英语听力精选进阶版 7796(在线收听

There’s no doubt about it, the way we view things has changed completely over the past five or ten years. Now we can make and watch videos on our mobile phones and even view our favourite TV programmes on our computers.

Neil: It is amazing, isn’t it Jean?

Jean: What’s that, Neil?

Neil: These days you can make videos on your phone and watch TV on your computer. None of these things were possible just a few years ago.

Jean: Neil 他说我们现在能够使用电脑来看电视, 还有用手机摄像, 都是非常的令人不可思议。 Amazing.

Neil: In this edition of On the Town we’re going to hear about a place where you can find out about the past, present and future of photography, film, television, radio and the web.

Jean: 在我们本期的《城市掠影》节目当中,我们要带大家来一同游历一个非常特别的地方, 在这里我们会了解到有关摄影、电影、电视、电台和网站科技的过去、现在与未来。 That sounds really interesting. Where is it?

Neil: It’s the National Media Museum in Bradford.

Jean: Where’s Bradford?

Neil: It’s in the north of England – about three hours by train north of London.

Jean: Is it a well-known museum?

Neil: Here’s Anna Crossley, a BBC reporter who visited the museum.


Historically it’s the most visited museum outside of London.

Jean: Oh, it’s the most visited museum outside of London. 这是在伦敦以外游客最多的一个博物馆。 What’s it all about?

Neil: Well, they say they want to “engage, inspire and educate by promoting an understanding and appreciation of photography, film, television, radio and the web.”

Jean: 衔接。Engage. 启迪。 Inspire. 欣赏。 Appreciation.

Neil: And they want to “deliver a cultural programme accessibly and authoritatively.”

Jean: 容易接受的。 Accessibly. 有权威性的。 Authoritatively.

Neil: It’s changed its name recently because the old one was too long! Here’s Anna again.


Historically it’s the most visited museum outside of London, known as, quite simply, ‘The National Media Museum’, which is no bad thing as the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television hardly rolls off the tongue.

Neil: She says the old name hardly rolls off the tongue. She means it’s not easy to say.

Jean: To roll off the tongue 从舌头上滚下来,就是容易说不拗口的意思。 早先的旧博物馆的名字比较拗口,不容易 roll off the tongue.

Neil: But it’s also changed because the museum’s about much more than photography, film and television these days. Here’s Colin Philpott, who’s the head of the museum.


The world around us is changing. Whole new media forms like the web have grown up since the museum opened and some old ones like radio have been largely ignored by the museum world.

Neil: New media forms have grown up since the museum opened. Media forms.

Jean: 媒体形式。 Media forms.

Neil: The web.

Jean: 互联网。 The web.

Neil: In English we say ‘the web’, ‘the internet’ or just ‘the net’.

Jean: 在英语里我们会说 ‘the web’, ‘the internet’ 或者‘the net’. So what can you see at the National Media Museum?

Neil: There’s the world’s earliest surviving photo negative.

Jean: 照片底片。Photo negative.

Neil: There’s a collection of photographic technology.

Jean: 摄影技术。

Neil: And a cinematography collection. Cinematography.

Jean: 电影摄影术。

Neil: There’s an animation gallery.

Jean: 动画。 Animation. 画廊。 Gallery.

Neil: And there’s something about gaming too.

Jean: 电子游戏。 Gaming.

Neil: There’s also the world’s largest collection of TVs.

Jean: 这里还有世界收藏量最广最大的各种电视机。

Neil: You can watch some of the most iconic television moments of all time. Iconic.

Jean: 偶像级的。 Iconic.

Neil: Of all time.

Jean: 从古至今。 Of all time.


Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed.

It’s one of the most iconic television moments of all time. For many people, man’s landing on the moon was viewed with excitement and wonder. Whole families gathered around the only TV set in the house to watch Neil Armstrong take his first steps.

Neil: For many people, man’s landing on the moon was viewed with excitement and wonder. Wonder.

Jean: 惊叹。Wonder.

Neil: When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969 the whole family gathered around the TV, and there was usually only one television in the house.

Jean: 不过在当代的英国家庭中,全家能够坐在一起看电视的时候已经是不像以前那么平常了。Join us again soon for more On the Town.
