英语听力精选进阶版 7804(在线收听

Vicki: Hello and welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English. I’m Vicki.

Oliver: 大家好,我是Oliver,在每期的《城市掠影》节目中,我们都会为您介绍一个有意思的地方,今天也不例外,而且这个地方是和法律的联系还非常紧密。

Vicki: We’re going to visit the Royal Courts of Justice.

Oliver: Courts 法院、法庭,justice 审判。

Vicki: The Courts are a very imposing building right in the centre of London, very near our BBC offices at Bush House in fact.

Oliver: An imposing building, 一座宏伟的建筑。那他到底有什么功能呢?是审批刑事犯罪的地方吗?


The Royal Courts of Justice is a building that holds the High Court. Now the High Court is not a criminal court, criminal cases are heard at the Central Criminal Court, also known as Old Bailey. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law.

Vicki: The Royal Courts of Justice are not a criminal court, criminal cases are heard at the main criminal court, called the Old Bailey. The court at the Royal Courts of Justice is called the High Court.

Oliver: 让我们先来了解几个相关的法律词汇 criminal, 刑事犯罪的.这个词常见的用法是做名词,意思是罪犯。但在这里是做形容词用,是用来描述这是一个负责什么案子的法院。 Cases 的意思是案子。比如说这个案子正在审理过程当中,用英语说就是 cases are heard. High Court 就是高等法院的意思。

Vicki: The Royal Courts are used for civil cases.

Oliver: Civil 在这里的意思是和刑事案件相对应的另一类民事案件。

Vicki: For example, divorce.

Oliver: 离婚。

Vicki: Custody proceedings.

Oliver: 监护权。

Vicki: And business law cases.

Oliver: 商法案。

Vicki: Let’s find out a bit about the history of the building.


It was built in the 1870’s and opened by Queen Victoria in 1882. The architect was George Street, and the building was paid for by cash from the estates of the intestate.

Oliver: 这么说,这是一座相当古老的建筑了。1882年是由当时的英女王维多利亚为他揭幕。

Vicki: The architect was George Street.

Oliver: Architect 建筑师、建筑设计师。不过这座大楼是怎样获得资金支持的,不过这座大楼是怎么获得资金支持的,也是一个很有意思的话题。

Vicki: It was funded by cash from the estates of the intestate.

Oliver: 什么? Cash 的意思是现金,不过钱是怎么来的呢?

Vicki: Estates means money and property left by someone who dies.

Oliver: 好的 estate, 就是不动产、房产。

Vicki: And intestate means someone who dies without having a will.

Oliver: A will 遗嘱。Intestate 的意思是没有留下遗嘱就去世的人。这就意味着这些人的财产会归政府所有。Wow Vicki, 一定有很多人都没有留下遗嘱就去世了,不然怎么能建这么一栋宏伟的建筑呢。

Vicki: In this programme we’ve heard about the Royal Courts of Justice.

Oliver: 刚才我们已经听到了介绍说,这座法院是用来审理民事而不是刑事案件的。还有就是建筑是什么时候建造、以及怎么建造的。

Vicki: In the area surrounding the Royal Courts of Justice, are the four Inns of Court.

Oliver: Inn 好像是一个比较过时的英文单词,应该是酒馆、酒吧的意思吧?

Vicki: Yes, but the Inns of Court aren’t pubs! Let’s find out what they are.


The Inns of Court are places where barristers train and practise. They are professional associations that in fact all barristers must belong to, and there are four of them, Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Middle Temple and Inner Temple.

Oliver: 明白了,原来他们根本就不是酒馆。而是能够在高等法院出庭的大律师们参加的专业协会!这样的大律师的英文单词是怎么说的?

Vicki: Barristers. The Inns of Court are where they train and practise.

Oliver: 他们接受培训和练习?你所说的练习是什么意思?

Vicki: To practise law just means to work in law. Near to the Royal Courts of Justice, and the Inns of Court, is a large grassy area called Lincoln’s Inn Fields. It’s the largest public square in London and was laid out in the 17th century.

Oliver: A public square 公共广场。

Vicki: It’s open to the public, and is a very popular place for people working in the city to relax during their breaks. In summer, it is always filled with people. But Lincoln’s Inn Fields wasn’t always just a place of leisure. In 1683, the square was the site of the public beheading of Lord William Russell for the assassination of King Charles II.

Oliver: 是吗?这里还曾经是斩首示众的地方。Lord William Russell 就因为被指控暗杀 assassination 国王查尓斯二世而在这里被斩首。现在我觉得皇家高等法院以及他周围的地方非常有意思,有时间我得去看看。

Vicki: So Oliver, would you like to join me for lunch in Lincoln’s Inn Fields?

Oliver: 真的,太棒了。

Vicki: Anyway, do join us again in On the Town to find out about more interesting places in Britain.

Oliver: 谢谢收听,下次再见。

Vicki: Bye!
