英语听力精选进阶版 8037(在线收听

North Korea, it's one of the most closed and repressive society on earth. Yet, as thedictatorship is very hard, a university largely paid for by the west is attempting to open theminds of the state future elite. The BBC has gained unprecedented access to the PyongyangUniversity of Science and Technology and witness the education of the regime's nextgeneration. Chris Rogers reports.


They are the sons of some of the most powerful men in North Korea, including senior militaryfigures, marching to class singing songs about war. ‘Our supreme commander KimJong-unwe'll defend him with our lives' they sing. 500 students hand picked by KimJong-un's regime to receive the western education at the Pyongyang University of Science andTechnology or PUST. The university's goal is to equip them with the skills to help modernizethe impoverished country and engage with the International community. All classes are inEnglish. And many of the lecturers are American. Remarkable, considering North Korea has fordecades isolated itself from the outside world and America is its hated enemy. Over breakfast,some tell me they are warming to the Americans, if not to the US government.


"When you first met a foreigner, an American, were you wary? Were you nervous of meetingan American?"


"Of course first time we were nervous. American people is different from US."


PUST's founder and president Dr. James Chin-Kyung Kim, the Korean and Americanentrepreneur was invited by the regime to build PUST, based on a similar university he'dopened in China. He raised much of the 20 million pounds it cost from American and SouthKorean Christian charities.


"I am full of thanks, thankful to this government. They can trust and give me all authority inmy hand operating this school. Can you believe it?"


It is had to believe. According to human rights groups, North Korean citizens found practicingChristianity are persecuted.

