英语听力精选进阶版 7854(在线收听

Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉, 欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。Preparation for 2012 London Olympics is soon to be completed, 伦敦奥运准备如火如荼,从三月份门票开始预售之后,很多人都纷纷订购。那么住在奥运村周围的居民们是不是也同样兴奋呢?Earlier on my colleague Steve Eggington went to Stratford 斯特拉特福德.


Steve: I'm here at the construction site of the London 2012 Olympics in Stratford, East London. I can see the Olympic stadium in front of me, which is nearly finished, and also the swimming pool. The rest of the area is being dug up by diggers, and is full of lorries and construction workers trying to get the site ready for the Games next year.

Yang Li: Stratford 位于伦敦东区 East London. It's definitely all go in that part of London! Steve is keen to find out what the mood is among the people living locally:


Steve: At the sight of all these, kind of, buildings and stadiums going up, do you feel proud to be a Londoner, living close by?

Man: Very much so. I think it's a brilliant idea. I mean, it's just going to bring so many people around here, which will reflect the people who live here. So, it's not going to be strange or anything, it's just going to be more people, and… and the atmosphere, I would imagine, would be brilliant.

Woman: I always love seeing big, very exciting sort of building projects, because I've worked in building.And this one, obviously, is the most ambitious one I've ever seen. And it always looks a total mess when it's at this stage, and then when the finished product arrives, you know, it's always a tremendous transformation, and we just can't wait now - because we know all the building's going to be finished by July – to see how it's going to be.

Yang Li: They both sounded very positive didn't they? The man said that it's a brilliant idea - a very good idea. The woman said that she can't wait to see the finished product which will be a tremendous transformation 巨大的变化。She can't wait; a similar expression would be to look forward to something. Listen to this:


Man: Looking very, very much forward to it, yeah. Well, I think the whole thing, obviously, it's a great spectator sport. But the whole ambience and atmosphere that it's going to create, and, you know, not just in Stratford and London but throughout the whole country. There'll be that feel-good factor which is what's very much needed at the moment.

Yang Li: A great spectator sport 精彩的观赏性运动,整个气氛,氛围就是 ambience and atmosphere, which will create a feel-good factor. 创造一种良好的感觉。However, not all local residents think the same. 接下来我们听听当地居民都有哪些抱怨。


Man: Well, I just think, at the end of the day, the only thing it's there for is entrepreneurs to make money. To be honest with you I think (it's) going to be a real problem to us living there, with regards to traffic, and everything else that's happening round even now. I mean, for the last four years it's been absolute murder to live there because of digging up roads, and we're having to put up with all that. It's been like living in a building site, actually.

Yang Li: There are three phrases I'd like to highlight. ''It's been murder, murder ''这个词的原意是杀人,此处是一种 夸张的用法,意思是住在工地附近非常遭殃。It has been absolute murder to live there. Why has it been so bad? Because they've had to put up with the transformation. ''To put up with something'' 意思是忍受。He sounded quite negative didn't he? 他说, at the end of the day 说到底,赚钱的还不是那些企业公司吗?接下来我们听听同 Steve 交谈的另一个人怎么说?


Steve: Why are you particularly not looking forward to the Olympics, and what do you think is good or bad about the way it's been arranged?

Man: Well, the ticket pricing is bad. I mean, you're not there for a day pass like at Wimbledon where I go quite often and you get Centre Court for the day. It doesn't work like that. It just works… you've got two or three events, or one event, and you've got to go, oh…You've got to move to somewhere else, so I find it absolutely ridiculous. And it's well priced out of the area around here. You've got no chance – locals – of getting tickets..

Yang Li:This man complained about the ticket prices being too high. 票价太高,远远超出了当地人的支付能力 to price someone out of something. 他认为当地人花钱去看比赛是不可能的,not a chance, no possibility. 他说当地人承受了六年基本建设带来的不便应该得到某种补贴才对 to be subsidised in some way. Well, whether you can't wait for the Olympics or whether you think it's absolutely ridiculous, London is certainly going to put on a show! Next week we are going to continue the topic of London 2012 by looking at the Torch Relay 火炬传递。What is it that British people want to shine a light on during the relay? Join me again next week. Bye bye.
