英语听力精选进阶版 7767(在线收听

Jean: It sounds like waves on the ocean. Are we on a ship?

Lily: No, no, we are here in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Jean: 没错。我们现在就是在坐落在伦敦格林尼治的国家海事博物馆。一进博物馆的大门,就能听到大海的涛声。

Lily: You know, it's the leading maritime museum in the UK and the biggest of its kind in the world.

Jean: 世界上最大的海事博物馆! Is it really?

Lily: Well, let's check with Claire Warrior, one of the curators at the museum.

Jean: Claire Warrior 是博物馆的馆员。


Well, this is the largest maritime museum in the world and it has some 2.5 million items in its collection. The museum has 21 galleries, over 3 different sites so we have the main museum here.

Lily: The National Maritime Museum has 2.5 million items in its collection. It's a huge museum with 21 galleries. So it's impossible to see everything in one go.

Jean: 一次全部看完确实是不太可能。那能不能给我们介绍一下博物馆里不可错过的那些最精彩的部分呢?

Lily: Yes but before we listen to Claire again, here are a few words to help you: uniform.

Jean: 军装。

Lily: The Battle of Trafalgar.

Jean: 特拉法加战役。

Lily: Bullet.

Jean: 子弹。

Lily: Breeches.

Jean: 马裤。

Lily: Swap.

Jean: 交换。


Well, the museum has the uniform that Lord Nelson was wearing at the Battle of Trafalgar and you can see the bullet hole just below his shoulder, where the bullet struck him; and he later died. The breeches that he was wearing, that were cut off his body, are also in one of our galleries. We have material from the Titanic, which sank in 1912, including a watch that someone was wearing, amongst many other things.

Jean: 纳尔逊将军是一位英国的民族英雄,在1805年的特拉法加战役中牺牲。

Lily: The uniform and the breeches he was wearing are both on display.

Jean: 展出的是他当时穿过的军装和马裤。

Lily: Then, there is material from the Titanic on display.

Jean: 大家肯定都听说过泰坦尼克号吧?不是电影,而是那艘真的在1912沉没的巨轮。在博物馆里还有泰坦尼号上的实物在这里展出 on display.

Lily: Such as a watch someone was wearing and many other things.

Jean: We're visiting the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Lily: Claire Warrior is taking us into one of its most popular galleries: the Explorer's Gallery.


Well this is the Explorer's Gallery which is one of the most popular galleries in the museum. When you come into it you're standing on board a creaking ship with a horizon in the distance, and then you come into see a spice table, which shows some of the different spices that were taken across the oceans in the 16th century. We also have material relating to the mapping of the world at that time. And then finally, there's a small section on Polar exploration, including Franklin's expeditions and some of the early expeditions to find the North Pole.

Jean: 这真是一个绝佳的超级展馆!我现在真的感觉像是站在一艘嘎吱作响的轮船上,都可以望得到海上远处的地平线。一艘嘎吱作响的轮船就是 -

Lily: A creaking ship.

Jean: 还有远方的地平线。

Lily: A horizon in the distance.

Jean: 然后你还会看到一个香料站台,展出的都是在16世纪的时候横跨各个大洋的当地不同种类的香料。英语里的香料就是。

Lily: Spices. In this gallery you can see material relating to the mapping of the world. Mapping of the world.

Jean: 世界的图表分布。

Lily: And finally, there is a small section on Polar exploration, including Franklin's expeditions.

Jean: 极地探险包括弗兰克林的多次探险活动,他在19世纪的时候就探险到过北极。

Lily: The museum, with its 2.5 million collections, provides a snapshot of the maritime history of Britain.

Jean: Snapshot 快照。英国是一个岛国,所以历来和海洋有着密切的关系。参观海事博物馆也是了解英国的一个有效途径。

Lily: That's very true. Let's finish with a clip from Claire. She said that the sea has been an important way in which Britain has defined itself.

Jean: 大海确实是英国国家和民族一个必不可少的组成部分。很高兴今天带着大家共同分享了这一次旅程,我们下次节目再见啦!


Britain has such a close relationship to the sea and has had historically, and the sea has been such an important way in which Britain has defined itself that the Maritime museum provides a snapshot of how exploration, discovery, Empire, colonialism – all these things have contributed to Britain's place in the world and into Britain’s relationships with other cultures.
