TED演讲 获奖青少年,科技在行动(3)(在线收听

 Hi everyone. I'm Shree Bose. 大家好,我是斯里·波色。

I was the 17-18 year-old age category winner and then the grand prize winner. 我是17-18岁组的冠军,也是大奖得主 。
And I want all of you to imagine a little girl holding a dead blue spinach plant. 我希望你们所有人,想象一个小女孩拿着一个死亡的蓝色菠菜 。
And she's standing in front of you and she's explaining to you 她就站在你面前,向你解释
that little kids will eat their vegetables if they're different colors. 小孩会吃蔬菜,如果它们的颜色是不同的。
Sounds ridiculous, right. But that was me years ago. 这挺起来很不可思议,是吧,但这是几年前的我 。
And that was my first science fair project. It got a bit more complicated from there. 那是我第一个科学展项目,从那以后就变得复杂了。
My older brother Panaki Bose spent hours of his time explaining atoms to me when I barely understood basic algebra. 我的哥哥帕纳吉·波色花了很多时间跟我解释原子,当我还对基本代数没什么概念的时候。
My parents suffered through many more of my science fair projects, including a remote controlled garbage can. 我的科学展项目给我的父母带来了很多困扰,包括了一个遥控移动垃圾箱。
And then came the summer after my freshman year, when my grandfather passed away due to cancer. 然后就迎来了我高一的暑假,
And I remember watching my family go through that 也是我爷爷因为癌症去世的时候,
and thinking that I never wanted another family to feel that kind of loss. 我记得看着家人们承受这些痛苦,想着我永远都不要别的家庭也经受这种失去。
So, armed with all the wisdom of freshman year biology, 所以,用高一生物知识来武装起来,
I decided I wanted to do cancer research at 15. Good plan. 在我15岁的时候,我决定研究癌症,这是个很棒的计划。
So I started emailing all of these professors in my area asking to work under their supervision in a lab. 所以,我开始向这个领域的所有教授写信,询问能否在他们的监督下在实验室工作。
Got rejected by all except one. 除了一位,其它的全都拒绝了我。
And then went on, my next summer, to work under Dr. Basu at the UNT Health Center at Fort Worth, Texas. 就这样,在第二个暑假,在位于得克萨斯州华兹堡市的UNT健康中心,我开始了在巴苏博士的指导下工作。
And that is where the research began. 那里就是研究如何开始的。