英语听力精选进阶版 7870(在线收听

Yang Li: Are you interested in art? Art in all its forms?

William: If you are then you are in for a treat today as we are going to take you to the summer exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts. Hi, I'm William Kremer.

Yang Li: And I'm Yang Li. 今天我们要介绍皇家美术学院的夏季展。The Summer Exhibition - one of my favourites.

William: Our guide today is Edith Devaney, head curator for the summer exhibition.

Hello, my name is Edith Devaney and I work at the Royal Academy of Arts and look after the annual summer exhibition.

Yang Li: Edith 是夏季展的主管馆员,她介绍了夏季展览会的特点,请大家注意听今年有多少参展作品?

Well, it's very popular, both in terms of the artists who submit work for consideration, and in terms of visitor numbers as well; and this year we had 12,000 submissions, which is quite a significant number.

William: Did you get it? There are 12,000 submissions this year. Quite impressive!

Yang Li: 是的,今年提交给上来的作品一共有一万两千件。 Submissions 意思是提交。

William: One significant fact about the Royal Academy's annual Summer Exhibition is that it is the world's largest open submission art show. And it's already in its 243rd year!

Yang Li: It's certainly one of the oldest art institutions in the UK. But what is unique about its summer exhibition? I asked Edith.

We say that it's a slice of contemporary art. Everything that we show here has to have been executed in the last one or two years; it has to be very current, and it's a mixture of all styles.

Yang Li: A slice of contemporary art. 现代艺术的一个缩影。而且每件展品都必须是在近一两年内完成,制成的 executed. 参展作品都有哪些风格呢?Here is Edith again:

We have oil paintings on canvas, we have paintings on boards, we have acrylic paintings, there are watercolours, there are prints - the different variety of print-making is amazing, from woodblock printing, to etching, to computer-generated printing. We have photography now, we have sculpture and we have architecture. There's also some video art and film, so it's all here.

William: Well it seems that the summer exhibition covers every single style of artistic work that you can imagine.

Yang Li: Indeed. Let's take a look at the key words associated with art.

William: Oil paintings on canvas.

Yang Li: 帆布油画。

William: Acrylic paintings.

Yang Li: 丙烯画。

William: Watercolours.

Yang Li: 水彩画。

William: Woodblock printing.

Yang Li: 木版画。

William: Etching.

Yang Li: 蚀刻板画。

William: She also mentioned photography.

Yang Li: 她还提到了摄影作品。

William: And finally there's sculpture and architecture.

Yang Li: 再有就是雕塑和建筑设计作品。 Wow what a list!

William: It sounds like a feast of visual art! I think we'd better listen to that clip again.

We have oil paintings on canvas, we have paintings on boards, we have acrylic paintings, there are watercolours, there are prints - the different variety of print-making is amazing, from woodblock printing, to etching, to computer-generated printing. We have photography now, we have sculpture and we have architecture. There's also some video art and film, so it's all here.

William: As we know there are lots of galleries and museums in the UK. So what marks the Royal Academy out as different from other artistic institutions?

We have a group of academicians, who are eminent artists and architects, who are elected to be members here and to run it. So it's very much artist-focused.

Yang Li: 英国皇家美术学院的特点是它以艺术家为核心,是一支由显赫艺术家和建筑学家组成的学院院士的队伍来管理的艺术机构。Will, would you mind giving us the following phrases?

William: Not at all.

Yang Li: 显赫艺术家。

William: Eminent artists.

Yang Li: 建筑学家。

William: Architects.

Yang Li: 学院院士。

William: Academicians.

Yang Li: Well thanks Will. 最后,也是最重要的就是,皇家美术学院同意提供一些展览的照片,非常难得,欢迎收看有声图辑。谢谢,再会!

William: Cheerio!
