英语听力精选进阶版 7810(在线收听

Vicki: Hello and welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English. I'm Vicki.

Chen Li: 大家好,我是陈鹂,在城市掠影节目中,我们总是要去探访英国一些有趣的地方,在今天的节目中,我们要去一个非常古老的城市。

Vicki: The city of Canterbury, in the Southeast of England. We spoke to Neil McCollum, the tourism manager for Canterbury City Council, to find out why visitors come to Canterbury.


I think the key reason why visitors are coming to the city and have been coming to the city for hundreds of years is probably the cathedral, whether for religious reasons, for the architecture, or for the sense of place the building brings with it.

Vicki: So one of the main attractions is the cathedral.

Chen Li: 大教堂。

Vicki: Neil described it as a key reason people come to the city.

Chen Li: A key reason 一个主要的原因。

Vicki: He mentioned three reasons why people visit the cathedral – for religious reasons,

Chen Li: 因为宗教的缘故,这个教堂如今依然在履行官方的宗教事务。

Vicki: for the architecture,

Chen Li: 因为它的建筑特色。

Vicki: or for the sense of place.

Chen Li: 因为对这个独特地方的特殊感受。

Vicki: So, the cathedral is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Canterbury, but of course there's more to Canterbury than that.

Chen Li: There's more to Canterbury 意思就是还有其他方面的原因。

Vicki: Here's Neil again:


But I think there's a lot more to Canterbury than just the cathedral, it's the 2000 years of history that the city has. A major regional theatre, you've got some very good restaurants pubs and clubs in the city as well. Wonderful hotels, a whole package of things really.

Vicki: Neil mentioned lots of different things there, such as the history of the city – it's 2000 years old.

Chen Li: 比如长达 2000 年的历史。Neil 也提到城中的娱乐活动,比如有一个剧院。

Vicki: A major regional theatre.

Chen Li: 还有饭馆,酒吧,俱乐部,和旅店。

Vicki: Restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. He described it as a whole package of things.

Chen Li: 他形容人们可以进行的一些娱乐活动真是样样俱全,无所不包。在我们继续节目之前, 还是来复习一些我们刚才听到的有关坎特伯雷的单词和短语。

Vicki: A key reason.

Chen Li: 一个主要的原因。

Vicki: Cathedral.

Chen Li: 大教堂。

Vicki: Architecture.

Chen Li: 建筑。

Vicki: A whole package of things.

Chen Li: 也就是说样样俱全,应有尽有。


I think the key reason why people are coming to the city and have been coming to the city for hundreds of years is probably the cathedral, whether for religious reasons, for the architecture, or for the sense of place the building brings with it.

But I think there's a lot more to Canterbury than just the cathedral, it's the 2000 years of history that the city has. A major regional theatre, you’ve got some very good restaurants pubs and clubs in the city as well. Wonderful hotels, a whole package of things really.

Vicki: In this programme we've heard a bit about the city of Canterbury and what there is to see there.

Chen Li: 我们和 Neil McCollum 进行了交谈,他是坎特伯雷市政府的旅游部门经理,他告诉我们说除了在城里,坎特伯雷城的一些外围地区也有意思。


Canterbury district extends up to the coast – towns of Whitstable and Herne Bay, and in between we've got a large wealth of countryside and woodland as well.

Vicki: So, Canterbury district goes up to the coast.

Chen Li: District 地区, coast 海岸。

Vicki: And around Canterbury there's also a wealth of countryside and woodland.

Chen Li: A wealth of 很多的;countryside 乡村;woodland 林地。


Canterbury district extends up to the coast – includes the coastal towns of Whitstable and Herne Bay, and in between we've got a large wealth of countryside and woodland.

Vicki: Before we go, I asked Neil for his top tip when visiting Canterbury.

Chen Li: 他告诉我们,在这里我们还可以去河上游览参观城市。


One of the things I would suggest people do is take one of the river tours. A wonderful guided tour - tells you all about the city, but you see it from the aspect of the river, which is an angle you don’t often see when you’re walking around.

Vicki: It's a guided tour by boat. You learn all about the city but see it from the aspect of the river – a different angle.

Chen Li: A guided tour 有向导地参观路程;aspect 视线;angle 角度。

Vicki: Well, before we leave maybe we should go and see if we can get on a river boat tour!

Chen Li: 首先,我们来复习节目第二部分使用到的一些单词和短语。

Vicki: District.

Chen Li: 地区。

Vicki: Coast.

Chen Li: 海岸。

Vicki: Countryside.

Chen Li: 乡村。

Vicki: Woodland.

Chen Li: 林地。

Vicki: Guided tour.

Chen Li: 导游,有向导的参观旅游。

Vicki: Anyway, do join us again in On the Town to find out about more interesting places in Britain.

Chen Li: 感谢大家收听,再会!

Vicki: Bye!
