英语听力精选进阶版 7879(在线收听

Rob: Did you know that London's underground train system is the oldest in the world?

Helen: Yes, I think the first stations were built in the late 19th century; quite a long time ago.

Rob: That's right. It's also one of the biggest subway systems on the planet and has more than 400 kilometres of track.

Helen: Really, wow, these are tube facts I didn't know. Very interesting.

Rob: The London Underground has a rich history and today we're going to hear about the architectural importance of the tube stations.

Hello, I'm Rob. Welcome to On the Town.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen. 欢迎收听BBC 都市掠影节目。今天我们将听听伦敦地铁站对建筑设计的贡献。在伦敦我们都叫地铁 the tube. 首先,你能从英格兰遗产保护协会工作人员 Simon Thurley 的介绍中听出伦敦地铁有几个站吗?

There are about 275 stations in the network, 54 of which are already on the list, and quite a few of those were listed a long time ago. You know, the thing that happens is that taste changes. And people, I think, appreciate a lot more now architecture from the 1930s and 40s.

Helen: 听到了吗?伦敦地铁系统有275个站。Simon 提到了54个地铁站都上了一个list 名单? 这是什么名单呢?

Rob: He's talking about the listed buildings list. This list is specifically for buildings of architectural interest or historical importance. These buildings are protected.

Helen: 保护建筑名单。上了这个名单的建筑都受法律保护,不能轻易改动。

Rob: We often hear the phrase listed building and this means it has become an important part of our heritage and it's protected by law.

Helen: 为什么现在这些地铁站也成了保护建筑对象呢?

Rob: Simon thinks people's tastes change and he thinks that architecture from the 1930s and 40s is more appreciated by people nowadays.

Helen: 建筑设计 architecture. 现在很多人对30年代和40年代的建筑感兴趣,认为值得保护。

Rob: BBC reporter Alice Bhandhukravi visited one such architectural example, Belsize Park station.

Helen: 请留意 Alice 对建筑的形容,ornate 华丽的,fa?ade 建筑的正面,前门楼,restored 修复。

Belsize Park tube station was built in 1907. It's got these ornate Edwardian railings. But the really special thing is the fa?ade, which is made up of these beautiful pomegranate-coloured tiles, which have been individually restored.

Rob: Belsize Park is a station in the north west of London. It was built in 1907.

Helen: Belsize Park 地铁站是1907年修建的。Alice 指出了车站外的栏杆 railings 是爱德华时代的设计。不过最吸引人的是这个车站的外墙 the fa?ade.

Rob: The fa?ade is made up of beautiful pomegranate-coloured tiles which have been individually restored.

Helen: 石榴 pomegranate, 车站外墙上贴的是石榴红颜色的瓷砖,每一块都被精心修复过 individually restored.

Rob: It's quite amazing that after 100 years, some of the oldest tube stations still have so many original features in place.

Helen: 是的,每天成千上万的乘客都会使用伦敦的地铁站,要想保持建筑的原样真的是不容易。这些100多年前修建的车站是怎样做到这一点的呢?英国国家遗产大臣 John Penrose 认为这是因为它们一直都很实用,because they work.

One of the reasons why they've lasted, and one of the reasons why many of their original features are still there and are still intact, is because they work; because they are fit for purpose and therefore they haven't needed to be changed that much.

Rob: John says that the stations are fit for purpose and haven't needed to be changed.

Helen: 适合修建的目的 fit for purpose. 这么多年都没有改建的需要,所以很多原始的设计风格 original features 都被保留下来了,they are still intact. Just wondering which is your favourite station then, Rob?

Rob: I think it's Regent's Park station, because they've created the old look of the station. How about you?

Helen: I like Charing Cross; it's got lovely mosaic tiles on the platforms.

Rob: Mmm, that's right.

Helen: 希望大家以后也能亲自到伦敦地铁里看一看。 感谢收听,下次再会。Bye bye!

Rob: Bye bye!
