英语听力精选进阶版 7789(在线收听

Paul: It’s London’s oldest food market!

Yang Li: It’s also the most famous place for fine food.

Paul: It’s the famous Borough Market near London Bridge!

Yang Li: 是的, 美食者来伦敦一定要逛逛著名的巴腊鲜货市场 Borough Market, 它不仅历史悠久而且也是伦敦南岸生鲜食品的中心.Hello I’m Yang Li.

Paul: Hi I am Paul. Glad to have you join us for a visit to the world’s famous Borough Market!


Yes, this is probably one of the top markets in Europe. It’s a food market now. It’s started small and now it’s grown to a big market and there’s a lot of quality food here.

Yang Li: 这名购物者评论说, Borough Market 是欧洲顶级鲜活市场. 这里有许多高质食品.

Paul: Borough Market has a long history as a wholesale fruit and vegetable market. 水果和蔬菜批发市场 wholesale 批发.

Yang Li: It’s also the country’s most important retail market for fine foods 它也是精美食品的零售市场 retail 零售.

Paul: We spoke to Richard, a local trader. He said there is a lot of history in this place.


Borough market has been here for about 1,000 years, pretty much since the Romans left and it used to go across both sides of London Bridge, as London bridge was much bigger, much wider and people used to live on it. But it was deemed too dangerous and so it was brought down onto the bank side. So there's a lot of history in this place and it’s a good place to come if you like food especially 'cause there's lots of different food from different places all over the world and everybody is particularly passionate about their particular product.

Yang Li: Borough Market 可是个有千年历史的鲜货市场. 起初在大桥桥面上, 后来因为安全等原因, 般到了桥下的岸边 Bankside.

Paul: He said that everybody is passionate about their particular product. 人人都热爱自己的摊位和商品. Passionate, 满腔热情.

Yang Li: So what are the types of food being so sold here, Richard?


Well, there are all sorts of food. There's, from your butcher, so you've got different types of pork and wild boar and beef and Neil's Yard dairy does all English types of cheeses with their massive variety, and there are stalls that concentrate just on one particular thing, just concentrates on tea. There's a stall that does just Italian olive oils and there's also lots of fish and scallops, there's a venison stall. Venison's a particularly healthy type of meat 'cause it's low in fat. There's also ostrich farmers here.

Paul: Richard is talking about the range of food.

Yang Li: 听上去竟是超市里买不到的稀有食品: Shall we have a look at some of the words he said, Paul?

Paul: Sure. The Butcher.

Yang Li: 肉铺肉摊.

Paul: Pork.

Yang Li: 猪肉.

Paul: Wild boar.

Yang Li: 野猪肉.

Paul: Beef.

Yang Li: 牛肉.

Paul: All types of English cheeses.

Yang Li: 各种英式奶酪.

Paul: Italian olive oil.

Yang Li: 意大利橄榄油.

Paul: Fish and scallops.

Yang Li: 鱼和扇贝.

Paul: A venison stall.

Yang Li: 卖鹿肉的铺子.

Paul: Ostrich farmers.

Yang Li: 卖鸵鸟肉的农庄商贩. 我们再听一遍.

Paul: But the busiest is a fruit and vegetable stall, I can see different berries, cherry tomatoes and wild mushrooms.

Yang Li: Yes. They are so fresh, aren’t they? Let’s talk to the seller about the variety of their produce.


Yellow beans, we sell those, dragon fruit, we sell that. We sell, like, organic kiwi fruits. We sell a wide range of, like, wild mushrooms. We sell mouli, we sell Japanese aubergine as well.

So are they all locally grown?

Yeah, a lot of them are, and then like, a lot of them come from, like, the eggs are from Northfield Farm and the other stuff comes form other farmers markets.

Right, so they are all from different farms in England?

Yeah, a lot of them are.

Paul: Here’s another set of useful words to do with food. Yellow beans.

Yang Li: 黄豆.

Paul: Dragon fruit.

Yang Li: 火龙果.

Paul: Organic kiwi fruit.

Yang Li: 天然猕猴桃.

Paul: Wild Mushrooms.

Yang Li: 野蘑菇.

Paul: Mouli.

Yang Li: 白萝卜.

Paul: And Japanese aubergine.

Yang Li: 日本茄子. So what used to be imported produce from overseas now has become locally grown.

Paul: That’s good but I find these vegetables dearer than the UK conventional vegetables. Dearer 价格高一些.

Yang Li: I agree but you pay for the quality. 一分钱一分货嘛. 听说, 这里的每一个摊位都经过最严格的品质测试, 所以讲究的厨师都来这里买菜.

Paul: 越说我的肚子越饿了. I am getting so hungry from the lovely smells around me.

Yang Li: Me too. Let’s say goodbye to our listeners from London. 下次节目再会.

Paul: Bye. Let’s get some food.
