留美老师带你每日说英文 第1096期:年轻人会感觉寂寞的原因(在线收听


Researchers from the University of Manchester who analysed the data, suggested feeling lonely may plague the young because it's a time of identity change. Figuring out your place in the world and of learning to regulate emotions.


1.analyse 分解;分析
analyse (v.) 分解;分析
analytical (adj.) 分析的

2.suggest 建议,提议
suggest (v.) 建议,提议
advise (v.) 劝告,忠告

3.plague 使染瘟疫;使受灾祸
plague (v.) 使染瘟疫;使受灾祸
plagiarize (v.) 抄袭;剽窃

4.identify 确认;识别
identify (v.) 确认;识别
identify with sb (ph.) (与某人)认同;认为...等同于

5.regulate 管理;控制
regulate (v.) 管理;控制
regular (adj.) 规则的,有规律的
