英语听力精选进阶版 7829(在线收听

Yang Li: That’s the voice of the mayor of London Boris Johnson. Hi I'm Yang Li and welcome to On the Town.

Yang Li: 2010年7月伦敦市长约翰逊推出的自行车租赁计划已经实施了将近两个月,人们有什么反映呢?我现在来到了伦敦市中心的一个停车点。

Let’s find out what people think of the scheme? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Don’t worry too much about difficult words as I'm going to explain them at the end of the programme.

"I think the Mayor’s scheme to introduce the cycles into London is a fantastic incentive for people of all ages. Apart from promoting fitness and health it’s a fantastic means to travel across London."

Cyclist 2: It’s a great scheme; it’s good for the environment, saves money and reduces traffic.

Cyclist 3: I am Ken.

Yang Li: How did you find it?

Ken: I found it great.

Yang Li: In what way is it good?

Ken: It’s faster than walking.

Yang Li: It’s faster than walking. It saves you time.

Ken: It saves me time and it keeps me fit.

Yang Li: OK. Any disadvantages?

Ken: There often isn’t anywhere to park the bicycle when you've finished with it so you have to ride further than you want to.

Yang Li: Right. Would you recommend more people using it?

Ken: I certainly would, the more the merrier.

Yang Li: The more the merrier. 越多越好。Well, London is a big international city with thousands of visitors pouring in every day. I wonder whether they are tempted by a bicycle ride in London. What’s your name and where are you from?

"I think the Mayor’s scheme to introduce the cycles into London is a fantastic incentive for people of all ages. Apart from promoting fitness and health it’s a fantastic means to travel across London."

Yang Li: Welcome back to the studio. Now joining me is my colleague William Kremer. Hi Will.

William: Hi Li. Now I heard some good vocabulary from your interviews, so shall we take a look at it?

Yang Li: That’s exactly what I would like you to help with.

William: OK well let’s start with that speech by Boris Johnson. Pay particular attention to the use of prepositions.

Yang Li: 注意介词的用法。

"... And I want to get people out of their cars onto bicycles because I think we have far too many people who waste time sitting in traffic jams going mad bending their steering wheels when they should be on a beautiful new bike like this cycling in lovely London weather across very flat roads in great safety and enjoying the open air."

William: You have to get people out of their cars and onto bicycles.

Yang Li: 从汽车里出来 out of, 登上自行车、是 onto bicycles.

William: Cycling in lovely London weather across very flat roads in great safety.

Yang Li: 注意这几个介词 in, across, in 在伦敦用 in, 穿越平坦的路面用 across 安全地用 in, in great safety.

William: Sitting in traffic jams and bending their steering wheels.

Yang Li: 塞车时司机焦躁发疯似的啪打着方向盘。

William: We also heard the expression a fantastic incentive.

Yang Li: Fantastic 就是非常了不起的,非常吸引人的 incentive 就是动力,刺激。

William: A fantastic means to travel across London.

Yang Li: 一种非常便捷理想的交通方式。

William: It’s good for the environment, saves money and reduces traffic.

Yang Li: 对环境好,省钱而且还减缓了交通堵塞。看来好处多多,所以前面的一个骑车人建议大家都来试一试

Yang Li: Would you recommend more people using it?

Ken: I certainly would, the more the merrier.

William: The more the merrier. Now that's an idiom and it's a really good one to learn: the more the merrier.

Yang Li: 这是一个固定的成语,越多越好。说到这里我想问问听众朋友 Would you prefer to hire a bike or to have your own bike?

William: You can send us an email to [email protected].

Yang Li: Well William I remember you promised me that you would lend me your bicycle key to try it out?

William: OK, a promise is a promise. Shall we try it out?

Yang Li: Great 说到做到。Let’s go.

William: Ok... let’s go.

William: Yes, you just take the key and where it says membership key just press it in and wait for the green light, you should see a green light come on… there we go, now you need to pull the bike quite hard. There we are, and that’s it.

Yang Li: Ok that's brilliant. Bye!
