向前一步:第165期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(23)(在线收听

True partnership in our homes does more than just benefit couples today; it also sets the stage for the next generation. 真正从家庭搭档关系中受益的,不仅仅是夫妻双方,还包括他们的下一代。
The workplace has evolved more than the home in part because we enter it as adults, so each generation experiences a new dynamic. 职场之所以比家庭内部发展得更完善,某种程度上在于我们是作为成年人进入职场的,
But the homes we create tend to be more rooted in our childhoods. 但我们创建的家庭模式其实植根于童年的记忆。
My generation grew up watching our mothers do the child care and housework while our fathers earned the wages. 我这一代人在成长过程中看到的是母亲照顾孩子、做家务,父亲挣钱养家,
It's too easy for us to get stuck in these patterns. 所以自己成家后也很容易陷入这样的模式中。
It is no surprise that married and cohabitating men whose mothers were employed while they were growing up do more housework as adults than other men. 在一个孩子的成长过程中,如果他的母亲在外工作,这样的男性在结婚后,他分担的家务会比其他男性更多,这种现象并不奇怪。
The sooner we break the cycle, the faster we will reach greater equality. 越早打破传统的循环,我们就能越快地实现真正的平等。
One of the reasons Dave is a true partner is because he grew up in a home where his father set an extraordinary example. 戴夫能成为我真正的搭档,原因之一在于他父亲是个绝佳的示范。
Sadly, Dave's father, Mel, passed away before I had a chance to meet him, but he clearly was a man way ahead of his time. 但遗憾的是,戴夫的父亲梅尔过世得早,我没有机会见到他,但他显然超越了他那个时代的男人。
Mel's mother worked side by side with her husband running the family's small grocery store, 梅尔的母亲与他的父亲一起经营家里的小杂货店,
so Mel grew up accepting women as equals, which was unusual in those days. 所以他成大后能接受男女平等的观念,这在当时是很不寻常的。
As a single man, he became interested in the women's movement and read Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique. 还是单身汉时,梅尔就对女性运动很感兴趣,还读过贝蒂·弗里丹的《女性的奥秘》。
He was the one who introduced his wife (and Dave's mother), Paula, to this feminist wake-up call in the 1960s. 在20世纪60年代,他让自己的妻子(戴夫的母亲)保拉初次了解那些试图唤醒女性的运动,
He encouraged Paula to set up and lead PACER, a national nonprofit to help children with disabilities. 鼓励她建立并领导了一个非营利性组织“PACER”,旨在向残疾孩子提供帮助。