英语听力精选进阶版 7805(在线收听

Time is money; Money is time. That's our slogan. In modern times, people are very pressed for time.

Oliver: 那是观光游览车 The Big Bus 的司机李查德。他说,时间就是金钱;金钱就是时间。听起来像绕口令,不过对于游客来讲,这句话又意味着什么呢?

Yang Li: Well, if you are very short of time but want to see as much as possible in London, then the sightseeing buses are one of the most efficient ways of sightseeing.

Oliver: 对于英语学习的爱好者来讲,你更是可以把伦敦城里的著名景点一口气就游个遍。

Yang Li: Do join us for a special sightseeing tour in London. I am Yang Li.

Oliver: 我是 Oliver,欢迎乘坐 The Big Bus 和我们在一起的还有我们今天的导游,他叫 Alan:


It's a good way to see London. You can get onto the top of the bus without a roof so you just look around and London drives past you, and you get someone like me explaining a little bit about the history of what they're seeing and things they can do. And it's a great way of seeing London as much as you can hop on and hop off at any of the bus stops and go into the attractions.

Yang Li: These buses are double-decker; you can get onto the top of the bus without a roof.

Oliver: 双层大公共。不过这种车和普通的公共汽车相比最大的不同就是他是敞篷的。你不仅可以清清楚楚地看到街两边的景物,而且还能拍到清晰的照片。

Yang Li: Another advantage is that you can hop on and hop off at any of the bus stops. Learn the phrases, hop on and hop off.

Oliver: Hop on 的意思就是跳上去,Hop off 是跳下来,在这里就是说可以随时上下车。对游客来讲,这点真的是非常方便。杨老师,我觉得我们的听众现在可能很想知道,这种大公共都会带游客去哪些景点呢?

Yang Li: Alan has got a long list for us.


Big Ben and Tower of London, St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and Houses of Parliament, The Science Museum, The Natural History Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum, The National Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery, Trafalgar Square, River Thames and Globe Theatre and the Wheel, Westminster Abbey - and the list goes on and on and on, Kensington Palace, Notting Hill Gate, Paddington, Royal Albert Hall and Marble Arch.

Yang Li: Now let's have a look at these one by one: Big Ben

Oliver: 大本钟

Yang Li: Tower of London

Oliver: 伦敦塔

Yang Li: St Paul's Cathedral

Oliver: 圣保罗大教堂

Yang Li: Tower Bridge

Oliver: 塔桥

Yang Li: Buckingham Palace

Oliver: 白金汉宫

Yang Li: Houses of Parliament

Oliver: 议会大厦

Yang Li: The Science Museum

Oliver: 科学博物馆

Yang Li: The Natural History Museum

Oliver: 自然博物馆

Yang Li: The Victoria and Albert Museum

Oliver: 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆

Yang Li: The National Gallery

Oliver: 英国国家美术馆

Yang Li: The National Portrait Gallery

Oliver: 国家肖像画廊

Yang Li: Trafalgar Square

Oliver: 特拉法加广场

Yang Li: River Thames

Oliver: 泰晤士河

Yang Li: The Globe Theatre

Oliver: 莎士比亚圆形剧场

Yang Li: The Wheel

Oliver: 伦敦眼, 摩天轮

Yang Li: Westminster Abbey

Oliver: 西敏寺大教堂

Yang Li: Kensington Palace

Oliver: 肯星顿宫

Yang Li: Notting Hill Gate

Oliver: 诺丁山

Yang Li: Paddington

Oliver: 帕丁顿

Yang Li: The Royal Albert Hall and Marble Arch

Oliver: 皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅以及海德公园附近的大理石拱门.

Yang Li: We are taking you on a Big Bus around London and our driver today is Richard Alotte.


Oh I love it. Driving through the city is quite an exciting and interesting job and meeting people from various countries.

Yang Li: Richard is right. I spoke to some passengers and they are all from different countries. Brazil

Oliver: 巴西

Yang Li: Canada

Oliver: 加拿大

Yang Li: America

Oliver: 美国

Yang Li: New Zealand

Oliver: 新西兰。在我们播放下面这些录音之前,先来熟悉几个短语:

Yang Li: Overview of the city

Oliver: 对城市的概括展望

Yang Li: The tour guide

Oliver: 导游

Yang Li: To give you a perspective

Oliver: 给人一个正确的角度

Yang Li: Overpowering

Oliver: 力量强大的

Yang Li: To have the Queen as our next door neighbour

Oliver: 和英国女王做邻居

Yang Li: Well, we'll leave you with a few wonderful clips from the passengers and see you next time.

Oliver: Bye.


- It's beautiful, the sense of history is amazing. This is a great way to see it too. The tour guide did an excellent job framing it. It really gives you perspective to see the entire city. So this is a good way to do it. Then we'll go back and we'll and look some more.

- Where are you from?

- New Hampshire.


Heather: Hi, this is Heather and Dora Buchanon. We're from Canada.

Dora: Yes, Ontario Canada.

Heather: And we’re just having a great time in London, other than your wind and rain yesterday. And we're taking a big bus tour round to see everything. We went to the Sherlock Holmes museum.

Dora: Exactly, really overpowering!

Heather: We're very happy because we're staying at a hotel right by Buckingham Palace, so we can go home and say we had the Queen as our next door neighbour during our visit! We love it – and the British people are wonderfully kind!

Dora: And we haven't had any rain, thank you!
