英语听力精选进阶版 7841(在线收听

My hopes for the New Year is that all my family is going to be happy…

Just to be more focused on what I want to do, what I want to achieve.

I’m 27, and I think my number one hope for the New Year is to find a job, as

I’ve just finished my Masters at LSE.

Yang Li: What is your number one hope for 2011?

Finn: What do you hope to achieve?

Yang Li:Join us for the last and final On the Town of 2010.大家好,我是杨莉。欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。

Finn: And I am Finn. Earlier we spoke to a few Londoners, both young and old.

Yang Li: 凡是采访中出现的关键词语我们都会提醒大家。

Finn: The first one is…income earner, 有收入的人。


I’m in my thirties and my main hope for the New Year – finish school successfully, do a bit of travelling…. Just get finished school and hopefully get a job… and get back out into the working world and become an income earner again.

Yang Li: Very good. 最大希望是完成学业,找到工作,成为一个有收入的人 to become an income earner.


… and get back into the working world and become an income earner again.

Finn: Finding a job seems to be the number one hope for a lot of people at the moment, doesn’t it, Li?

Yang Li: Yes, both young graduates and people in their fifties.

Finn: The next key phrase is to figure out.

Yang Li: 策划,规划。


I’m 22… I just graduated so I need to look for work. I mean, I’m interning summer, but I need to figure out my future because I’m done with my Masters and I’m done with my undergraduate. So I need to see what to do next. So the next year will be figuring that out.

I’m 27, and I think my number one hope for the New Year is to find a job, as I’ve just finished my Masters at LSE.

I’m 53. My hopes for the New Year are to find a job, actually. I’ve got a couple of kids and it’d be nice to be making some money… To sort myself out financially, get a bit of security, if possible. Difficult, though.

Yang Li: Are you surprised that so many people are saying that finding a job is their number one hope for the New Year, Finn?

Finn: Not really Li, because in a time of high unemployment it's to be expected. And we wish them all good luck.

Yang Li: Yes.

In On the Town this week we are asking people this question:

Finn: What are your grand plans for the New Year?


Grand plans? Just to be more focused on what I want to do, what I want to achieve, and probably not let myself get distracted by other people. You know, just to be really more proactive in getting there.

Yang Li: 这位女士用了三个词组来形容她的最大希望, 更为集中地去做自己想做的事。

Finn: To be more focused.

Yang Li: 不要被别人分散注意力。

Finn: Not to be distracted.

Yang Li: 更积极主动。

Finn: To be more proactive.


Just to be more focused on what I want to do, what I want to achieve, and probably not let myself get distracted by other people. You know, just to be really more proactive in getting there.

Finn: Finally we spoke to somebody who has a problem with his work–life balance.


Ok, I’m 31 and I am teaching at the university, philosophy and it's a lot of teaching and interesting research. I work a lot, and I just get lost somehow in my work because I love it, and I realise that good relationships with my friends, my family, somehow suffer because of this. And it’s a problem if you work a lot, you don’t realise this in a conscious manner. So this is something I have to work on.

Yang Li: 这是一位大学哲学系讲师, 他的问题是,他一工作起来就把其他一切都忘了。

Finn: He gets lost in his work.

Yang Li: 这就影响到他与家人和朋友的关系。

Finn: Good relationships with family and friends suffer.

Yang Li: 这是他要急待解决的问题。

Finn: Something to work on. Li, I think this is something I need to work on as well in fact. I think I work too hard, don’t you think?

Yang Li: Well, I think it applies to both of us. Now, the New Year celebration is about to start.

Finn: And you know, we're still inside the studio, what's going on? Come on Li, it’s time to say Happy New year to all our listeners and friends of BBC Learning English.

Yang Li: 那好,我们现在就预祝大家。

Both: 新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成。
