英语听力精选进阶版 7888(在线收听

Callum: Hello, I'm Callum and this is On the Town. With me today is Helen. Hello Helen.

Helen: Hi Callum.

Callum: Now, I've got a little quiz for you.

Helen: 小测验?没问题,你说吧。

Callum: What do you think I'm talking about? There are over 50,000 of these in Britain and about 7,000 in London. What are they?

Helen: 在英国有5万个,在伦敦有7千个。 是不是中餐馆?

Callum: No, but a very good guess, it's along the right lines. I'm talking about the traditional British pub. The boozer.

Helen: The boozer?

Callum: Yes, that's another name for pubs. Boozers, from the word booze which is a common word for alcohol. Have a listen to this – this is a recording I made of a short shopping trip near our office. As you listen, can you count how many pubs I mention?

Helen: 那么让我们边听边数你提到了几个酒吧。

Well I've just popped out of the office, I'm going to do a little bit of shopping and go and get some lunch and I'm going to take a very unscientific survey and just see how many pubs I pass in this part of London.

Okay, this is the first one I've just passed, it's called The Marquis of Anglesey, and it's offering its 'famous pies' and it's right next door to another one called The Globe.

Let's cross the road and here are two more on the opposite side of the street to each other, we have The Nag's Head and The White Lion. They're all over the place.

And here's another one, it's called The Crown and Anchor and on my right we have The Cross Keys and here we have The Sun and coming up on my left, here's another one, The Prince of Wales. And if I just look to my right down this street we have The Freemasons Arms.

That's the end of my little lunchtime shopping trip and I can't remember how many pubs I actually passed. Must have been seven or eight. Now admittedly, I wasn't counting coffee chains or sandwich bars, I'm sure I passed many more of those but it does still seem as if the traditional British pub is still very prominent.

Helen: 你说了几个酒吧?大概7个或者8个吧。

Callum: Well actually there were nine, I had completely lost count.

Helen: 9个酒吧,才短短几分钟,你就看到了这么多个酒吧?

Callum: I should say of course that that was an edited piece. It was longer than a couple of minutes I was walking for but all these pubs were within about a kilometre radius and that was just the ones I passed.

Helen: 这些酒吧的名字也很特别,是不是?

Callum: Yes, many pub names go back hundreds of years and often follow a similar pattern. They'll be "The Something" as we heard in my walk there was The Sun, The Globe, The Prince of Wales. And another common form of pub names is "The Something and Something" – such as The Crown and Anchor. This reminds me of a game we used to play when I was a young child. The game was called Pub Cricket and it was based on the names of pubs.

Helen: Pub cricket? 这是什么游戏?

Callum: Well it was a game we played in the car on long journeys, as a way to pass the time. You would look on your side of the road and you'd score points depending on the name of the pub. You'd score a point for each limb or body part in the name.

Helen: 如果酒吧名字里提到动物或人的肢体部位,那么就可以算出能得几分。

Callum: Yes, so for example if I passed a pub called The White Horse how many points would I score?

Helen: 如果酒吧的名字是白马?那就是4分,因为马有4条腿。

Callum: Four, that's right and a pub called the King's Head would get you one point.

Helen: 这个酒吧叫国王头,这个头就算1分。 这倒挺有意思的。

Callum: Well it was quite fun as a young child, I remember, but I guess it is a game you could play now walking around the streets of London.

Helen: 那么你中午出去遛达的时候累计了几分呢?

Callum: Well that's a good question. I tell you what, try and work it out yourself. I'll put the answer on the website – see if you can get the same score.

Helen: 好主意,我正好出去放松一下,玩玩 pub cricket!

Callum: And I might just go and visit a pub myself too. Just for research of course! Bye.

Helen: Bye!

Callum's pub cricket score

The Marquis of Angelsey... 4

The Globe... 0

The Nag's Head... 1

The White Lion... 4

The Crown and Anchor... 0

The Cross Keys... 0

The Sun... 0

The Prince of Wales... 4

The Freemason's Arms... 2

TOTAL 15 points
