美国小学英语教材4:第126课 每个国家都有自己的英雄(2)(在线收听


Clara E. Lynch 克拉拉·E·林奇
The story of the famous deeds of Beowulf was first written down in a long poem about one thousand years ago. 《贝奥武夫》的故事最早写于一千年前的一首长诗。
But hundreds of years before this poem was written, minstrels in Denmark and Sweden told and sang the story of the great hero. 但在几百年前这首诗被写出来之前,丹麦和瑞典的吟游诗人就开始讲述和歌唱这位伟大英雄的故事。
As you read the story, try to find out why Beowulf was so loved by all. 当你读这个故事时,试着找出贝奥武夫受人爱戴的原因。
Many, many years ago, a king named Hrothgar ruled over the Danes. 很久很久以前,一个叫赫罗斯加的国王统治着丹麦。
This king was a very brave man and won many battles when he went to fight against his enemies. 这个国王非常勇敢,在和敌人多次战役中取胜。
He was ever thinking what he could do to make his people happy, and they loved him greatly. 他一直在想他能做些什么来使他的子民幸福,人民非常爱戴他。
King Hrothgar decided to build a splendid hall, larger and more beautiful than had ever been seen before. 赫斯塔格国王决定建一个富丽堂皇的大厅,这个大厅要比以往任何时候都更大更漂亮。
So he called his workmen and said: 于是他找来匠人,说道:
"Build me a hall, great and wide, and when it is built, I will call all my brave warriors into it and give them rich presents." “给我造一个又大又宽的大厅,建成后,我要把我所有的勇士召集到里面,送他们丰厚的礼物。”