英语听力精选进阶版 7891(在线收听

Michelle: Hello and welcome to a special On the Town as we say goodbye to 2011 and welcome in the new year.

Crowds: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...!

Michelle: I'm Michelle.

Li: 大家好,我是杨莉。 And here in the UK it's almost time to say Happy New Year! Out with the old and in with the new… Now Michelle I have to say you're looking in a rather reflective mood 回顾与反思。

Michelle: Well I suppose I always get reflective at New Year's Eve. It always gets me thinking about all the highlights and good times of the last year.

Li: 是的,过去一年的大事和好时光。

Michelle: And of course 2011 saw some major events here in London.

Li: 是的,2011是不平凡的一年,其中值得一提的是伦敦骚乱事件,后来又扩展到了伦敦以外的其他地区,对此媒体进行了大量报道。It was a major news story here in the UK.

Michelle: Absolutely. But on a lighter note I must say one of the most memorable events of the year for me had to be the royal wedding.

Li: Ah yes the Royal Wedding of course! It was royal wedding mania 王室婚礼狂热 here in London.

Michelle: All the shops near my house ran out of scones and cream because everyone wanted some for the big day.

Li: Mmmm scones 这是一种小松饼,抹上奶油特好吃,是英国传统午茶的配套小点心,在举行皇家婚礼期间英国人们纷纷举行庆祝茶会,结果这种小松饼被抢购一空。

Michelle: Come on then Li, let's remind ourselves of Kate and William's first appearance as a married couple…

Commentator: Balcony doors are opened. Newly married couple stepping for the first time onto this famous balcony as husband and wife, now part of our royal wedding tradition.

Li: 我看咱们还是不要太多情善感了吧。 After all, New Year's Eve is a time to look forward to things to come.

Michelle: You're right. And London will be a very exciting place to be in 2012. We asked people what they were most looking forward to next year. Let's hear what they said…

I just think I'm looking forward to the summer and going to Hampstead Heath. Just chilling out. It's a bit outside of central London so there's lots of green parks and trees and space where you can kind of just get away from central London and the noise for a bit.

In 2012 I'm really looking forward to being part of the Olympic atmosphere. Unfortunately because of the ballot I only got tickets to see Greco-Roman wrestling, But I'm hoping to absorb some of the atmosphere.

Li: So the first man here is looking forward to the summer already! 刚才讲话的男子说,他盼着夏天到来,到伦敦北部一个叫 Hampstead Heath 的地区,那里树木葱葱,远离伦敦市中心的噪音。

Michelle: And of course how could we not talk about the biggest event to come to London for years – the 2012 Olympics? But I have to say the woman there got tickets to quite a strange-sounding sport: 'Greco-Roman wrestling'. I've never even heard of it.

Li: Greco-Roman wrestling 意思是希腊罗马式的摔跤,也是奥林匹克运动会中的一个赛项,不过这个名字是十九世纪从法国开始的。She sounded a bit disappointed she didn't get tickets for anything else.

Michelle: Maybe she was hoping to get to see some track events! But the main thing is she said she's looking forward to 'absorbing some of the atmosphere' – or as we often say, 'soaking up the atmosphere'.

Li: 尽情享受这种气氛 soaking up the atmosphere. There's certainly going to be a lot of hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘,忙忙乱乱 in London next year.

Michelle: Now let's listen to this next man. We asked him what he was looking forward to next year. What's he planning on doing?

Leaving London because (of) the Olympics… the tube will be a nightmare. If you get on it now at 9 in the morning or 10, you're going to have to wait for two tubes, you can't move, it's horrible. And when everyone comes I just think it's going to be worse and collapse, so I'm going to go.

Li: So he wants to get out of London 想离开伦敦 because he thinks the Tube will be a nightmare 让人头疼得事,噩梦 with all the extra people.

Michelle: He's probably right – but it's all part of the atmosphere. Although I must say of all the big events next year, I think the one I'm most looking forward to is the World Shakespeare Festival.

Li: Ah! Me too! 莎士比亚节将是2012年的重大活动,纪念这位大文豪的不朽成就。So you're a bit of a theatre fanatic 戏迷 as well then Michelle?

Michelle: I suppose I am. And I know how much you love Shakespeare Li. But before we get too carried away about 2012, let's not wish our lives away. We've got New Year's Eve parties to prepare for!

Li: You're right. So it's time to stop being 'reflective' Michelle. Let's 'soak up some atmosphere' 好了,让我们以著名的苏格兰乐曲 Auld Lang Syne.《友谊地久天长》来结束今天的节目吧。我是杨莉,祝大家新年愉快,开心!
