的那些肖像画家也要有执照了?

John: Oh yes, they are professional caricaturists. They make good money out here, you know - £30 starting price!

Lily: 漫画肖像也是莱斯特广场的一景。Caricaturists 就是专门画漫画肖像的画家。肖像每张最低起价30英镑!Everything is expensive here!

John: The Square is home to several nightclubs too, making it often very busy, particularly on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Lily: 是的, 夜总会nightclubs到了周末通宵达旦, 旁边的唐人街餐馆也不少通宵营业. 哎,怎么说起中餐馆, 我这肚子就开始叫饿了,

John: I am hungry too! Shall we go and get some dimsum?

Lily: Sure! Thank you for listening and we’ll see you next time!
