留美老师带你每日说英文 第1092期:因给老师买烟而学会抽烟(在线收听


I want to apologize to to Ms Amundson, my ESL teacher. She used to send me to go get cigarettes from the liquor store, and I would steal two or three cigarettes, you know. And that's the way I learned how to smoke, you know.


1.ESL 专给母语非英语的人的英语课程
ESL (n.) 专给母语非英语的人的英语课程

2.cigarette 香烟
cigarette (n.) 香烟
cigar (n.) 雪茄
nicotine (n.) 尼古丁
tobacco (n.) 烟草

3.liquor 酒;烈酒
liquor (n.) 酒;烈酒
alcohol (n.) 酒精;酒
vodka (n.) 伏特加酒
whisky (n.) 威士忌酒
