英语听力精选进阶版 7871(在线收听

I'm Richard Witman. We have a pick your own farm in Enfield, which is about 50 acres altogether, which draws on people from North London and all the areas around us as well.

Rob: So Helen, you've been to a farm have you?

Helen: 是的,我去了农场,that's where I was recently. 这个农场还挺大的,有50多英亩呢 50 acres.

Rob: So did you have fun?

Helen: Yes, lots. We had a brilliant time there.

Rob: Hello, I'm Rob. Welcome to On the Town.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen. 欢迎收听BBC 《都市掠影》节目。

Rob: So Helen, you went to a pick your own farm then. Tell me more about that.

Helen: Sure. Pick your own 是个什么样的农场呢?这里的主人 Richard Witman 给我做了介绍。


Basically a place where we grow crops exclusively for people to come in and pick their own fruit. We don't pick any fruit for supermarkets or any other retailers. If you want our fruit you have to come here, pick it and then it's weighed when you leave the farm and you pay for the amount that you've picked.

Rob: So everything on the farm is grown exclusively for people to pick their own fruit. Exclusively here has the same meaning as only.

Helen: Exclusive 这个词的意思是独有的,唯一的。Pick your own 顾名思义,也就是自摘农场。 这里的水果或者是蔬菜是只供给人们亲自到农场里摘的。

Rob: So the farm doesn't supply any supermarkets or any other retailers.

Helen: Retailer 零售商。农场也不给超市或者其他零售商提供蔬果产品。

Rob: People can come and pick whatever they like and pay for their pickings on the way out.

Helen: That's right. 我们在农场里摘了水果,先放篮子里。最后离开的时候在门口秤完分量一起给钱。

Rob: So what kind of fruits and vegetables can you pick at the farm?

Helen: That's what I asked Paul who was there with his family.


Helen: So what have you picked today?

Paul: So far we've got some raspberries and strawberries, we are off to get some blackcurrants, and I think there's some – I can't remember what – there's another fruit around, I think there's a fourth one, and there's not very much of them, so we've got to get to them quite quickly.

Helen: Paul 和他的家人摘了好几种水果。

Rob: They picked some raspberries.

Helen: 木莓 raspberries, 玫瑰红颜色的水果,小小一粒粒的,味道有点酸。

Rob: Also strawberries. My kids love strawberries.

Helen: Mine too. 草莓 strawberries.

Rob: Blackcurrants, these are quite delicate fruits.

Helen: I know what you mean. 黑加仑 blackcurrants, 黑乎乎的,营养可好了。

Rob: What's the fourth one?

Helen: Well, Paul couldn't remember the name, but I know he was also after blackberries 黑莓。摘的时候要当心,藤上刺蛮多的,比较扎手。

Rob: Apart from fruits, there are vegetables for picking as well. Here's Roger.


On the vegetable front, we do quite a range. At the moment, we would have green onions, beetroot, spinach, Swiss chard, sweetcorn, tomatoes.

Helen: 除了水果之外,在这里还有菜园。农场主 Roger 介绍了一些蔬菜品种。比如大葱。

Rob: Green onions.

Helen: 甜菜根。

Rob: Beetroot. People like to use it in salads; it has a rich purple red colour.

Helen: 我在农场里还看到菠菜。

Rob: Spinach.

Helen: 玉米。

Rob: Sweetcorn.

Helen: 番茄。

Rob: Tomatoes.

Helen: 还有瑞士甜菜,有的时候也叫做牛皮菜。

Rob: That's Swiss chard. It's a very leafy vegetable, a bit like spinach, and its stalk can come in three colours, white, yellow or red.

Helen: Really, I didn't know that. Thanks for the information. 在农场里大家都很积极的摘采着自己喜欢的水果和蔬菜,我问了他们对 pick your own 的看法是什么样的。


Woman: This is my first time come to this kind of farm, so I really enjoy. I pick up some strawberry, and it looks just so beautiful and firm, for photograph that's perfect.

Man 1: Just a day out with my family, to pick some fruit and enjoy the weather.

Man 2: It's lots more fun, you can wander around and get messy, especially if you've kids like I have, I have got a little two year old.

Rob: So most people come to have some fun with their family.

Helen: Yes, I think so. 大家都把这一天当春游一样 a day out with their family. 有位女士也是第一次感受自摘水果的经历,她很喜欢。

Rob: She really enjoyed it and also took some great photos.

Helen: Absolutely, 她摘了草莓,还拍了很多漂亮的特写照片。

Rob: Did people mind the mud?

Helen: 泥泞 mud. Not really. 农场没有很多泥泞的地。不过我们都是有备而来的,沾点泥土没问题。我看到不少小朋友,在忙碌的摘水果。


What did you pick?

Some blackcurrants.

Strawberry, I like strawberries.

Will you be coming back?

Yes, I will be back.

Rob: Oh, that's so sweet. Sadly that's all we have time for but we'll be back with more programmes soon.

Helen: 感谢收听,下次再会。Bye!

Rob: Bye!
