英语听力精选进阶版 7830(在线收听

William: Hello and welcome to On the Town – my name is William Kremer. I'm standing outside London's historic Guildhall and I'm surrounded by hundreds of people. They're all about to do a ten-mile walk across London in the name of charity. But this long walk or hike is going to be especially interesting and especially challenging! Why? Because it's now 6.45 in the evening and they will all be walking in the dark: it's what's called a night hike.

Feifei: 在今天的节目里 William 带我们一起去了解这样一个活动。有一群人将在伦敦徒步行走10英里,以为慈善筹款为目的 in the name of charity. 其实在英国有很多为慈善筹款为目的的活动,那这个活动有什么特别的呢?它为什么 challenging 具有挑战性呢?

William: But this long walk or hike is going to be especially interesting and especially challenging! Why? Because it's now 6.45 in the evening and they will all be walking in the dark: it's what's called a night hike.

Feifei: 原来这些人将在夜晚进行此次徒步行走 a night hike. 参加的人们有些走10英里,有些会走20英里。目的是为了给一个叫做 Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres 癌症救助中心募集善款。集来的善款都会给 Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres 来帮助受到癌症病魔困扰的人们。

Last year this event raised well over £650,000 for Maggie's.

Feifei: 我们即将听到患者 Pia 对 Maggie's 救助中心的描述。请注意听她用哪个词来形容一个安全的地方,还有她又用哪个非正式短语来表示放松的。

Pia: I started using Maggie's and it is an incredible place – a total haven for people like us; just a place where you can go and chill and chat and get advice and get alternative treatments.

Feifei: Pia 用 haven 避难所,安全的地方这个词来形容这个救助中心。她还说她可以在这里 chill 放松。


5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

William: Well, we've now started the ten-mile hike. I'm walking alongside Russell... Can I ask why you're taking part in the night hike?

Russell: Because I think the Maggie's cause thing is a really good cause. And I'm out here with all of my children to benefit others. We were less fortunate: I lost my wife about three years ago and felt it would be really nice to do something about it for others.

Feifei: 参加此次行走的 Russell 说 Maggie's is a really good cause 非常好的缘由,好的动机。他说 I lost my wife three years ago 他太太三年前去世了。 He lost his wife to cancer 他太太死于癌症。在英语里,和其它语言一样,人们在讨论死亡时用语都会比较小心。这里 Russell 没有用动词短语 to die, 而是说他失去了自己的太太 he lost his wife. 这些来参加夜间行走的人们都有自己来参加的理由和初衷,接下来 William 采访了 Angela, 我们一起听听她又是为什么要参加这个慈善活动的呢?

William: OK, well I'm with Nancy and Angela now and we're just walking along. Can I ask why you're taking part in this night hike?

Angela: Because my brother is very terminally ill with cancer as we speak and he's got pancreatic cancer and he's actually, you know, a few weeks off death so it's really close to my heart so I want to raise as much money as I possibly can to help cancer victims.

William: That's terrible news.

Feifei: Angela 的故事让人听起来也很伤心。她的亲兄弟身患绝症 terminally ill, 所以她说自己来参加行走的缘由非常重要 it is close to her heart.

William: So obviously, you know, you're going through a very hard time at the moment but it seems that the atmosphere here is really very positive.

Angela: That's right and I think it's just nice to feel lifted up by everybody else's enthusiasm.

Feifei: William 说他感觉这个行走 very positive 非常好,积极向上,也很乐观。 Angela 也同意说她 lifted up by everybody else's enthusiasm 她的情绪被其他同行人的热情而感染。

William: ...it seems that the atmosphere here is really very positive.

Angela: That's right and I think it's just nice to feel lifted up by everybody else's enthusiasm.

William: And how long do you think it's going to take to do it?

Nancy: Four to five hours. Looking forward to breakfast back at Guildhall.

William: What, a midnight breakfast?

Nancy: Yes, that sounds good.

William: OK, well good luck.

Feifei: 在结束今天节目之前,我们一起来复习一下今天节目中学到的新词汇。还记为慈善募捐搞活动这个短语是什么吗?对了, to do something in the name of charity; 一个非正式表达,意思是放松,怎么说呢? To chill; 最后,当一件事儿对你非常重要时怎么说? Close to your heart.

William: Goodbye.
