英语听力精选进阶版 7862(在线收听

William+Li: Diamond 钻石,platinum 铂金,white gold 白色金, classic, 古典的 elegant 优雅的 brilliance and lustre 色泽精美的。

Wiliam: Well, those are just some of the words that you'll be hearing in today's programme, a special to mark London Jewellery Week. Hi, I am William Kremer.

Yang Li:I'm Yang Li. 为了了解一下伦敦珠宝周我早些时候去采访了一番。Earlier I went to Hatton Garden, the home of jewellery in London to find out what makes the perfect ring. 完美的戒指。I spoke with the manager of a shop called Alchemy. Gary has been in the jewellery industry for 30 years. I asked him what type of rings people are keen on.

William: But before we listen, here are a couple of expressions to prepare you: the brilliance and lustre of diamond rings...

Yang Li: 钻戒呈现出的完美和光泽。

William: The shimmering effect of the mirror finish.

Yang Li: 经抛光处理后的闪光效果。

Gary: Well, people will want diamond rings because they want the brilliance and the life and lustre of the diamond ring. They must always be in 18 carat gold or in platinum so you get the shimmering effect of the mirror finish on the gold or the metal that it's made in. It's important that you have the lustre and life within the stone so it gives the necessary radiance for brilliance and sunshine that you get out of the diamond itself.

William: What did he say about the usual type of material to use with a diamond ring? Let's listen again.

Gary: Well, people will want diamond rings because they want the brilliance and the life and lustre of the diamond ring. They must always be in 18 carat gold or in platinum so you get the shimmering effect of the mirror finish on the gold or the metal that it's made in.

William: Did you get it? He said, they must always be in 18 carat gold or in platinum so you get the shimmering effect of the mirror finish on the gold or the metal that it's made in.

Yang Li: That's right, it's a bit technical here. 钻石必须是镶在18k金或铂金的指环里,以便达到最精美的光泽色彩。

William: So, that is obviously the classic model of a perfect ring. But what is the modern take?

Gary: So the modern take today is to have the classic setting of a single stone ring but now, to enhance it even further, we're putting diamonds all the way around it and down the shoulders of the shank of the ring – which is the bit that goes around the finger – just to make the overall look bigger and more lustrous and enhance the overall beauty of the ring.

Yang Li: Gary 告诉我说,最时髦的指环是在古典单粒美钻的基础上,将钻石覆盖的范围一直扩展到指环的两边,这样总体感觉更充盈华贵。

William: Sonow that we've learned something from the expert let's see what ordinary Londoners say about their perfect ring. Try to catch as many adjectives as possible:

Yang Li:You are going to hear the word闪光的 sparkly, 还有优雅的

elegant and graceful.

Li: Can you describe your perfect ring – what is it like?

Woman: I've got my perfect ring right here; my husband got it for me. It's very sparkly, it's elegant, it's graceful, it's got a nice original aspect to it and design; and he couldn't have done any better really.

Yang Li: A man I spoke to used these words to describe his perfect ring: solitaire or single stone 单石的。

Man: The perfect ring would be a nice solitaire or single stone set in platinum, simple and it's nice.

Yang Li: The next person I stopped on the street was a young woman who was looking to buy an emerald cut ring 寻找一个绿宝石的钻戒。She was looking for clarity and flawlessness. 纯净无瑕的 less detail and more elegant. 不要太过精雕细刻,要更为优雅的式样。


Woman: Well, we'll be looking for an emerald cut ring all day today. Sort of looking more at clarity and we're looking for flawless, obviously. Maybe less details making it a bit more elegant, so I can wear it with anything.

William: Well I hope you enjoyed this programme today for London Jewellery week.

Yang Li: 再见。
