英语听力精选进阶版 7823(在线收听

Have you ever been in a rickshaw before?

This is my first time.

I hope you enjoy it.

"We're getting to see London today in a rather unusual way. Not in a bus. Not on the Tube. No – we're on a rickshaw. Join us today as we go On the Town with BBC Learning English, on a rickshaw ride."

Sun Chen: A rickshaw. How exciting! 我们说的这个在伦敦出现的人力三轮,样子也是那种前面是自行车,后面装着这个座人用的篷子。

Andrea: You find them in India, Thailand, China and even Latin America.

Sun Chen: 不过现在在伦敦,这种人力车也变得越来越受到欢迎。

Andrea: I met Juan who is from Colombia and has been a rickshaw driver for the last year and a half.

"There are many many rickshaws right now. The rickshaws have been around London since 1998. It's a good alternative. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult getting a taxi. If you are a tourist and you don't know how to get around London, rickshaws are a good alternative, it's a good choice."

Sun Chen: Juan 就认为人力车是来伦敦旅游的时候,除了打车和座公共汽车以外的一种好的选择。

Andrea: A good alternative. That means it's a good choice. It gives you another option, and rickshaws aren't that new. They've been on the streets of London since 1998.

Sun Chen: 那蹬三轮会是一种什么感觉呢?一定挺累的,我觉得。

Andrea: Well here's what Juan has to say about it.

"I do like it. It's a good way to keep myself fit, do some exercise. I love talking to people. I get to meet people from all over the world. So that's very interesting knowing about different cultures. One thing that's very very important for me is that it's environmentally friendly because it's CO2 free."

Sun Chen: Juan 看来真的特别喜欢当这个人力车夫。他说这样能让他不仅能够让他保持健康活力,而且还是一种很好的锻炼身体的方式。

Andrea: He also gets to meet and talk to people from all over the world. So he learns about their culture.

Sun Chen: 但是对于 Juan 来说,蹬三轮还有一种特别的意义。Do you know what that is, Andrea?

Andrea: Well, Juan feels good knowing that it's environmentally friendly.

Sun Chen: Environmentally friendly 保护环境。

Andrea: Which means there are no CO2 emissions.

Sun Chen: 看来蹬三轮不仅有意思,而且还很环保。因为人力三轮车是不会排放二氧化碳尾气的。

Andrea: Only very sore legs for the drivers!

"It's a bit difficult for us because if it's winter time you are going to get cold, very cold and you need to take many many calories to survive. But it also helps the business when it's heavy rain. Because people want to just go quicker to their destinations."

Andrea: So cycling people around in the rain and in the winter can get very very cold. Especially if it's heavy rain as opposed to light rain, also known as drizzle.

Sun Chen: 是啊,英国老是稀稀拉拉地下雨!不过下雨对于人力三轮车夫来说,可是个好消息。好多路上的人都是短途,所以他们就索性座三轮了,这样 Juan 挣的钱就更多了。

Andrea: So Sun Chen, have you ever taken a rickshaw ride in London and would you ever consider doing it?

Sun Chen: OK, to be honest, I've never tried rickshaws before, but I might try one after this programme.

Andrea: Well, I'm glad to hear that. That was certainly my first ride in a rickshaw in London and it was great fun, even if it was a little windy and bumpy. But I would definitely do it again.

Sun Chen: 我们的问题就是:你觉得是不是应该在伦敦用人力车来替代出租车呢?

Andrea: Here's what Juan has to say.

"It could be a very good choice if we care about the environment and in central London it could be very very good. The only problem is we can't go as far as they can go, because we've got only one pair of legs. They just have to put some petrol in. But it would be very environmentally responsible."

Sun Chen: 没错,我觉得 Juan 说到了一个很重要的一点。估计人力车是永远不会替代伦敦的黑出租车了。别忘了,两只脚蹬车子怎么着也不能跟汽车比啊!

Andrea: But in an ideal world, it would be very nice and it would be environmentally responsible.

Sun Chen: Environmentally responsible. 有环保责任心。

Andrea: But for now, tourists and Londoners alike will continue to use lots of forms of transport to get around.

Sun Chen: 别忘了有时间也试试人力三轮!

Andrea: In fact I've got to go and catch one right now! So we'd better say goodbye.

Andrea: Until the next time – bye!

Sun Chen: 我们下次节目再见!
