美国小学英语教材3:第134课 我们的假期(在线收听

 Part six Festival Stories 第六部分 节日的故事

Our Holidays 我们的假期
Our holidays are the happiest days of the year. 假期是一年中最快乐的时光。
Each one reminds us of something that helps to make us feel joyful. 每个假期都会有一些让我们高兴的事儿留在我们的记忆中。
What are the things that make you happy on Thanksgiving or Christmas or on someone's birthday? 在过感恩节、圣诞节或者某个人生日的时候,让你高兴的事情是什么呢?
Some of the stories in this part of your book are about the holidays that you love best. 本书这一部分的故事是关于你最爱的假期的。
Each story should remind you of something wonderful that happened on that day. 每则故事都应该会让你想起那一天发生的有趣的事。
Perhaps these stories will help you to think of new ways to enjoy your holidays, and to make others happy, too, on those days. 或许,这些故事会让你想出一个新的方式来度过假期,让其他人在这些节日里也感到快乐。
When you make others happy, then you will know what some holidays are really for. 当你在让其他人快乐的时候,你就会知道这些假期的真正意义。