英语听力精选进阶版 7835(在线收听

Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听都市掠影节目。Halloween 万圣节才刚刚过去,英国人又紧打紧地准备庆祝另外一个节日了。是什么节日呢?我们一起听一听大街上的人们是怎么说的。

Woman: Everybody knows Guy Fawkes Night, you know Guy Fawkes Night, don't you?

Child: Yeah, Bonfire Night.

Man: Bonfire Night is the 5th November traditionally.

Man: Guy Fawkes Night.

Child: Guy Fawkes Night.

Man: Bonfire Night.

Child: Oh yeah, Bonfire Night.

Wang Fei: Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night. 这是个什么节日呢?为什么让小朋友这么开心呢?今天和我一起主持节目的是…

Rob: 大家好。I’m Rob Carter.

Wang Fei: Rob, are Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes Night the same thing?

Rob: Yes, they are. Bonfire Night is also called Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes is the name of a man we remember on Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night is celebrated on 5th November and it's a traditional British festival.

Wang Fei: Bonfire Night 焰火节,也叫 Guy Fawkes Night. 是英国的一个传统节日。Rob, it seems people are quite excited about this festival.

Rob: Yes, from the name of this festival, Bonfire Night, you can guess that there're some special activities like lighting bonfires, firework displays and of course some nice food as well. So people get very excited.

Wang Fei: 那人们在这个节日会做什么呢?在听下面的录音之前,我们要注意几个关键词:bonfire 篝火,firework display 焰火表演。

Child: We're going to a bonfire party.

Woman: And there'll be fireworks and a bonfire and a barbeque I think.

Child: We'll go to school and most schools are holding a firework night with loads of fireworks and everything.

Man: I don't usually put the fireworks displays on myself, I'm not a connoisseur of fireworks but I do enjoy the ones that explode in the sky – lovely!

Woman: I shall be going to the school as well with them, with the family and enjoying the, all the screaming, and the oohs and aahs, you know.

Wang Fei: 看来在这一天,英国人可以看到很多的篝火晚会和焰火表演。But where do people usually put on a firework display?

Rob: On Bonfire Night, there're many firework displays in parks and open spaces across the country. You can just go and enjoy it with other people. Actually, many people also put on firework displays in their own garden.

Wang Fei: Put on the fireworks 燃放烟花。人们或者在家里燃放烟花,或者去公园里看大型的焰火表演。

Rob: Yes. Let's hear from someone talking about her impression of a Bonfire Night fireworks display. Please pay attention to phrases, panoramic view

Wang Fei: 全景。

Rob: All over the place.

Wang Fei: 到处都是。

Rob: And bang.

Wang Fei: 巨大的响声。

Interviewee: My house is quite high up and if I open my curtains in the bedroom, I have a wonderful panoramic view of the area and I can see all the different fireworks going up all over the place and the bangs – my goodness – you think there's a bomb going off, don't you?!

Rob: What a vivid picture she has described for us. She's very lucky that she can see a panoramic view of the area and see all different sorts of fireworks going up all over the place on Bonfire Night.

Wang Fei: 她可以看到烟花表演的全景,各种烟花升上天空,到处都是。

Rob: And the bang is like a bomb going off.

Wang Fei: 巨大的响声就像爆炸一样。

Wang Fei: Another question, why is Bonfire Night also called Guy Fawkes Night?

Rob: Well, this refers to the history. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. However, his gunpowder plot was discovered and he was executed by the King. So that's why people still burn a fake guy resembling Guy Fawkes in their big bonfires.

Wang Fei: Gunpowder Plot 火药阴谋。In this way Guy Fawkes is a bad guy then.

Rob: It's hard to say. It's all about a historical religious dispute. Guy Fawkes was Catholic, and he and his conspirators were trying to bring Catholicism back to England.

Wang Fei: So, is Bonfire Night still related to religion nowadays?

Rob: No, history is history. Nowadays most people celebrate it for fun. But you can still hear about its origin in a traditional rhyme.

Child: Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, (treason) treason (and plot) and plot.

Rob: 5th November

Wang Fei: 11月5号。

Rob: Gunpowder

Wang Fei: 火药。

Rob: Treason

Wang Fei: 叛徒。

Rob: And plot.

Wang Fei: 还有阴谋。

Rob: These four keywords are about the history of Bonfire Night. And what are the keywords for Bonfire Night now, Wang Fei?

Wang Fei: Bonfire, firework display and bang.

Rob: That's right. I wish our listeners a happy Bonfire Night this year. Bye for now!

Wang Fei: Bye.
