英语听力精选进阶版 7834(在线收听

Wang Fei: 大家好。欢迎收听都市掠影节目。我是王飞。我现在正走在伦敦的大街上,10月下旬的伦敦已经是凉意袭人。但是我也发现,在很多超市、商店的门口和橱窗里都放满了大南瓜 pumpkins 或者南瓜的装饰品。人们要庆祝什么节日呢?我一会儿回到演播室为大家揭开答案。

Wang Fei: Now with me in the studio is…

Rob: 大家好, I'm Rob Carter.

Wang Fei: Rob, why are there so many pumpkins in stores and supermarkets at the moment?

Rob: Well, pumpkins are a symbol of a festival called Halloween and it's on the 31st October every year.

Wang Fei: Halloween, 万圣节。每年的10月31日是西方的万圣节。So what are these pumpkins for then?

Rob: Well, that's a good question. Actually I've already bought one pumpkin, not for myself, but for my children. My daughter is four years old now and I'm going to carve a Jack-O-Lantern for her, that's like a spooky face and I'll put a candle inside to light it up.

Wang Fei: Jack-O-Lantern, 万圣节南瓜灯,Rob 将为自己的女儿在万圣节雕刻一个南瓜灯。So, what else do people do for Halloween? Let's hear more.

Interviewee:Yeah, trick or treating, and with some friends. Usually, I don't like putting on make-up but I like dressing up scarily.

Interviewee:Trick or treating, yeah. We go in the streets, round where I live, knock on doors and get loads of sweets and money.

Wang Fei: Trick or treating 意思是:你要款待我呢,还是想让我给你捣鬼呢?

Rob: Trick or treating is something special that people do at Halloween. Now the second interviewee said she walks around the streets where she lives and knocks on doors saying ''trick or treating'' and she gets loads of sweets and money.

Wang Fei: 她要在她住的附近挨家敲门,然后说 "trick or treating",然后就会得到很多的糖果或者钱。

Rob: Sweets, yes, but money? Mmm, I doubt it.

Wang Fei: Anyway I wish her good luck this year. Rob, are you going to do trick or treating this year?

Rob: Well, yes and no. Usually it's just the kids who go trick or treating, but this year I'm going to go out with my daughter. This is her first year of doing trick or treating and she's very excited about it.

Wang Fei: I reckon she'll get a lot of sweets.

Rob: I hope so, some for me as well.

Wang Fei: 看来,如果你住在英国的话,万圣节的时候一定要准备一些糖果来应付那些敲门的孩子们。

Rob: Yes, don't let the kids down, otherwise they might get nasty and play a trick on you.

Wang Fei: 孩子们失望生气之后,可能会跟你捣鬼。

Wang Fei: So Rob, Halloween sounds like a happy festival for kids, doesn't it?

Rob: Yes, it is a happy festival for kids. But at the same time, there is a more sinister side to Halloween…

Wang Fei: It sounds very scary.

Rob: Yes, Halloween can be very scary. You always hear words like zombie!

Wang Fei: Zombie 就是僵尸。

Rob: Vampire!

Wang Fei: Vampire 就是吸血鬼。

Rob: And werewolf!

Wang Fei: Werewolf 狼人。

Rob: OK let's visit Charles Fox, a make-up shop in London and listen to Annie. Please try to hear what they've prepared for Halloween.

Annie: Well, Halloween is probably our busiest time of year, so we've been preparing for it for about a month now, ordering stuff in. We've got extra make-up, special effects, blood, vomit, pus, slime, all the usual things. 

The masks are just an arrangement of scary things: werewolves, skulls, scary clowns – pretty much sold out – the red devil, very popular. Things that have been really selling this year is our zombie kit, which we've got. Another big seller is vampire fangs, very big.

Rob: They've prepared all the scary things you might need for a good Halloween costume. They've got extra make-up.

Wang Fei: Make-up 化妆用品。他们有什么万圣节化妆用品呢?

Rob: Blood, vomit, pus, slime.

Wang Fei: 血、呕吐物、脓还有又粘又滑的东西,都是让人恶心的东西。

Rob: They've also got some scary masks.

Wang Fei: Masks 面具。他们有什么万圣节面具呢?

Rob: A werewolf, a skull, and a scary clown

Wang Fei: 狼人、骷髅头还有恐怖小丑,都够吓人的。

Rob: The big sellers are the zombie kit and vampire fangs.

Wang Fei: 最畅销的是僵尸套装和吸血鬼大牙。听起来都让人觉得恐怖。

Rob: Yes, the scarier the better. Young adults in the UK often go to a fancy dress party on Halloween night and they wear scary masks or horrible make-up, but just for fun.

Wang Fei: Fancy dress party, 化妆晚会。听Rob 这么一介绍,万圣节真是一个让人开心,又让人恐怖的节日。

Rob: Yes, but people do these things just for fun. They shouldn't wear their masks or make-up in public places to scare people at night. Now I hope you'll have a happy and scary Halloween this year. Bye for now!

Wang Fei: Bye.
