英语听力精选进阶版 7758(在线收听

In Mandarin it’s 恭喜发财. Ok, so after three… One, two, three恭喜发财 !

Neil: Welcome to a very special edition of On the Town from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Li: 大家好,我是杨莉。

Neil: We’re in the centre of London today to see the celebrations for Chinese New Year.

Li: 我们在伦敦市中心参加大年初一的新春庆祝活动。

Li: It’s amazing to see all these people celebrating Chinese New Year in London.

Neil: There are thousands and thousands of people here in Trafalgar Square in the centre of London.

Li: 今年伦敦庆新春活动是有史以来规模最大的一次了。 So what's on?

Neil: Come on. Let’s go and see the Grand Parade.



Neil: Two hundred and fifty performers are taking part in the Grand Parade.

Li: 大游行。Grand Parade.

Neil: There are dragons, lions and dancers going along a route through the streets of central London. Dragons.

Li: 龙。Dragons. 现在我们能看到,由舞龙舞狮和舞蹈队组成的游行队伍正沿着市中心最繁华的大街走向鸽子广场。

Neil: Let’s ask some people what they think about it.


Well, it was beautiful: very colourful, lovely music, mind-boggling really, you know, hypnotic the way the way the dragons move. It’s beautiful.

Neil: She thinks it’s beautiful and very colourful.

Li: 五彩缤纷的。Colourful.

Neil: Colourful and mind-boggling.

Li: 就是令人吃惊又难以理解的。Mind-boggling.

Neil: She thought the way the dragons move is hypnotic.

Li: Hypnotic. 催眠的。

Neil: Back here in Trafalgar Square there’s an official opening ceremony.

Li: 开幕式。Opening ceremony.

Neil: There are a few speeches from important people, such as the Chinese Ambassador to Britain.


To all of you and through you to all British people. Good health, prosperity and happiness in your family. Thank you very much.

Li: 那是中国驻英大使查培新先生正在开幕式上讲话。

Neil: He wished British people good health, prosperity and happiness for their families. Prosperity.

Li: 万事顺意,兴隆。Prosperity.

Neil: And after the speeches… more dragons, traditional and contemporary music and dance, and martial arts displays.

Li: 传统的。 Traditional. 当代的。Contemporary.

Neil: Martial arts displays.

Li: 武术表演。 Martial arts displays.

Neil: Come on Li, let’s get to Leicester Square in time for the fireworks.

Li: 是阿,莱斯特广场那边马上就要燃放烟花爆竹,我们赶快过去,别错过机会。

Neil: It’s absolutely packed here.

Li: Packed. 水泄不通。这个词形容特别拥挤的状态。Packed。


Firework explosions.

Neil: I think I’ve gone deaf!

Li: Neil 说,爆竹声震耳欲聋,他现在什么都听不到了!

Neil: Well, I’m feeling pretty hungry now, so let’s go into Chinatown for some food.

Li: It looks just like China!

Neil: There are red lanterns hanging up everywhere. Lanterns.

Li: 灯笼。 Lanterns.

Neil: And there are hundreds of Chinese restaurants and food stalls. Mmm.

Neil: Well, Li, I’ve had a great day and it looks most of these people have too.


It’s been fantastic. It’s great to see London celebrating other people’s cultures. A really great day.

Neil: She said it’s great to see London celebrating other people’s cultures.

Li: 这位女士说,看到伦敦庆祝其他民族的文化,真让人开心。

Neil: To celebrate other people’s cultures.

Li: 庆祝其他民族的文化。

Neil: See ya and 恭喜发财!

Li: Bye. 恭喜发财!
