英语听力精选进阶版 8061(在线收听

President Obama says Russia has put itself on thewrong side of history by violating Ukraine'ssovereignty. He told reporters of the White House that the US was looking at a diplomaticand economic measures intended to isolate Russia.

What cannot be done is for Russia with impunity to put its soldiers on the ground and violatebasic principles that are recognized around the world. And I think the strong condemnationthat it's received from countries around the world indicates the degree which Russia is on thewrong side of history on this.

The US State Department said reports that Russia had given Ukrainian forces in Crimea anultimatum to surrender or face assault, if true, would signal a dangerous escalation. TheRussians said no such demand had been made. Christian Fraser reports from the Crimean portof Sevastopol.

Ultimatums have come and gone here without incident. This time according to the Ukrainianside, a deadline has been set for Tuesday morning. The Russian said there had been no suchthreat. Utter nonsense was the phrase Moscow used. But no doubt the pressure is buildingon those who resist in these Ukrainian bases. In Sevastopol, a cargo ship has now beenmaneuvered into the mouth of the harbor. Beyond it we can see minesweepers patrolling thebay. It underlines the relentless buildup of Russian forces.

Pro-Russian demonstrators have occupied the regional government building in the easternUkrainian city of Donetsk. About 300 protesters forced their way in while a crowd wavingRussian flags and according to one report, chanting “Putin Come”gathered outside.

At the opening of his trial in Pretoria, the South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has pleaded notguilty to murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Mr. Pistorius says he mistook her for anintruder. A witness told the court that she heard screams and gunshots from the couple'sapartment.

The United Nations has proposed a peacekeeping force for the Central African Republic of nearly12,000 troops and police with a robust mandate to protect civilians. At least 2,000 peoplehave died and more than 700,000 have been displaced since December in communal violencethat followed a coup. Here is our UN correspondent, Nick Bryant.

Concerned by how the circle of violence in the Central African Republic could spiral intogenocide, the UN has proposed a peacekeeping force for this war-torn country. Right now,thousands of African Union and French troops are in the country,which will soon be bolsteredby soldiers from the European Union. But the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon would like tosee a blue-helmeted peacekeeping force of up to 10,000 soldiers and 18,000 police. It wouldinclude troops from the African Union already on the ground. He would like the force to be givena robust mandate and also adequate resources.

Nick Bryant reporting.

This is the World News from the BBC.

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the Venezuelan authorities tolisten carefully to the aspirations of the protesters and engage in dialogue with theopposition. He was speaking ahead of a scheduled meeting in Geneva with the VenezuelanForeign Minister Elias Jaua. Eighteen people have died in nearly a month of anti-governmentprotests in Caracas and other cities.

An Egyptian government minister has told the BBC that it was a mistake for the authorities toput a group of journalists from the broadcaster Al Jazeera on trial charged with aiding theMuslim Brotherhood. The Minister for Investment and Foreign Trade Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nouralleged of the journalists including a former BBC correspondent Peter Greste had beenworking for a television channel that served the purposes of a terrorist organization. But hesaid he would react differently to the situation. The journalists denied all the charges againstthem.

An attack by suspected Islamist militants in northeastern Nigeria has left more than 30 peopledead. A senator from Borno state told the BBC that the militant group Boko Haram sent awarning before the raid on the town of Mafa on Sunday night and many people fled to thenearby city of Maiduguri. He said soldiers also fled. Nigeria's Interior Minister Abba Moro saysthey are doing everything they can to try and stop the violence, but it will take time.

This is a world blamed series of attacks and activities by the Boko Haram, the civilian activity inNigeria for which these government was not completely prepared to tackle. But at least thatthis government was accepted by the crowd. Every resource that is valuable to combat ourNigerian rebel.

Nigeria's Interior Minister Abba Moro.

Hundreds of Muslims are being protesting in Mauritania's capital Nouakchott following reportsthat copies of Koran had been desecrated at a mosque. The Imam said the 4 men entered themosque, tore apart the books and threw them into a toilet. Police fired teargas to disperse theprotesters.
