英语听力精选进阶版 7837(在线收听

Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。我是王飞。

Alice: And I'm Alice.

Wang Fei: Alice, I've got something new for you. 在圣诞节前夕,人们可以在伦敦市中心的著名旅游景点 Covent Garden, 看到并且可以抚摸可爱的驯鹿。

Alice: Yes people can pet and stroke real reindeer! Let's hear what the reindeers' names are and why they are there.


Hello, this is Jingle and this is Bell. They're six years old. They're two sisters, they were born in Lapland, at Santa's home. The idea came from my boss, who thought it'd be lovely for the children, and get them in the Christmas spirit. And need more hands-on experience with animals. And it helps the children to get in the festive mood and the feeling that Santa's around.

Wang Fei: 刚才说话的是 Nicole Bailey, 她是伦敦一个动物表演公司 Animal Dramatics 的职员。

Alice: She said there are two reindeer; one is called Jingle and can you guess what the other one is? It's Bell!

Wang Fei: Bell, yes, Jingle bell 两个词合在一起就是圣诞雪橇铃铛的意思。 很喜庆的名字,是不是?

Alice: Did you hear what their hometown is? It's Lapland, where Santa – or Father Christmas - lives.

Wang Fei: Lapland 是芬兰北部的拉普兰省,传说圣诞老人住在那里。

Alice: Nicole's boss thinks it's a good idea for children to get hands-on experience with animals and feel the festive mood.

Wang Fei: Hands-on experience, 亲身参与的体验。Feel the festive mood, 感觉节日氛围。那人们可以怎样和驯鹿近距离接触呢?


They get to, obviously, see the animals, which a lot of children don't get the opportunities to see the reindeer. And when they're with us they get to feed the reindeer lichen and stroke the animals. A lot of the visitors are children but obviously they come with their parents and their grandparents. And it is actually a real nice family atmosphere.

Alice: Visitors, especially the children, can see the reindeer, feed the reindeer and stroke them.

Wang Fei: 孩子们可以看驯鹿、喂驯鹿并且抚摸驯鹿。

Alice: Nicole says they feed the reindeer lichen. Lichen can also be pronounced as /laik?n/.

Wang Fei: Lichen 就是地衣。是驯鹿喜欢吃的一种植物。

Alice: The kids usually come to visit the reindeer with their families, so Nicole said it's a really nice family atmosphere.

Wang Fei: A really nice family atmosphere 非常具有家庭气氛的。

Alice: Ella is from Chiswick in West London. She's come to see the reindeer with her parents. Let's hear from Ella.


I really like how it's like an early Christmas and it makes me feel really excited and lots of their fur is very brushy and giving them food and stroking them. It's very exciting.

Alice: She likes the atmosphere of an early Christmas.

Wang Fei: 她喜欢圣诞前的气氛。

Alice: And she said the fur of the reindeer is very brushy.

Wang Fei: Brushy, 像毛刷一样的。当然 Ella 也有很多关于驯鹿的问题要问 Nicole.


Ella: What type of food do you give them?

Nicole: This is lichen. It's a special type of moss they will dig down for in the wild. They think it's chocolate really, they love it!

Alice: Nicole explained that lichen is a type of moss.

Wang Fei: 地衣是一种苔藓类植物。

Alice: Reindeer love lichen as much as people love chocolate.

Wang Fei: Lichen 也就是驯鹿的“巧克力”了。下面我们听一听 Ella 的父母是怎么说的。


Father: It's a lovely start to Christmas. It's a really festive thing around here. There's a good atmosphere, good atmosphere.

Mother: It's just lovely to see the girls enjoying stroking the reindeers and getting excited about Christmas. And my little one, Esme, said "Mummy, they're real!" She couldn't believe they were real, because obviously you don't typically see reindeer. So very special, a nice touch.

Alice: Ella's father said it is a really festive thing.

Wang Fei: Festive thing, 具有节日气氛的东西。

Alice: And Ella's mother thinks it's a nice touch, because their daughters can stroke a real reindeer.

Wang Fei: A nice touch, 一份特殊的小礼物、新体验。看到大家对驯鹿如此喜欢,我们听一听驯鹿驯养员 Nicole 有什么感想?


It's beautiful for us to work with the reindeer and to see the look on the children's faces, just to be able to see Father Christmas' reindeer. It lights up their day.

Alice: She said it lights up their day.

Wang Fei: Light up 点亮。It lights up their day. 让他们一整天都 感觉开心。如果你也想加入抚摸驯鹿的活动,圣诞节前的每个周六你可以来 Covent Garden.

Alice: We hope it will light up your day.

Wang Fei: 谢谢收听我们的节目,我们下次节目再会。Bye for now.

Alice: Bye!
